
103. Female Knight Gwen! The Collector Has Arrived On Cybertron!

The moment he saw Gwen coming.The students who rolled out of the school bus issued huge amounts of surprises."It's Ms. Spider!""Goddess! It's my goddess!""It's Ms. Spider from the League of Goddesses!"Listening to the noisy voice not far away.Gwen didn't care.Only his true identity is not revealed.Then it doesn't matter how crazy her fans are.She can even join her own fans to fan herself or scold herself.So Gwen is nothing to worry about.After she absorbed the blood of a mutant race.The symbiote battle suit has a delicious feel to it.That is.The taste of this mutant is very good.It has added a lot of combat power to Gwen.And what about mutants?After the instant death of a brother.The two mutant races have indeed persuaded a lot.Gwen flashed past like a black shadow just now.Then his brother died.They can't even see clearly!Now Gwen's physical fitness is terrifying!At least dozens of times more than when she first became Spider-Gwen!"Roar~~~!!!"But you can't lose momentum if you lose anything.The two mutants immediately started roaring.Among them, the mutant race in human form looked at it.It immediately rushed towards Circe and the water sprite again!Mutant Clan and Eternal Scar Clan are deadly enemies!And this humanoid mutant can also absorb super abilities!So it has to kill Circe and the water sprite first!"Don't be too far away, I'm in a hurry."At this time, Gwen's voice came from not far away.The humanoid mutant turned his head.Gwen stomped on the ground with one foot.Kacha~!A crack appeared in the cement floor.jump~!But Gwen instantly shot the black death sword in his hand towards the humanoid mutants!Looking at the dark and lightless black death sword.Fear flashed in the eyes of the humanoid mutants.A death palpitation filled its brain."Roar~!"So the humanoid mutants rolled instantly.Psst~!But Gwen was fast.Even if it escaped the fatal attack.But one hand was chopped off from the shoulder!Plop~!With its arms fell to the ground.The humanoid mutants took a look.Immediately choose to escape.Gwen just wanted to go after him."Roar~~~!"Behind her, another normal mutant rushed towards her.Gwen held the Black Death Sword in his right hand.She shot the cobweb left and right at the Mutants.Psst~!Then wrap the head of the mutant race.Then Gwen gave a sharp tug."Roar~~~!"The mutant race was violently dragged into the air by her.And it was still flying towards Gwen!But Gwen at least raised the black death sword in his right hand.wave.Psst~! After 450 voices.Plop~!The Mutant Race twitched and fell to the ground.On one side is its head attached to a section of its neck.The moment his head was cut off.It's not dead yet.The mouth and eyes on the head twitched along with the tentacles, hands and feet on the body not far away.But after losing the neural link.It must have been sent.at this time.The blood of its whole body flew out.Then with the blood flying out of the other arm.Automatically dive into Gwen's symbiote battle suit together!Actually, it's not just blood.It is all the essence in the body of the beheaded creature!These essences will be absorbed by the symbiote battle suit.Then feed it back to Gwen herself.Thus infinitely improving Gwen's Ability!And there is no upper limit!That is if Gwen kills the Level God Father.She will be able to approach the Level God Father for a short time!Just kill one or two more.Then she is the Level God Father!If you kill enough Level Single Universes.Then she can become a Level Single Universe!As for diversity.That is hard to say.It's not just about killing.But reaching Level Single Universe is absolutely no problem.But now seems not the time to discuss this issue.After Gwen killed the mutant race.She turned her head to look at the other side that was running away.Plop~!As a result, the arm at that end has grown back.Then a fierce son plunged into the river and ran away!"Recovered so quickly?"Wanda looked at the arm on the ground.This is what she just chopped off.It seems like only ten seconds.It actually grew back.This is much more powerful than the original Doctor Lizard.definitely.Gwen is no longer the Gwen before.In terms of combat power."Ms. Spider!"And after seeing Gwen resolve the crisis.The crowd immediately started cheering.And Gwen ignored them.She thrust the Black Death Sword into her body.The Black Death Sword immediately turned into a black liquid and was absorbed.As a result, she just wanted to leave.Circe held out his hand."Excuse me..."But she wasn't done yet.Gwen looked at the time as he walked and said."Sorry, I have to go."If you need help, contact the NYPD or the Avengers.finished.Gwen shot cobweb, and the person disappeared immediately.Only the last two words remain."goodbye."Gwen walked very