

Electra's Pov 


 I rolled my eyes as Ashleigh, Jolene, and Liana gathered around my bed like I was some kind of rare animal they'd discovered at a zoo. 


Their overly chipper introductions grated on my nerves, each word dragging through my patience like nails on a chalkboard.


 It was almost laughable, though, because just a few days ago, I'd been this close to sending Liana to an early grave, and now here they were, buzzing around me like I was a shiny new toy.


"I'm Ashleigh!" chirped the little blonde in her typically overly styled hair, and her always annoying voice. 


"Jolene," the brunette followed, her tone softer but just as irritating.


"And I'm Liana," added my last victim with a smile that tried too hard to be sweet, even though her predatory glint was impossible to miss.


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