
You were the victim

"For your information I didn't intend to let Ash sleep with me," Lithe said icily, I was just about to kick his ass to the curb, you didn't need to interfere on my behalf. I'm a grown man, I can take care of myself."

Zen raised an eyebrow, "Oh, so that's what was going on, you could have fooled me," he exclaimed dryly. 

Lithe dragged his wrist from out of Zen's hold. "I was almost at the exit when Ash that jerk tripped me!"

"So, at least you're now ready to admit that your escape plan wasn't fool proof."

"Time was against me, it's not like I could sit and plan proper execution to flee the scene when Ashley had his grimy hands all over me."

Zen swore like a sailor, it made Lithe's ears turn red and he dared not repeat what he heard. 

"Lithe, you dumb ass," Zen drew Lithe up closer to him. "Do you think that horny bastard was afraid to rape?"

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