
A New Mission

Hub World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo. 


Three weeks quickly passed after the midterm exam scores were posted, and today was like any other day. Tatsuo was at school, listening to the boring Japanese History lecture in his classroom. 


In those three weeks, other than going to school and hanging out with Chiho and Yakumo, Tatsuo spent his time training with his mother, Mai, and Kasumi. He also spent a part of each night making defensive gear for Kasumi. 


Now, whenever Kasumi went into battle, instead of wearing her classic blue and white shinobi attire, she would wear a predominately black, blue accented, body suit with white gloves and tabi, heeled kunoichi sandals, armored arm and shin guards. On the back of the suit, her name was written in kanji inside a golden circle. She also wore her newly forged wakizashi across her lower back. 


The short sword Kasumi wielded was also a new item forged from one of the fangs of the Giant Sword Tiger. So, it's sharpness and durability were leagues above the one she had been using since before she left the Megen Tenshin village. 


'This is so boring.' Tatsuo thought to himself while spinning his pen between his fingers and blankly looking up at the blackboard at the front of the class. 'I wonder what everyone else is doing.' 


With that thought, Tatsuo opened the [Dimensional Chat] in his mind, pretending to continue to listen to the lecture while reading the chat. 


{[Dimensional Chat] 

Sumire: Tomorrow's your son's birthday? 


Lici: Yup! 

Lici: We're throwing a big birthday party for him tomorrow 


Alfonzo: Yeah 

Alfonzo: I'll be cooking a big feast tomorrow morning 

Alfonzo: Then, we'll celebrate with everyone we know 


Sumire: Cool 

Sumire: I wanna go 

Sumire: But I think I should be on standby here 


James: Why? 

James: Is something happening in your world? 


Sumire: Well, all the Event Dungeons in my world turned into field Dungeons a couple of weeks ago, remember? 

Sumire: And Shin-San is planning to go to the Wyvern Nest with Hwaya-Neesan soon 


Tatsuo (Admin): Oh, it's almost time for that, huh? 

Tatsuo (Admin): I think I'll come to your world to hunt some wyverns 

Tatsuo (Admin): It's so boring going to class every day 

Tatsuo (Admin): I need some excitement in my life 


Sumire: Really? 

Sumire: But wouldn't missing class be bad 


Tatsuo (Admin): Don't worry, I'll think of something 


James: OH, that sounds like fun 

James: I think I'll go, too 

James: I've fought dragons before, but never wyverns 


Lici: Ooh! I wanna go, too 

Lici: Fighting wyverns might be fun 


Alfonzo: I probably can't go 

Alfonzo: I still have to upgrade the Hidden Leaf's training facilities 


Lici: You can just wait a few days to go back 

Lici: This will be the chat's first offline meeting 

Lici: You can't miss it! 


Alfonzo: I know, but… 


Tatsuo (Admin): Sumire-San, can you ask Mastiford-San when they plan on going? 

Tatsuo (Admin): That way, Alfonzo will know if he can come with us, or not 


Sumire: Sure 

Sumire: She'll probably be excited to know that you're coming back, too 


Lici: Oh, did you steal the Flame Witch's heart, too, Tatsuo? 


James: Not bad 

James: If I remember correctly, she's got some pretty big knockers, right? 


Alfonzo: You're definitely from a DxD world, James 

Alfonzo: Nothing but tits on the brain 


James: I resent that statement 

James: Not all my girlfriends have big boobs 

James: Sona is on the modest side, you know 


Sumire: Hwaya-Neesan just said they would be leaving in three days 

Sumire: is that time okay for you, Alfonzo 


Lici: Fonzie? 


Alfonzo: Sure 

Alfonzo: I guess I can push it back for that long 

Alfonzo: Lici, we should probably take a quest before we head over there 

Alfonzo: It would be pretty suspicious if we just disappeared 


Lici: Kay! 


James: Nice 

James: We'll all get to meet in person 

James: This should be fun} 


At that moment, the bell signaling the end of the class ended, and Tatsuo was smiling happily. Though, no one knew that it was because he would get to meet his friends from the [Dimensional Chat]. However, his expression would change soon enough. 


"You look happy." Yakumo said after turning back to look at Tatsuo. "Did something good happen?" 


"Yeah, Kuwabara-Sensei's class is finally over." Tatsuo replied with a smile. "I thought I was really going to fall asleep this time." 


"Well, his voice isn't exactly good at capturing people's attention." Yakumo said. "But you shouldn't fall asleep in class." 


"I know, I know." Tatsuo said while waving dismissively. 


*Buzz!* *Buzz!* *Buzz!* 


At that moment, Tatsuo's smartphone, which was in his pocket, vibrated due to a new notification. At the same time, a [System Notification] popped up in his head. But to not look suspicious, he reached into his pocket and took out his smartphone to read the [Notification]. 




