
5. Something new

An: hey guys. So I'm gonna explain how he's a vampire as well in this chapter. Hope it helps. Will also allow me to remove a mistake I see still living in the twilight world. Hope you enjoy.


Lance Pov

As I'm speeding home I hear sirens behind me. Fuck. I turn around and spot the police officer I least want to see right now, Charlie Swan. I quickly turn the bike off after pulling to the side and taking my helmet off while standing from the seat only to have to catch myself on it.

Charlie comes walking then running once he sees I'm not having a good time. I close my eyes, scared they might still be flickering back and fourth between that amber yellow and blue.

The kind and awkward man speaks to me as I breathe in and out slowly, "Lance? You know I clocked you at 100 mph? It's only 55 in this area kid. What the hell are you doing?"

I breathe again Then speak one word hoping it will be enough, "sick."

He looks at me then I hear his footsteps get closer meaning he's approaching me. I feel a hand land upon my forehead and with how much heat I'm putting off the hand instantly retracts after being burned. I guess my temperature has risen since leaving the nurses office.

Charlie responds to my thoughts not a second later, "Jesus kid. You need to go to the hospital. This seems serious." I appreciated his help, I really did, but I couldn't let myself be found out too early. I needed to get this in control before interacting with supernaturals, especially one who I remember being sharp as a razor named Carlisle. Leader of the family of vamps and oldest.

In fact, if memory serves he was once apart of the big bad guys over in Europe. Yea, definitely not ready to meet that guy.

I shake my head to Charlie before speaking, "No can do Officer Swan, I haven't been able to stand hospitals since my parents died. Truthfully, waking up in the hospital that day is one of my worst memories."

While some of what I'd just said was a lie the last part was 1000% true. Waking up without my face, my friends, my parents….. it was all rather difficult. It still is actually. But I can't be wallowing in doubt and pity, especially if I'm somehow connected to the supernatural world.

Although I can't see the awkward officers face because my eyes are closed, I can feel the pity radiating off him. I feel his hand touch my shoulder and pat it as awkwardly as ever, had I not been feeling like death I would've chuckled.

"I get it. Please, slow down. Even I won't be able to keep you out of a ticket if this happens again." I nod then shakily get back on my bike. I throw my helmet on after returning my earphones to the canal. Letting soothing music wash back over me to keep me level headed.

I turn on the motorcycle and throw a hand over my shoulder as a signal to say goodbye to Charlie before speeding off. I've still got a ways to go to get to the cabin.


? Pov

I smell a human coming towards the cabin I stayed in as a refuge for a day or so. 'Seems the owner has returned,' I think licking my lips with my crimson eyes gleaming.

I hide in the shadows behind the door intending to make this quick. No need for suffering, I'm no animal.

The door opens and I don't even get to see what they look like before I'm biting their neck and I hear a scream. But not like one I've heard from any of my victims over the decades. It's deep, gutteral, and a bit scary.

Suddenly a force throws me into the wall and deep breathing is the only sound heard in the small wooden structure.

I turn my eyes to see the human standing up. How is that possible? My venom should've acted as a paralyzing agent. Something I've learned was unique to me, a gift so to speak.

The boy, blonde hair looks at me now. His head no longer down. And I now know why I was scared of the scream. I see his eyes flicker back and fourth between a rather stunning blue and deep, angry orange/yellow.

He doesn't speak. He Doesn't need to. Both of us know what's happening. Two apex predators have just met. One invading the territory of the other and attacking, the other angry for the attack. Battle was inevitable.

I blur into motion knowing the human can't keep up. I go for another bite but am surprised to be caught by a hand on my throat and forehead. My surprise must've been visible in my face because I get a wicked smile before I feel the hard floor meet the back of my head.

On impact, small cracks begin to form on my head. This scares me. While I can regenerate from most things, the head being removed is not one of them. Just as I'm thinking this I see a foot come down to my eyes and I know nothing but darkness.


Lance pov

*huff* *huff* my gasps of breath can be heard in the now quiet cabin after my bout with some unknown dude with red eyes. The bite on my neck is throbbing in agony. Seems his venom has gotten into me. I'm screwed.

I don't know how exactly vampire venom affects werewolves in this world, but if the Tvd or Underworld example is anything to go off of, it's not good.

I feel the beast inside me trying to fight it off. But I feel as though it's not yet strong enough to do so. Not while it hasn't even been fully released yet.

I go outside and see it's Been quite a while since the ordeal started. It was sunset when I arrived, but now it's nighttime.

'Oh shit! Night moon.' I keep a calm breath and run into the cave. Maybe my wolf can help stave off this venom I feel burning through me like a parasite.

After locking the chains something incredible happens. Three little Skyline like openings appear in the ceiling. I look up into a huge full moon with the light bathing me in a sea of silver. I can now really see the chains. With the moonlight hitting them, beautiful blue runes appear and being pulsing.

That pulse set everything off.

I'd thought the vampire venom was hot. Boy was I wrong. It'd be like comparing bath water to lava. I literally explode out of my body and everything after that went dark.


