
084 Turned over!

The recitation of "Leisure and Fun Record" was scheduled for Monday morning's self-study period.

Emperor Yang sat in front of the podium; he had been with Class 19 for two and a half years and was well experienced with these small, grade-organized quizzes.

He always began by flipping open a book as a decoy, holding a pen in his hand and pretending to write and doodle on the pages.

Once the students had sufficiently relaxed, he would suddenly look up.

It worked on the same principle as "Statues".

Usually under these circumstances, each time he looked up he would catch three or four students cheating.

And today's recitation being "Leisure and Fun Record" made cheating even more convenient, likely yielding a larger haul.

He hunched over the book for a while, then, as usual, suddenly looked up, directing his gaze towards the usual cheaters.

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