-A mission is available for the members of the [Dimensional Chat]} 


"Gimme a second, I need to check this." Tatsuo said while staring at his smartphone screen with intense focus. 


Being as sensible as she was, Yakumo only nodded while hoping that nothing serious happened. 


Quickly scrolling to the [Missions] sub tab in the [dimensional chat] tab, Tatsuo read the details of the new mission. 


[Mission #2] 


Arrive in Tortus Receive a Status Plate Clear the True Great Orcus Labyrinth Clear the Great Reisen Labyrinth Kill the Demons in the Upper Great Orcus Labyrinth6. Invite a new member to the [Dimensional Chat]

-Number of Participants: 3 Join Mission? Y/N 

-The mission will begin automatically in 6 Days, 23 Hours, and 59 Minutes 

Note: If participants are not chosen by the time limit, they will be chosen at random. 

-Rewards: 2,000 Coins, Random Reward, 1 Random [Dimensional Chat] Invite 

[Begin Mission]} 


'Damn… We were just talking about meeting up in Sumire-San's world.' Tatsuo said as he looked over the [Mission]. 'I wonder if this will mess that up?' 


After thinking that, Tatsuo put his smartphone back in his pocket as if nothing happened. 


"Is everything alright?" Yakumo asked softly. 


"Yeah, nothing to worry about." Tatsuo replied with a smile. "Just a message from a friend I made online. He wants to play a few rounds of a game tonight after school." 


"I see." Yakumo said while maintaining eye contact with Tatsuo. 


And that lasted until Chiho came over. 


"Hey, Yakumo-Chan, Tatsuo-Kun, you two should come to the MgRonald's with me after school." Chiho said. 


"Why? What's going on at MgR's?" Tatsuo asked, ending the awkward staring contest as he looked towards Chiho. 


'She definitely suspects that I'm not telling the truth.' Tatsuo muttered internally. 'But I'm not planning on telling her about the [System] or the [Dimensional Chat]. It's not that I don't trust her, but she's not strong enough to protect herself. And if DOATECH does something to her, getting my secrets from her probably won't be too hard.' 


And Tatsuo's thoughts were right. While he was reading the [Notification] about the [Mission], his eyebrows were twitching furiously, due to his thoughts about the trip to Sumire's world possibly being disrupted. But he was completely unaware of that. Either way, after seeing that, Yakumo was sure that it was more serious than a friend wanting to play video games after school. 


'*Sigh* I guess he still hasn't completely opened up to me.' Yakumo thought to herself. 'At times like this, I really wish I could hear his thoughts. Even though I know it's a breach of his privacy, I just want to be able to help him with whatever is troubling him.' 


As previously mentioned, Yakumo has the ability to hear the thoughts of anyone who has more than familial affection for her. So, for as long as she could remember, she could hear the thoughts of most of the boys around her. However, Tatsuo was an exception. 


And at first, it was because Tatsuo did not have any real feelings for Yakumo. His emotions were badly distorted from his time in captivity, after all. However, ever since his draconic soul began to awaken, things have changed. On top of that, he held feelings of desire for Yakumo, seeing her as his. 


But because of his relatively high [Intelligence] and [Energy] stats his mind was protected from Yakumo's ability, making her mistakenly believe that Tatsuo still did not hold any affection for her. 


"The apple pies you like are on sale for today only." Chiho replied to Tatsuo's question, completely unaware of the two's thoughts. "The mint-chocolate chip milkshake Yakumo-Chan like sis back, too." 


Hearing that, Tatsuo turned towards Yakumo with a smile. 


"So, wanna take a trip to MgR's after school today?" Tatsuo asked. 


"I don't' mind." Yakumo replied softly. "But what about your friend. Is it okay to let them wait?" 


"Don't worry about it." Tatsuo replied. "We wouldn't be playing until after dinner, anyway. Mai-Nee gets really fussy if I'm late for dinner because I'm playing video games." 


"I see." Yakumo said with a nod. "Then, let's go after school." 


Like that, Tatsuo and Yakumo decided to walk with Chiho to the MgRonald's where Chiho works after school in order to take advantage of the sale and the return of the mint-chocolate chip milkshake's return. 


"Oh, and Chi-Chan." Tatsuo said while smiling mischievously. 


"Huh?" Chiho asked while tilting her head. 


"You should let someone else carry our order out to us." Tatsuo said as his smile widened. "I don't' want our order to end up all over the floor." 


Hearing that, Chiho's face reddened immediately. 


"I don't drop every order." Chiho replied while pouting with her cheeks puffed out cutely. 


"Just mine, huh?" Tatsuo asked with an eyebrow raised. 


Chiho did not know how to respond to that. In fact, every time Tatsuo came to the MgRonald's and Chiho carried his order to the table where he was sitting, she dropped his food. Luckily, his reaction and movement speed were fast enough to catch the tray before it fell and made a mess, so there were no issues. Still, Tatsuo enjoyed teasing Chiho about it. 


