
Discussions with a God

"Now then," Domnus said holding up the assassin right outside the guild building, "We have two options here, you go to Freya and tell her we can talk this out,"

The assassin continued to say nothing while being hung upside down by Domnus.

"Or," Domnus continued, "I can find where she's staying and shove your mistake in her face."

"I'll go tell her your message," the assassin responded finally breaking his silence.

"Good choice," Domnus said putting the assassin down letting him run away.

With this ordeal tiring him out Domnus decided to cut the day short and head back to the old church.


With a bit of a walk Domnus eventually arrived back at the church, both Bell and Hestia were still gone doing their job hopefully well.

Domnus then noticed in front of the church sat a letter. A letter with his first and last name on it.

"Domnus Dawson," the front said, "You have been invited to a meeting with the Goddess Freya in two days time at twelve thirty at the Baron's Dragon," it continued on the other side.

The letter was not signed by anybody, yet it was obvious who sent it.

Happy that this could get Freya off his back and annoyed that this would interrupt his day tomorrow Domnus went into the church and sat down in his chair.

And it was at that moment when Hestia came through the door thinking about something that made her happy.

"Wait, you're here?" Hestia said looking at Domnus confused at why he was back before he usually is.

"Took the day off, also I live here," Domnus replied.

"Then," Hestia said looking nervous, "Could I ask a favor of you?" Hestia said.

"Go on," Domnus said curious of Hestia ask.

"Can you leave here for an hour or so?" Hestia asked, "I wanted to try and have a special moment with Bell," Hestia said embarrassed.

"I don't see why I need to," Domnus responded confused.

"Please?" Hestia asked again, "I just want to try and have a special moment between Bell and I, I even took off work for it," Hestia begged Domnus.

"Fine Fine," Domnus said getting out of his chair making Hestia happy.

"Thank you so much, see you soon!" Hestia said with a wide smile while almost pushing Domnus out of the basement.


Coming out of the church Domnus didn't have too many plans on where to go. He already did his little exploration around town.

'Perhaps I should go to that one place Bell and I went to a while ago,' Domnus thought.

Deciding on doing just that he began his walk to the restaurant.

Using the streetlights and his own memory Domnus eventually arrived at the Hostess of Fertility.

"Ah, that was the name," Domnus exclaimed looking at the sign hanging above the door.

Entering the restaurant Domnus saw many people drinking and eating without a care in the world.

Finding a bar seat Domnus sat down and waited for one of the workers to take his order.

"Well look who it is," a drunken voice said next to him, "The person who popped out of nothing," looking over Domnus saw that it was Loki talking to him.

"Look who it is the person who owes me wine," Domnus replied, "I thought you always had a familia member around you."

"No, not today," Loki said taking another sip of her alcohol, "Barely slipped out though," she said wobbling back and forth.

"May I please take your order?" one of the workers said coming up to Domnus.

"I'll have the cheapest alcoholic drink you have," Domnus ordered.

"Coming right up sir," the waiter said before exiting to the kitchen.

"So, what brought you here?" Loki asked, "Find this place as appealing as I do?"

"Nope," Domnus replied, "Hestia wanted a moment with her familia member all alone so I'm hear waiting," Domnus told her.

"Dang, Hestia really did get a familia member," Loki replied, "When I first heard it, I though the person who told me got tricked," Loki said while laughing, "How did someone like that get a familia member?" Loki wondered aloud.

"By taking in someone who got rejected by everyone else," Domnus said, "No disrespect to the new familia member, but Hestia had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get him."

"You seem to know this familia member," Loki pointed out, "Mind telling me his name?" she then asked.

"I may tell you," Domnus said back, "If you give me the wine you owe me."

"Oh come on!" Loki exclaimed putting her head on the table, "Are you really so obsessed with that wine?" she asked.

"What I'm obsessed with is people giving me what they owe," Domnus said before the waiter put down Domnus's drink, "Thank you," he quickly said.

"How about this," Loki said putting her head up, "You tell me your full life story and I will get the wine to you faster," Loki said proud of herself that she came up with a way to know Domnus's story for relatively free.

A smile then formed on Domnus's face, a smile which switched to laugher, which got louder and louder before finally stopping when he took a sip of his drink.

"Loki," Domnus replied looking at her, "You don't have enough time on this earth for me to tell you my full story," Domnus said before leaning back.

"I am a God!" Loki suddenly exclaimed, the alcohol getting to her head, "I am ageless and when I die I will simply to the heaven I came from," she yelled, "What do you mean I don't have enough time?" she questioned.

At that time the waiter was near Domnus to ask him to pay but stopped not wanting to accidently disrespect Loki. The whole restaurant was silent as well.

"I said what I said, and I mean what I mean what I mean," Domnus said before downing the rest of his drink.

It wasn't the best, nor did it have much alcohol, but what can you expect from the cheapest drink at the Hostess of Fertility?

"Now," Domnus said getting up and turning to the waitress, "How much do I owe you?"

"Eighty-seven valis," the waitress responded, her words echoing in the silent rooms.

"Cheap indeed," Domnus said before pulling out ninety valis, "Keep the change," Domnus said before leaving the Hostess of Fertility hoping that Hestia was done with whatever she was doing.

Loki sat there in silence as the restaurant slowly returned to its natural state with people talking about what happened.

"Put it on a tab," Loki said before leaving her half drunken drink.

As Loki began her walk back to her familia's house, thoughts about Domnus began to swirl in her head.

Because she knew as a God, that not a word Domnus said in that restaurant was a lie.

Was Domnus so insane that he's convinced himself that he has lived a life he hasn't?

Or was Domnus someone much older and much more dangerous than Loki first thought.

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