
End of the Rossi Family and Dunng Sect

At the same time, a similar battle was taking place on the territory of the Rossi family. Elise was fighting the matriarch of the family. She was glowing red. True to her name, she almost exploded with rage.

It wasn't an easy fight. Elise's Yin-Yang affinity was one of the most confusing to opponents who weren't familiar with it. For some reason, any explosions she used would turn into implosions after Elise reversed Yin and Yang. This meant that the Matriarch's attacks would hurt herself instead.

Her state of rage didn't help her figure this out either. By this time, she had regenerated her limbs for the thousandth time. She was completely powerless against Elise's confusing attacks.

"Yin-Yang reversal: slow strike." Elise shouted her attack for some reason, announcing it to her opponent.

She attacked by moving her sword so slowly that it seemed to stand still, but her opponent didn't dare underestimate the attack.

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