
Reality Alternation

"You know, this is so unfair! You guys live together and can talk to each other and I have to call you up or visit you." Keisuke was complaining again. He probably felt left out but it really couldn't be helped.

They had gone for a small walk afterwards where they had talked about other things regarding their two-weeks training phase. They would be meeting every afternoon at Athlete Zone. Since Dax had a part-time job, it would be a bit hard but they would manage.

"Stop being so whiny." Dax's cold-hearted voice sounded. Nevan just looked between his friends who were simply the opposite of each other.

Actually, Nevan could move to Keisuke's. It would really release the burden he imposed on Dax. He stopped walking, suddenly feeling tired. Both other friends stopped their banter and looked at Nevan who just stood there.

"What's wrong, man?" Keisuke asked, his mouth agape as he waited for Nevan's response. Dax looked equally perplexed.

"I was just wondering, if it doesn't make more sense, if I move in at Keisuke's instead of Dax's." He looked over to Dax and rubbed the back of his neck. "I am sure, my father has blocked my card today, so I wouldn't be able to pay you for my expenses."

Nevan really would have never thought, he would have to worry about money. If someone would have told him about this a week ago, he would have laughed at that person's face and called them an idiot. "You are already paying rent and then all the other costs, I believe if you have to cover up for nother person, it is rather harsh on you."

Keisuke could manage. He lived with his parents and he lived in a house in a more relaxing area.

"You are right." Dax said, almost quietly. He had never been one to talk about his financial situation and never accepted Nevan's help.

Keisuke glanced at Dax and then back at Nevan. "My parents won't mind if you move in. You know how much they like you."

Nevan flashed a cheeky grin and said in a cocky tone. "More than their own son. I know, I know."

They striked the direaction to Dax's apartment. Luckily, Nevan hadn't taken everything out of his suitcase yesterday so all he had to do was pack up the things he had taken out. By evening, they had arrived at Keisuke's house. Maybe now, he wouldn't have to sleep on a couch. But of coursw, Nevan wasn't in any situation to even think about complaining. He had this much manners.

"Good evening, Mrs. Sato!" Nevan greeted Keisuke's mother. His mother greeted in a lovely tone and her expression changed to that of a surprise when she saw how her son's friend was rolling a suitcase behind himself.

"Oh, Nevan! Have you left your parent's house for good?" His mother joked. She was never someone who was strict unlike Keisuke's father.

Nevan's gaze trailed to the suitcase and his width of his smile decreased. "Now, I would say, you have hit the nail perfectly on its head."

Keisuke laughed slightly and chimed in. "Mum, let him in first."

Mrs. Sato let them both in. Nevan settled on the couch in the living room. The picture had changed since the last time he had visited Keisuke. His older sister, Mei's, picture dominated the room. The blue eyes, always squinted whenever she smiled and her crimson hair usually done in a ponytail or to a bun, stared at Nevan as he looked at the pictures. Mei had moved out after she had been accepted into her dream college and he could only imagine how hard it must be on the other family members.

He took the glass of cold drink with a grateful expression and before he could explain his situation, Keisuke spoke up.

"My friend here was kicked out from his home and now he has no place to stay at. So, I decided to invite him to stay here until he finds a better place. We could give him Mei's room for a while, right?" Keisuke was talking so casually. His heart did take a hit when he explained the whole situation as him being 'kicked out' but at the end of the day, that was what had happened.

Nevan's eyes widened at Keisuke's suggestion. "Oh, no need for that! I could sleep here on the couch if that is not a problem and I would be helping with chores and grocery too!" He quickly declined humbly. It would already be kind enough to let him stay here, he didn't have to barge in on Mei's privacy. "The money is a bit tight, so I wouldn't be able to pay you otherwise." He said, almost quietly. The words didn't fit right with his usual attitude. Tight on money.

Mrs. Sato smiled reassuringly. "Of course, honey. It isn't like you are from a rich family such as the Ayers family."

