
Deleted chapter, do not read!

Somewhere in real life...

"You tell me there's no beatiful woman in USA?! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

"Come on, man, not all women are bad!"

"Then what about the woke and L-"

"Know your limits, the author of this fanfic is only 16 years old."

Rey is currently playing an RPG with his friend.

If you're wondering why he's not playing Pokémon?

It's simple, he really wants to! But unfortunately, his long-time friend invited him to play a different game.

Out of respect for his friend, he has to play the RPG together.

But geez! This game is so boring!

"What's wrong? You look so bored," his friend asks after taking off his headset.

"Well... I want to play a different game."

"A different game? Is there really a game good enough for you to abandon our long-time friendship?"


"Just kidding, lol. So, what game is it?"

Rey looks at him for a moment and then opens Steam to show him.

"...You're a Beta player?"


"You lucky bastard! I want to play that game too!! Why didn't you tell me so I could sign up?!"

"Dude, you never ask anything! Besides, both of us are always busy, when do I even have time to message you?!"

"No no no!!!" His friend falls down, throwing a tantrum like a child.

Suddenly, a kick lands on his face.


"Aren't you going to grow up a little?"

"R-Rin?! What are you doing here?!"

"That's a question for you, Jack."

Rin then sits where Jack was just sitting, takes over the computer, and switches to her account.

"What the?! Why are you taking my seat?!"

Rin ignores Jack's complaints and turns to Rey.

"...What's up?" Rey starts sweating.


"Don't just stay silent like that. I'm not smart enough to guess all your thoughts."

"Why didn't you invite me to the Pokémon group?"

"I forgot."


"Alright, my bad. I'll invite you right away."

"Hey hey, invite me too!" Jack clings to Rey, saying with sparkling eyes.


"Why not?!"

"When you play a Pokémon game, then I'll invite you."

"You jerk! Don't underestimate me!!!" Jack's eyes burn with determination.

"Rey, does this mean you're officially quitting Warcringe?" Rin glances at the Pokémon group chat, then turns to him.

"...Yeah, I'm tired of those games."

"Giving up everything we built? The guild, titles, achievements, and all our members?"

"Since when do you care about those things? But yeah, I'm quitting."


Rey noticed that Rin seemed a bit different today, like she was more confident than usual.

Oh well, that's her business.

Then, Rey saw Rin turn on some anime.

"What are you watching?"

Rin looked at him with deep, dark eyes.

"School Days."


Oceanlover and Birdup were walking together.

"So... are you from the MHA fandom?"



"Then are you a Discord mod?"


"Thank goodness..."

The two kept going back and forth.

"Hey..." Oceanlover asked.


"...Do you love me?"

"I'll kill you, ask a proper question."

"Sorry, I thought you were gay. If you are, stay away from me."

"I'll kill you, you jerk."



"What now?"

"Why does this chapter feel so weird?"

"...What do you mean?"

"I mean... why is this whole chapter just us talking? There's no Pokémon at all. Is this even a Pokémon fanfic?"

"Of course it's a Pokémon fanfic, you idiot."

"If that's the case, then the author should've written this chapter like a battle between Red and Blue, not us just talking!"

"Are you infected with Lukas' syndrome or something? The author has been using Pokémon as a cover to create they own story from the start, total dick move!"

"That bastard of an author, even though they still young, still so cheeky! Daring to use Pokémon to express they crazy mind! What a coward!"

"What did you expect? They uses the excuse of 'I'm writing this for fun' just to avoid legitimate criticism, always making excuses like family stuff, being busy, or whatever to avoid writing new chapters. But in the end, what's the real reason? That fucker is just too lazy to write more!"

"What?! Really?!"

"Didn't you notice? They other novels are all half-finished and abandoned. And do you know what they writes in the summaries?"


"'I'm writing this for fun.'"


"That bastard! They created us and then threw us away like trash?! Unforgivable!"

"Exactly! I can't believe it! She belongs to the street!"

"Yeah! Belongs to th—wait, what did you say?"


"What did you say about... 'She'?"

"...You didn't know? The author of this fanfic..."

Is a girl.



Alright you guys, fuck off, author here.

And hola, yea I'm a girl

I can prove it to you by writing a chapter about my favorite ship, which is Red and Leaf (or Red and Blue, I like that ship too). After all, I did post that fanfic on Wattpad (though I've deleted it already).

If you ask why I added the Harem tag even though I ship Red and Leaf? (Or Blue)

What a silly question! To fool those fools into believing that Red would have a harem, of course!

(But there might be a harem for real, if that's the only way to get more views, hehe).

As for why this chapter is so random, well, I'm lazy and also busy with school, so this chapter was written during some free time.

I'll also be offline for a few days because I read Netu's comment about burnout.

In general, I really appreciate your support; it's thanks to you that I feel motivated to keep posting new chapters.

And what? All my other novels are harem too? Pfft, who said I don't like harems? Plus, those novels are all Gender Bender, so if you try to imagine those characters as their real gender, you'll know what a gay harem is like, hehehehe.

Next chapter