
The Consequence of Losing

Considering, how Mr. Tachibana had said, these guys were at rock bottom, Nevan naturally thought, he would be better than them. There was no way, he was the worst of them all. It didn't sit right with him. He hadn't been training his entire life but he was still better than the hobby players, right? That was what he thought.

Nevan looked at the talkactive guy. His name was Kento. His hair was blonde which made him look like a sunshine, literally. Nevan had only smiled and introduced himself. He was confused. So, this team hadn't played since its formation? "How long have you been here and why haven't you played?"

"I have been here since a week or so. Honestly, the sense of times gets weak here." He complained. Nevan could guess, why. There was no window, no sky which indicated whether it was day or night. "And, the reason why we didn't play? We assume, it is because we were only ten players until now."

Surprise etched Nevan's features. "A week? That's not a long time." He commented.

"I agree." Kento spoke. He seemed to be thinking with his mouth slightly agape and his eyes directed to the ceiling. "Apparentally, we are just the newest arrivals. If we prove ourselves, we can climb up the ranks. And the top players will compete for a spot in the national U20 team."

A sense of relief washed over Nevan. At least, he was on the right track now. This was the line which would take him to his success. His mind was working and a few words lingered at the tip of his tongue.

Just then, he noticed a screen in the room. And it turned on by itself. He saw Mr. Tachibana. He didn't talk in person, huh? At least, he didn't look that malnourished on the display.

"May I ask for your attention?" He spoke, deadpanned. Then a pause. "Not that you have a choice but to listen to me."

Nevan's head cocked up to take in the picture in front of him and listen to the words which flowed through the hidden speakers.

"This is a proper welcome to all the players of Team 10. You have been gaining new teammates since the start of last week, resulting to what is today. You are a team of eleven, eligible to play against other teams in order to prove yourselves."

The man had spoken it as if it was something he had memorised while he stared blankly at those who looked at the TV. No one talked. They just listened to the man who was in charge of this project.

"There will be several stages of selection. And the first stage will begin shortly. Those who will qualify will ascend to the next stage while those who lose-" The man trailed off. He didn't finish his sentence.

He cleared his throat, after looking at his documents. "If any of you disqualifies during any stages, you will never be able to play for any team in Japan again. Not in this lifetime. And about next life? Don't know, if it exists."

He had blurted it out as if he was telling someone 'bless you' after they had sneezed. How could he be so calm? Of course, he was. It wasn't his future which was at stake. Nevan felt his heart clench and then beat faster. So this was a 'now or never' chance?

"About the first stage of the selection. You will receive the informations later. Now, I would like to request you to get to know each other so that you have a somewhat coordinated team during some of the games. Not saying, you will play together all the time."

The display abruptly turned blank. The room was filled with silence. No one dared to talk. Kento looked entirely serious. "So, this is our only chance, huh?" He spoke.

Then he stood up and looked at Nevan. "Let us go to the field. I guess, the guy was right. We should get to know each other. This might help us." He encouraged Nevan to stand up.

He stood up and saw the other guy stand up too. "Oh, by the way, his name is Aoto." Kento whispered to Nevan.

"Can't he introduce himself?" Nevan whispered back. He followed Aoto with his eyes as he simply went out of the room.

Kento started to move. He opened the door and held it open for Nevan. He shrugged his shoulders and spoke, almost cluelessly. "He isn't very social. Ever since I came here and tried to talk to him, it felt like I was talking to a wall."

That was how Dax had been when they had first met. He never answered or paid attention to his and Keisuke's nonsense. Then one time had come when he had gotten as crazy as Nevan and Kei.

"Maybe, he will open up." It was only a prediction. But then again, he wasn't here to make friends. Acquaintances, yes. Not friends.

A thought was starting to form in the back of his mind. To get to the top, he will have to leave these people behind. So, the best strategy was to not get too close to them.



Task - 19

Get to know your teammates.

[Status] Active.

[Reward] Badge 'Teamplayer - advanced'.

[Deadline] 2 hours


He didn't understand this task quite well. Get to know his teammates? To which extent? His eyebrows furrowed. He alligned his pace to Kento's. Their footsteps filled the room. Other teammates from other rooms started to come out too. "Yo, Kento. You heard that?" Someone leisurely asked.

Nevan smiled slightly and held up his hand. His mind was still occupied with the task. He didn't get much of a glance from the one who had just joined them and accompanied them.

As soon as he had found the chance, he fell back and let them talk to each other. He took a deep breath before muttering more to himself. Hopefully, the system will react. "Elaborate."


[Information for the host]

The task to know your teammate will bring you advantages in the future games. You will know how to use their abilities for your own gain. By knowing someone, factors such as name, skills and preferences on the field are important.

Only when host knows their fellow players, they will appear on [Teammates].


It was somewhat clearer now. Get to know their skills. Of course, what else? Their food preferences? Unlikely.

"That is Nevan. Our eleventh player." Nevan was introduced by Kento. The guy simply took a look at his badge at his upper right arm.

"Rank 396?" He spoke. "The lowest of the lowest." He commented, almost provoking Nevan. In this moment already, he knew. He wouldn't get along with this man. Not at all.

He was just as tall as Nevan but he had a somewhat darker aura. One that spoke of how he didn't want to be opposed and ould prefer if everyone did what he wanted.

Nevan was about to make a snarky comment to get back at him but Kento spoke to him first, to make the situation somewhat less tense. "Come on, not everyone can be as good as you. So what, if you are the highest ranking in our team?"

That was when Nevan noticed his rank. 385. And Kento's rank was 386. So, they were the best players of this team? He would like to know how good they actually were. If Nevan was really worse than them.

He had let them lead the way and so, they ended up in a field. The light was almost making it look like it was day here. They were somewhere high above and when he looked up, he almost wished he could have stopped himself from doing that. He was momentarily blinded.

"Seems like, we all had the same thought and are now gathering here." Kento commented. That seemed true.

Nevan looked around, seeing some of them already standing at somewhere in the middle of the field. "You must be the latest arrival." Someone had greeted Nevan.

Honestly, these people were too light-hearted. Too welcoming. And it somehow annoyed Nevan. Did they have no idea, they were playing against each other despite being on the same team? Or were they acting like this so that Nevan would underestimate them?

It took several minutes until others had arrived. Nevan was greeted, hands were shaken and people were introduced. He tried to remember some names but after the fourth person, he started to get a bit confused. After almost ten minutes, they were standing there and all just looking at each other.

Nevan just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that these people were supposed to be soccer prodigies. Even though, they were at the bottom right now, he figured it was only because of the fact, they were just as new as himself. Why did they look like they had no thoughts about competing against each other?

A few of them looked light-headed. As if it was some kind of vacation. As if they were just here to enjoy themselves. He was starting to feel uneasy.

A voice sounded. By now, Nevan knew, it was the same Mr. Tachibana even though he didn't see the face of the older man now.

"That was rather quickly. I didn't even give this task and yet, you picked it up and gathered here. Good."

Then another pause. "We will begin with the first selection now." His voice sounded serious as he announced the official beginning of this 'now or never' chance.

Next chapter