
Chapter 16: Deal & Answer!

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Aman Resorts:-

Ben watched as a limo pulled up and exited 3 individuals, 2 wearing costumes made by Vought and a little girl trailing wearing a backpack and headphones.

They all had stoic expressions as they walked into the luxury hotel, showing little emotion.

"Okay how do I get in?" Ben wondered.

The girl then had a reaction all of the sudden and looked to her right and waved.

This caught the Shapeshifter's attention so he followed her line of sight to Ground Hawk, who was also approaching the hotel.

Which was strange since Butcher told him he wouldn't be leaving California. This gave Ben an idea idea.


Minutes Later:-

Ground Hawk just finished getting a room for 950 a night, but on his pant leg he didn't notice a tiny grey being clinging to it.

It was a good thing there was a line otherwise Grey Matter wasn't sure he would've made it. Thankfully New York traffic always meant slow or still cars so crossing the street was so much easier.

In the elevator Ground Hawk took out his phone and answered a call. "Yeah I saw ya." Pause.

"I'm in room (rattles off a room number) for when you sneak away." Longer pause. "Why not just tell them?" Pause.

"Kid I hate to break it to ya, but that's gonna keep happening." Pause. "Cause it's true." Pause. "Well your choice. See ya in a bit." Hangs up and walks to his room when the he reaches the floor.



Maya Nubian placed her Knight to take out her opponent's rook. "Dammit." Ground Hawk grumbled. "I hate this game."

"That's only cause you're losing." Maya points out. "I actually like it."

"Ya cause you win." Ground Hawk reasons.

"Actually I played against my parents and they always beat me." The young Nubian points out. "Before they started fighting."

"Well if you were me what should I move next?" The supe asks.

"This here." Maya demonstrates, the continues for several more moves until she 'loses.' "Ya see. Easy." She say's with a cheeky smile.

Ground Hawk remained clueless. "Why can't we play Battlefield V on your VS5?" He asks.

"Cause you broke my last 2. And if I ask for another one they'll get suspicious." Maya answers, resetting the board.

As Ground Hawk was about to speak, he spotted a shadow in the curtains. "Rat! Yes!" He jumps and cheers.

"Room is free." Runs at the curtain, silver hands morphing into hammers. (Picture the hammers a bit bigger than in the comics)

"I am not a rodent!" A voice calls out, but it does little to stop the supe. Who when he gets close enough hammers a large hole into the wall of the next room. There a maid glances at him holding a broom.

"Sorry. Thought I saw a rat!" He explains. The maid just continues to clean the room, not caring at all.

"Where are you ya rat?" Ground Hawk say's looking around.

"Um he's not a rat." Maya calls out. The Supe turns and see's she trapped a tiny grey skinned alien under a glass on the chess board. "He's that Shifter guy Homelander fought."

"That tiny shit?" Ground Hawk ask's, pointing to Grey Matter with his hammer hands.

"Jar." Maya sternly tells him while pointing her finger.

Ground Hawk sighs as he morphs his hammers back to hands. He then walks over to the table by the kitchen, pulling out a dollar from his pocket and placing it in a jar.

The jar was labeled 'Swear Jar' with cute decorations but on a sticky note it was written 'Ground Hawk's' on the side.

"Can we at least use this for room service or something? I'm starvin'" He laments.

The young girl then clears her throat and holds up their prisoner. The supe then glances back and forth between the overflowing jar and Grey Matter.

"Yeah I still think this is more important." Gestures back to the jar. "It's like five hundred bucks."

"Fine." Maya agreed

"If I may I have a proposal you should consider." Grey Matter offered.



Ground Hawk and Maya just finished listening to Grey Matter's plan. "So what do you think?" He asked, still in the glass.

"I'm in." Ground Hawk agreed and Maya simply nodded.

"So in about an hour post the photo and call Miss Choi. She's a great lawyer and will fight for you." Grey Matter responded.

"One second." Ground Hawk spoke. "What's in it for you? Why do you need a media fuck storm on this?" The Former G-Force supe asked.

"Can't tell ya." Grey Matter answers.

Ground Hawk then brings his face to within centimeters of the glass. "Why the fudge not?" He asked, using an alternative to a swear.

"Plausible deniability." Maya answers.

"Exactly." Grey Matter agreed. "Just know you'll get the money and new identities."

"Great cause I hate being a Nubian. Every friend I make is just a fake." The little girl whines.

"What about me?" The green supe say's offended slightly.

"You're like old though." Maya explains, before adding. "Plus people think you're a pedo (pedafile)."

"Ahem." Grey Matter clears his throat, getting their attention back. "As much as I enjoy your strange relationship, I must remind you I have somewhere to be so if you would mind." Gestures to the cup.

"Oh right." Maya say's, lifting the glass.

"Thank you." The Galvan before exiting through the hole in the wall. "You might wanna call a guy." He say's before going past the still unfazed maid.


With Hughie:-

Hughie was at his job, which at this time was slow. A good thing because all of his attention was focused on the TV that displayed the latest celebrity news.

"In the latest news Nubian Prince and Nubia are splitting. This comes after their daughter Maya Nubian posts a picture with the divorce papers in the background."

Screen shows a plate pancakes with divorce papers peaking from the top corner.


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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