simply.There is no hesitation at all.If you have a problem, go to the NYPD.paranormal event.When the NYPD couldn't handle it, they went to Avengers.In short, it has nothing to do with Gwen, whose sideline is superhero.And she's going to be late for school too.Wait until it lands on a nearby roof.Shua~Gwen's symbiote battle suit disappeared instantly.Then Gwen happily took out her mobile phone and sent Su Yi the photos she took at regular intervals and the video recorded at the location.Final text."Another city crisis has been resolved, does my Su have anything to say to me? How about rewarding me with a good morning kiss next time?"After sending the message.Gwen immediately went to school.This is no joke.I'm really going to be late!And now at the scene of the incident.Circe and the water sprite looked at each other."She doesn't want to help us," said the water elf."She's very strong, perhaps even stronger than Icarus." Circe said slowly, "There's also Scarlet Witch who solved the mutant race last time.""They are members of the Goddess Alliance, and although Scarlet Witch has not announced her withdrawal from Avengers, the Avengers alliance has passed.Icarus is the strongest of these Eternals.His Ability is a bit like a low-end version of Superman.The binoculars can emit golden laser light.but it hurtsThat's it.Very average.In other words, the abilities of the Eternals are very average."Then what should we do now?" The water elf began hesitation: "Should we go back to find other Eternals, or go to Avengers?"this problem.Let Circe hesitation for a while.But compared to the now fallen Avengers.She chose her former teammates."We must regroup the Eternals!""En!" The water elf also nodded.So they decided to go find their former Eternal teammates.And in the northern building.Su Yi received a message from Gwen.He opened it to have a look.Gwen appeared handsome and handsome in the photo.Su Yi looked at the accompanying text again.Immediately smiled and returned to her."No problem Gwen, I can still reward you as a female knight once, but if you collapse, you won't have a second chance."After he sent it.But three seconds.Gwen responded.[Gwen: (shy and surprised expression)][Gwen: That's settled!][Gwen: When I am free, I want to be a female equestrian!]OK, Rider Gwen, is delivering.What is delivered?It was herself.Su Yi smiled, and chatted with Gwen again.Then Gwen said it was time for class.So Su Yi replied with an ok expression and turned off the phone.it's only 9:30 in the morningThere are also many fish to touch.What to do then?"Can you play games?"At this time, Su Yi suddenly remembered the scene in the video just now.After Gwen absorbed the two mutants.It should have gotten a lot stronger.Then one of the ways to quickly improve Gwen.It is to kill a stronger target.And the mutant race is just an appetizer.They are not very strong.Think about it.Su Yi thought of At the moment the god seed inside the earth.This unborn Celestial Seed already has a Name.Name: Thiamu.And the Celestial Group that helped Thiamu to be born is the judge of the Celestial Group: Alitham.Alitham's body is red.There are six pairs of eye-like holes on the head.It is a full Level Single Universe.Even more powerful than the average Level Single Universe.The birth and destruction of the Fixed Star of the universe is reincarnation in their hands.strictly speaking.There is really no right or wrong in the Tenjin group.They are just for the normal functioning of the universe.But for Su Yi.They are wrong.The mistake was to plant the (adah) god seed in the earth.The earth is Su Yi's territory.You blew up my house.Then I live on another planet?There's something wrong with me, I can watch you blow up my planet, and then I'll change another planet?So this god seed, Tiamu Suyi, must be eliminated.It doesn't matter if Arisham, the judge of the god group, comes.The two are originally in an antagonistic relationship.This is not a matter of hatred or hatred.It's a matter of position.And Su Yi wanted to maximize his profits.He won't just think about pinching it off and ending it.he was thinking...What would happen if Gwen came to kill the celestial larvae?It's all about killing anyway.There is no improvement in self-killing.And he is multi-level.It's better to let Gwen kill.It can also drastically improve Gwen's strength.To know.The ancestor of the symbiote battle suit on Gwen.That is to say, Gnar really killed the Celestial Group.The head in the void seems to have been chopped off by Gnar!That's why the resources there are so precious.Even the Collector lives there directly.so.Su Yi nowI have a plan in mind.Let go of the normal activities of the Eternals first.This has nothing to do with him.But when the activated Eternal Larva Tiamu.Then he will take Gwen