
The Legend Returns (4)

Rumsak Noi and Tang Bun-jong exchanged blows, but Tang Bun-jong was at a disadvantage. He took more damage. However, Rumsak Noi didn't press further in the first round. He fought to drag out time and secure points for the first round. Stamina was indeed the issue. The only fortunate thing was that it was a three-round match, not five.

"Bro, you did great. It's completely your pace. Take it slow. They'll probably come at you properly in the second round. Watch that and counter when you see an opportunity. Got it?"

Rumsak Noi nodded at Yu Jung-ak's words while drinking water. Kim Young-tae and Oh Jung-ryong approached to massage Rumsak Noi's shoulders and legs. There would certainly be an impact from blocking such powerful attacks.

[Mr. Seo Dong-gi, who do you think had the upper hand in the first round? Should we consider Rumsak Noi to have been dominant?]

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