It was as if Nevan's stomach was punched. What was she saying? She knew Nevan was from the Ayers family. Why was she acting like he wasn't?

Keisuke chimed in. He laughed, nervously. Cold sweat broke out on his body. "You are right. Not everyone is this rich, right?"

Nevan looked confused and yet the words seemed to flow on his tongue like it was natural. "Yeah. So, I would be paying by helping around the house."

[Changing one's name will alter the reality. Are you sure, you want to use this application?]

That was what the system had said, right? It would alter the reality. Had he lost his identity the moment he had chosen to change his name? Keisuke, of all people, should know. He was Nevan's best friend for years now! It was as if the world was playing a cruel prank on Nevan.

"Are you okay, Nevan?" He heard the voice of Mrs. Sato. "You look so red. Should I open the window?"

His eyes slowly flickered over to the middle-aged woman. He shook his head. "No. I am fine." He cracked a small smile. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here."

Mrs. Sato's expression softened. "Oh, no worries about that. And, you will be taking Mei's room. It's not a big issue."

After a small back and forth, Nevan finally gave up and occupied Mei's room. And, it was surprisingly comfortable. He had gotten along well with Mei. She was like the older sister Nevan never had. Her moving out had actually struck him as hard as the Sato family. He looked at Keisuke.

"Kei. Tell me. Do you know my surname?" He asked out of the blue, hoping Keisuke wouldn't notice the slight trembling in his voice. This was all too scary, all too nerve-racking.

Keisuke cocked his head to the side and looked slightly stunned. He grinned. "What? Is it a test? You think, I don't know what you family name is?" His eyebrows raised. Nevan was serious. "It is Kimura. Duh!"

Had he heard it from Dax? But why did Keisuke seem so confident? Normally when he would lie or try to prank Nevan, his blue eyes would look anywhere but at his face. Could it really be-

Nevan forced a smile on his face. "You passed. Just wanted to test you."

Keisuke laughed. "Of course, I would pass. I know you the best, after all!" He looked at his sister's room. "Why don't you settle in, I will go help mum in kitchen. See you!"

Keisuke left Nevan alone. He entered the room and looked around. There was a one-person-bed and a desk. Everything was cleaned up. The room probably hadn't been used since Mei left.

His heart was racing. Kimura?! His eyes darted towards the display which was looming over him like a shadow. What was this? Some kind of magic? He hadn't taken the 'alter the reality'-part seriously.

"Does everyone believe, my name is 'Nevan Kimura'?" The question was directed more to himself than to the system. And yet, the AllStars System replied.

[Yes. At 11:38 a.m. you made a change to your name. 'Nevan Ayers' was replaced by 'Nevan Kimura'. As you had been informed prior, a change to your name means a change of the reality.]

He wasn't feeling well. It wasn't that big of a deal. His father had told him to not use his name, anyways. The words seemed to haunt him. It was a feeling, he couldn't ignore. "Even my family?"

[Anyone living in this reality. If your parents are associated with this reality, then yes. The reality that 'Nevan Ayers' is in a bootcamp for educational purposes, is the new reality.]

Everything seemed to blur in together. Only this display existed. What? His parents forgot about him? No way. This just wasn't possible!

"Host's informations." Nevan commanded, breathlessly. Why was it so hot in this room? Why couldn't he think straight? He saw the display change. "Change my name back to 'Nevan Ayers'."

The words remained in the room. He waited for something to happen. Like earlier this day. To see a confirmation. Was his identity being snatched away from him?

[Command cannot be executed. You don't have enough Name-Keys.]

"What do you mean, it can't be executed! Do this. Just like you did it, earlier today!" He hissed. He tried not to be loud. Not to draw attention.

Instead of an answer to his words, something else appeared. It send chills down his spine. It was like a nightmare. A bad dream.




[Become a professional soccer athlete.]

[Status] Active

[Deadline] 5 years 11 months 29 days ◇


1 [Name-Key]


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