"Okay, that's enough." Yakumo said with a slight smile on her face. "Stop teasing Chi-Chan." 


"Yakumo-Chan, you're so nice." Chiho said as she flung herself at Yakumo before wrapping her in a hug. 


In response, Yakumo patted Chiho's back comfortingly. However, before the conversation could continue, the bell signaling the end of the break between classes rang, and Chiho had to return to her seat. 


Once the next class, English, started, Tatsuo immediately opened the [Dimensional Chat]. 


{[Dimensional Chat] 

James: A new mission 

James: Too bad we can't all go 

James: By the way 

James: does anyone know what world this is? 


Lici: I thought you would know 

Lici: You have a pretty good grasp of most of the stuff we talk about 


James: Nope 

James: Never heard of any of the names mentioned in the mission details 


Sumire: I don't know it either 


Lici: That doesn't really say much, though 


Tatsuo (Admin): It's Arifureta 

Tatsuo (Admin): The rest of the name is too long 


Lici: Yeah, it is pretty long, isn't it? 


James: That's what she said 


Alfonzo: That's what she said 


Lici: I hate you both 


Alfonzo: That's all well and good 

Alfonzo: But we have some stuff to think about on this one 


Sumire: What do you mean? 


Lici: Don't just change the subject 

Lici: Oh, never mind 

Lici: You're talking about getting to Tortus, right? 


Alfonzo: Exactly 

Alfonzo: Tatsuo is the only one who would have an easy time getting there 

Alfonzo: Since only a class of high school students gets teleported 


Lici: That's true 

Lici: But Tatsuo is still a middle school student 

Lici: Plus, those high school students are all second years 


Tatsuo (Admin): I'll have to go to another school, huh? 

Tatsuo (Admin): I'm so tired of school 


Sumire: At least you didn't have to go to school when you were in my world 


Tatsuo (Admin): That was only because monsters destroyed the school on the first day 


James: Damn, when I was in high school, the school was destroyed twice 

James: But because of Devil magic, it was fixed quickly without anyone knowing 


Alfonzo: Let's get back on topic 

Alfonzo: Lici's right 

Alfonzo: None of us will even have a reason to be in that classroom when the teleportation is triggered 


Sumire: We can purchase the backgrounds, can't we? 

Sumire: Tatsuo-Kun did that in my world 


Lici: But that costs 5,000 Coins, doesn't it? 

Lici: None of us have that many Coins 


James: Hmm? 

James: Now that you mention it, Tatsuo, how did you afford that last time? 

James: You said you've only had the chat for a week longer than us, right? 


Tatsuo (Admin): Yeah 

Tatsuo (Admin): but I've been getting coins since the day I was born 

Tatsuo (Admin): So, I have hundreds of thousands of coins 


James: … 


Alfonzo: … 


Lici: … 


Sumire: … 

Sumire: Does that mean you col have come to visit whenever you wanted to? 


Tatsuo (Admin): Technically 


Sumire: Tatsuo no Baka 


Lici: Sumire, you're adorable 


Tatsuo (Admin): Anyway, if you guys wanna buy backgrounds, I can lend you the coins 


Alfonzo: That would probably be for the best 

Alfonzo: Otherwise, none of us would even be able to participate in this mission 


James: I agree 


Lici: Me, too 


Sumire: So do I 


Alfonzo: We'll pay you back when we can, Tatsuo 


Tatsuo (Admin): Alright 

Tatsuo (Admin): Now, we just need to figure out who's going on this quest 


Alfonzo: I still think you should go, Tatsuo 


Tatsuo (Admin): Why? 


Alfonzo: Because you're used to the Japanese school system 

Alfonzo: Same for Sumire and James 


James: I really don't wanna go back to school 

James: Even if it's only for a short time 


Sumire: I'm okay with it 


Lici: You're okay with anything as long as you can be with your Tatsuo-Kun, right? 


Sumire: Wha-wha-what are you talking about? 


Lici: So adorable 


Tatsuo (Admin): I guess I'm okay with it 


James: I guess I'll go, too 


Lici: Oh, stop whining 

Lici: You get to go to another world, for goodness' sake 


James: Yeah, yeah, I know} 


After that, the five continued to chat about the mission. Unfortunately, Arifureta did not exist in Tatsuo's current world. So, he had no way of sharing it with the others. However, he, Alfonzo, and Elicia had all seen/read it. So, they gave everyone a basic rundown of what to expect. 


By the time the five finished talking about the mission, the last bell rang at Tatsuo's school. So, they all agreed to talk about the trip to Sumire's world later. 

Happy Birthday to me!

Thanks for reading, I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

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There was an issue wiht my computer last night, so I didn't get to upoad the chapters to Patr3on last night. But I should be able to do it tonight.

SixthSense1029creators' thoughts
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