to K head K experience.Cough cough cough.Thank you for the experience babies sent by the Eternal Race and the Celestial Group.thanks, thanks."Suck~~~"After thinking for so long.Su Yi decided to start fishing in the conference game.He put his legs down first.Then he turned half his body and started playing with the computer beside him.The game is still fun.Even after reaching the multi-universe level, he still thinks the game is fun.This is two different things.But Su Yi's game has just started.He just started playing the exciting Summoner's Rift Ranking."pata~"At this time the door was suddenly opened.Su Yi turned his head to look.Here comes Hela.Su Yi thought Hela would go to the carpet to play games.In the end, she went around to Su Yi and said."In the morning, you haven't given it yet."???, I'm playing games, I can't cheat my teammates, you also said you can't cheat your teammates, right?""Then you play, I will help myself.""???, wait, this is the office.""My door is locked.""???"Gwen is at school.Wanda sleeps on it.The Eternals are looking for teammates.Tony and Pepper are living in seclusion.Others don't know what they are doing.But Su Yi is the king.But operating shapeshifting in Summoner's Rift.Especially when the sound of "gurg, gurg, gurg" sounds, the operation is also very shapeshifting.The teammates watched the show for a while, and Su Yi, who can operate shapeshifting, was also puzzled.what's the situation?Su Yi wanted to go back.But his operations are all shapeshifting, let alone deduction.Su Yi At the moment just wanted to finish the game quickly.Then teach someone a lesson.But when they push up and down."Gu~"hiss...Accompanied by Su Yi's raised eyebrows.He glanced down.Su Yi was originally ∞-→ has changed from → to -0Gone!Really gone!It's all gone!Su Yi was startled.He quickly manipulated the character to hit the high ground.Then the script-level operation Pentakill pushes down the base.Then alt+f4 to exit the game.Push Hela's head one last time."Ton ton~~~"After half a sound.Hela said she was full, and ran to play games.But Su Yi's game has just ended.But he did not have the joy of victory.But only empty happiness.what did he just doWhat did Hela do again?Where did you do it again?Just played a game for 35 minutes.For a full 35 minutes, he didn't rest at both ends.After Su Yi confessed in his heart.He snapped his fingers.Then the environment returned to normal.afterwards.Su Yi sighed.Asked to Hela who was playing the game."So you're not here in the morning, just for now?""Yeah." Little Hela rubbed her belly, feeling a little too full: "I've been learning from the online teaching for a long time, okay."You rock."Su Yi nodded in admiration.Today he confessed.To be squeezed is to be squeezed.Let's see if he will come back with revenge.You wait for me.Little Hela!!!Su Yi sighed, sat on the chair and continued to open Summoner's Canyon.But at this moment.An urgent piece of news caught Su Yi's attention."According to the report of the Pioneer probe, a small planet suddenly appeared in the outer orbit of the solar system. Judging from the fuzzy pictures of the small planet, this small planet is somewhat similar to a human face. ""But you don't have to worry, after calculations by scientists, this small face-shaped planet finally flew towards Mars, which has nothing to do with the earth, but this is a very surprising and interestingDiscovery!""Finally, scientists named this planet: face-shaped planet. "Su Yi took the time to read the news.Then turn around and continue playing the game.But when he hit it, he felt something was wrong.This little planet that the United Nations says...Why is it so like nothingness?Su Yi took another look.Still like.Those eyes, Kenburo.Scientists say it is a face-shaped planet, which means that it is particularly like a face.But Su Yi took a look.It is the face, and it is one!Because he has seen it.And the ultimate destination of this planet is Mars.Mars is his Cybertron star.etc.This is not a planet entering the solar system.But the planet was dragged into the solar system by Cybertron, right?!Think here.Su Yi was taken aback for a moment.He really thought so.But not sure."Forget it, let's go take a look after get off work later."Su Yi turned his head and continued to play the game.But At the moment's Martian outskirts.Collector diverts his attention through treasures in his room.When he saw the land of nothingness getting closer and closer to a steel and ecological planet.Collector's heart felt like chicken blood had been injected in an instant!"It's here! It must be here!""This must be the Cybertron star! This must be the Cybertron star that gave birth to Shapeshifting King Kong!""This must be where those giant shapeshifting vajras say the Creator gave them birth!".