
High-level negotiations (III)

The Millennium Falcon's engine roared with strain, a clear sign to the seasoned captain of the well-worn starship that repairs would be necessary upon their return to Coruscant. Han contemplated this as he piloted the ship away from the landing pad.


"Did everything go well?" he asked a rhetorical question to those sitting in the cockpit of the freighter. Chewbacca limited himself to a short roar of agreement.


Leia smiled benevolently.


"The Bimms are a peace-loving species," she proclaimed. "The ease of the negotiations was unexpected." Consequently, another planet has become a member of the New Republic.


"And this is your merit," her husband reminded her.


"Not exactly," Organa Solo noted. "The participation of you, Chewie, and Luke in the negotiations was a pleasant surprise for the Bimms. I think they were flattered that three heroes of the Alliance took part in the process of concluding the agreement."


"Four," Han clarified. "You are also a hero, princess."


"As you say," Leia smiled modestly. She sat for a moment in a good mood, but by the time they emerged from the planet's atmosphere, her tone became more alarmed.


"Something is happening to Luke," she said.


"In what sense?" Han was surprised, seeing how the Jedi Knight's X-wing positioned itself slightly ahead of them.


"I... I feel like something is bothering him," Leia said doubtfully. "Usually he's always calm, but before we left Coruscant, it seemed to me that he was puzzled by something. Somewhat thoughtful, concentrated."


"I didn't notice anything," Han admitted. "Maybe you're pushing yourself too hard? He's a Jedi, and these guys are always thoughtful and focused. I guess," he added somewhat hesitantly.


"Perhaps I'm overthinking it," the Alderaanian princess mused. "But... you know, it feels like everything transpired a bit too smoothly."


"I don't mind," Solo said with a grin. "We arrived, attended a welcome ceremony, strolled through the markets, engaged in negotiations, revisited the markets, signed the documents, and then headed home. I'm prepared to embark on such missions with you at least every day."


"I don't think the Provisional Council will have that many tasks for me," Leia noted. "Moreover, such simple ones."


"So maybe you should ask for a break from work?" Han began the conversation again from afar. "Let's say for a year or so..."


"We've already discussed this," the young woman said with a smile. "Currently, the New Republic has a shortage of trained and, more importantly, responsible diplomats."


"And this justifies forcing you to work during pregnancy?" Han asked, clearly displeased. Chewbacca, seated close by, grunted in agreement. He shared his human friend's disapproval of Leia's need to persist with her political and diplomatic duties while also caring for the twins. "Perhaps it's time to remind her that the well-being of two future Jedi rests with you?"


"Han," Leia lovingly stroked her already rounded belly. "Even Luke is not yet sure that our kids will grow up to be Jedi. Perhaps they will be simple people like you and me..."


"Well, yes, you are the simplest among us," the former smuggler did not miss the chance to tease his wife a little.


"Until I train to be a Jedi, yes, I'm an ordinary person," Leia said. "Although... maybe I could ask Luke to give me a few lessons in the Jedi arts?"


"Sounds good, huh, sweetie?" Han turned to her. "And a lightsaber on your belt would look impressive..."


"Right under the belly protruding from under the clothes," Leia smiled.


"A wonderful sight," Solo said uncompromisingly. "By the way, so as not to put this off again, let's ask Luke about this right away. Hey, kid," he, not paying attention to Leia's attempts at protests, opened a communication channel with the Jedi's X-wing. "How would you like to train Leia a little when we return to Coruscant?"


"Good idea, Han," Solo frowned. Skywalker's voice sounded somehow distant. "But I'm not sure that she will be able to master the entire training course..."


"Galant as a rancor," Han thought.


"I'm not such a bad student, brother," but now the princess's voice sounded wounded. "Moreover, take it as practice. One day you will have to teach your wisdom to the twins."


"Leia," Luke's words were tinged with warmth. "I didn't mean to suggest that you won't master the Jedi arts. It's just that... I'm not sure if training is permissible in your condition... given the intense physical exertion it requires..."


"You would think that female Jedi stopped performing their duty during pregnancy," Leia said with shades of sarcasm. "Luke, please don't act like a caring older brother..."


"Is he the eldest?" Han hastened to clarify. Chewbacca said with a quiet growl that he was also concerned about the truthful answer to the question posed.


"We haven't decided yet," the princess admitted with a sigh.


"Leia, I…" Luke hesitated. "I don't know how female Jedi behaved in your position... To be honest, I wanted to tell you that I want to go to Dagobah." See if there are any notes left from Yoda.


"Which ones have you been unable to find all this time?" Han asked, skepticism evident in his tone. "It appears to me, darling, that you're rather awkwardly searching for an excuse to slip away from us."


"So noticeable?" There was a sad laugh in Luke's voice.


"Let's just say that I wouldn't advise you to play sabacc" Han answered diplomatically. "Leia said something is bothering you..."


And he hoped with every fiber of his soul that the Jedi would dispel his doubts.


Luke Skywalker possesses a trait that sets him apart as the kindest Jedi in the galaxy: he simply cannot lie effectively. In fact, he seems incapable of lying altogether.


"She's right," Luke admitted without resistance. "I sense something... off in the Force." It was a faint sensation on Coruscant, but on Bimmisaari, it was like walking on pins and needles, as if anticipating the negotiations to collapse.


Han glanced at Leia, whose expression clearly said, "I told you so!" Ah, those Jedi...


"Is there an answer to be found in Dagobah?" clarified the Jedi's sister.


"I'm uncertain—truly, it's baffling! He doesn't even attempt reassurance. 'The Force is summoning me to Dagobah.' Maybe the answers lie there. Maybe there's a clue of some sort. Or perhaps I simply wish to revisit Yoda's resting place."


"Maybe we should tell Corran Horn?" Han suggested. "Now, it seems, he is also a Jedi..."


"Han," Skywalker said peacefully. "Horn is currently on duty, and training is not part of his plans. Perhaps, when we deal with the Empire..."


Solo gazed at his wife. "Is this just a family excuse?" It appeared that Darth Vader never searched for excuses; he simply took action.


"Okay, Luke," Han looked at the navigation computer, which reported that the jump to Coruscant was timed. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. If you need our help, you know the frequency of my comlink."


"Thank you, Han," replied the Jedi Knight. "I was pleased to join you on a mission once more." He acknowledged each of his friends in turn: Chewie, Leia, Han. It was his way of bidding farewell, not merely saying, "Goodbye, I'll drop by in a week!"


"May the force be with you, Luke," said Leia.

"And with all of you," replied Skywalker, his voice fading once more.


The X-wing rolled off to the side, shaking its wings in farewell. An instant - and the ship rushed forward, disappearing from sight in a hyperspace jump.


Chewbacca whined ambiguously.


"Yes, my friend," said the Corellian, casting a glance at his wife, who was engrossed in reading documents. "I truly hope this isn't the start of another thrilling adventure that comes at the expense of the galaxy."
