
Chapter 196: Shadow Flame Lv7, Shadow Leap, Concealment Lv1, Assassin Template Activated! (4K)_2

Miao Miao snorted lightly upon hearing that, a look of anthropomorphic disdain spreading over her face as she said,

"What a joke."

"I am of course super..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Miao Miao's keen battle instincts made her immediately realize what she was about to let slip.

She made a split-second decision and bit her tongue hard.

"Mmnn mnn mnnn..."

Pain morphed her intended words into an unintelligible mess.

Tears welled up from the pain as Miao Miao glared at Xue Jing, quickly swiping her earring off with her claw and ranting angrily,

"This shooting mother ghost communicates west!" (What the hell is this thing)

As her tongue was still very sore, her speech was a bit all over the place.

"What a pity," Xue Jing wore a look of regret.

He had thought he could tease a proud tsundere just this once, but hadn't expected Miao Miao to be so perceptive.


During the night, Xue Jing lay on his bed, staring at the panel with a thoughtful gaze.