In school earlier that day

Sophia pov

As I walk closer to class I smell the most wonderful scent I'd ever thought possible. Like teakwood and pine. I began to feel warm for the first time in forever. 100 years in fact. Even longer if I'm honest with myself. Alice and Rosalie were the only true friends I have yet even their company and laughs didn't inspire this feeling.

As I step into the door my blood freezes and the warmth I'd felt is now Ice. Pure, cold, ruthless ice. I see the boy Alice spoke to me about. I knew as soon as I'd seen him pull into the lot.

Everyone, mostly girls, were whispering about the tall blonde who'd showed up on a motorcycle. While I would usually enjoy my family and I not being the center of attention, the fact it was him at the center made me feel irritated.

This irritation was nothing to the absolute murderous feeling I had when I saw Miss Anderson, the beautiful young art teacher whispered about by boys as much as Rosalie having her hand kissed by the very object of every girls thoughts in school.

He turns to look at me and I see surprise cross his face. However, I didn't expect him to school it so quickly before smiling at Mrs. Anderson and walking to a seat at the back of the class. I see the blonde bimbo blush up a storm and turn around as to not let on she was just excited by a teenager, a quiet snarl leaving my throat.

I decide to distract myself because I'm growing increasingly more dangerous to everyone around me. Stupid kids they may be, but none of them truly deserve the carnage that could happen should I or one of my family lose control.

I snarl again quickly as the only available seats are at the table 'he' occupied. 'Curse you fate and all others,' I think while walking toward the 4 chaired table and pull my chair out as he's digging into the backpack at his feet.

He looks to me and I see the same surprise. This time though I can hear his heart beat quicken massively. I sigh internally thinking about what stupid thing he's going to say to me only to be shocked myself when I again see his face become neutral and continue as if I didn't exist. Me. Sophia Cullen.

Don't ask me why I'm more angry he didn't speak to me but spoke to the blonde whore now teaching the class.

As the bell rings I'm brought back to reality and see the boy running out of the classroom as if he's eager to get away from me.

I snarl again as I walk through the halls too quiet for anyone to hear but enough that they notice my demeanor and quickly make way. As I reach my second classroom I sit beside Alice who's looking at me like the personification of a Cheshire Cat. I don't give her the satisfaction of asking questions. I speak seriously while trying to keep the growl bubbling in my throat down, "not a fucking word."

The rest of the time until lunch I thought about him. Lance Steel I learned from too many girls to count. This only added to my bad mood. I expected to see him enter the class and cause a wave of girlish excitement for the room when he didn't show.

Where could he be? It's his first day. Surely finding the layout of the school would be paramount? Or maybe one of those bimbos speaking about him as if they're already married with two children has snatched him up and taken him behind the school to fool around.

I don't even know I'm growling until I feel a hand on my shoulder. Alice. She smiles while jasper floats that calming auroa of his. Usually edward would've read my mind and told the family but it seems he's having his own issues with the objects of the young men in school, Bella Swan.

The rest of my day was filled with thoughts about Lance Steel.


Alice Pov

Seeing my sister mutter things about blonde bimbos and teenage whores in the backseat makes me almost unable to hold in my smile. Jasper smiles at me as well while we make our way home. 'It's all going to be okay,' I think as Edward and Sophia have finally understood what it feels like to meet the one destined for you.

If her attitude is anything to go by I'll need to help her not kill the boy. She doesn't have a lot of trust to begin with and even less in men.


I decided to take Sophia hunting while Edward left for Alaska. When we were alone I finally asked her once I saw the gold return to her eyes. "So, how was your first chat with Lance?"

She growled. Actually growled. So cute. And while her words came out in a harsh way, I could feel her hidden disappointment, "chat? The kid barely looked at me before going about his business."

'Aww, she's mad he didn't speak to her. I decided to throw it back in her face, "you know, I remember you saying something like you will not fall for some human boy. Maybe this is a good thing then. Not speaking will definitely affect the bond in the early stages. It could probably be cut off even."

The look of horror i see cross her features before returning to her scowl confirms shes already begun to go under the wild tide that is love. She scoffs at me and turns away towards the house, "good."

But she's my sister, I hear the scared little girl behind the tough facade. I only hope she allows him to see it as well. I sigh before following after her back home.


Morning after

Lance pov

I woke up still in the cave thank goodness to find myself naked as the day I was born. I begin to right myself and head toward the cabin on shakey legs.

When I enter I see the headless body of the vamp. I quickly start a fire and toss him in. Another thing is I'm starving. Like so hungry I can't even understand how it's possible.

I run to the cabin and start eating everything I'd brought. But nothing works.

Suddenly I hear a rustling and I dart out into the bush and catch a deer before I instinctively bite down into its neck while feeling the crimson liquid drain into my mouth. After swallowing it I realize what's happening.

I fall away from the dead animal and see my reflection in a puddle. One I'm familiar with on another face. Veins pushed out around my face and deep amber eyes.

'Oh, this is something new' I think to myself inspecting the eyes I saw in the tvd universe.


An: hey guys. Hope you all have a great day. I also hope you enjoy the chapter. I like the feel and motion of the story. Compulsion will be the 'gift' Lance has. Thanks guys. Bye.

Next chapter