
Change 1.

This chapter is dedicated to Tinasha_Lauren_0330.

Thank you for your support and power stones.


Jordan's voice made me sane.

When his deep voice came in questioning Amy about my whereabouts, I thought my heart would burst out of my chest. I thought I could die at the rate it was thudding fast. Or probably lose consciousness, y'know, from all the nervousness gripping me.

My heart was pounding, literally threatening to burst out of my chest if I didn't get my ass up and run towards him.

I heard Amy say "... He's... uhh, he's in... his room", breathing uneasily.

I could tell she was nervous from his presence. I mean, he's not called one of the hottest guys in Prestige High for no absolute reason. Practically, everyone who sets eyes on him drolls. Let's not even get started with his best friend, Bale.

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