
The Duo

Franklin Valorian's entry into the Independence Cluster Defense Force (ICDF) was as unconventional as the man himself. On the day of his enlistment, he strode into the recruitment office, ducking to avoid hitting his head on the doorframe, a grin plastered across his face.

"Well, howdy folks!" he boomed, causing several recruits to jump. "I hear you're looking for some big damn heroes to keep our cluster safe. Where do I sign up?"

The recruitment officer, a grizzled veteran named Sergeant Harding, looked up at Franklin with a mixture of awe and suspicion. "Son, we don't need heroes. We need soldiers who can follow orders and work as a team."

Franklin's grin widened. "Oh, I can do that too. But trust me, you're gonna want me on your team. I come with some… shall we say, unique qualifications."

To emphasize his point, Franklin casually lifted a nearby desk with one hand, recruits' paperwork and all, and held it aloft. "See? I'm a real multitool, if you catch my drift."

Harding's eyes widened. He'd heard rumors of the Valorian family's adopted son, but seeing him in person was something else entirely. "Report to medical for evaluation," he managed to say. "And… put that desk down, please."

Franklin complied, still smiling. "Yes, sir! Looking forward to serving with you fine folks."

As Franklin made his way to the medical wing, he overheard a heated argument. Turning a corner, he saw a tall, well-built man speaking passionately to a skeptical officer. Franklin recognized the unmistakable edge of frustration in his voice.

"With respect, sir, we can't keep treating every Xenos as an automatic threat. If we don't make allies where we can, we'll always be outnumbered."

The officer's reply was curt. "They've slaughtered entire colonies. Why should we take the risk?"

Franklin leaned against the doorframe, listening. The man, whose uniform bore the name Denzel Washington, didn't back down. "Because we don't win by hiding behind walls. I've fought them, same as you. But I've also seen those willing to talk, willing to trade. Do we hate them all, or do we take a chance on those who could stand with us?"

The officer scoffed. "You'd risk your life trusting Xenos?"

Denzel crossed his arms. "We already risk our lives fighting them. I say the risk of trust is worth it, sir."

Franklin grinned and stepped forward, clapping Denzel on the shoulder. "Now that's what I call courage. Name's Franklin Valorian. What's yours?"

"Denzel Washington," he said, glancing at Franklin's massive frame. "And if you're here to argue, I've already heard it."

Franklin chuckled. "Argue? Hell no. I think you've got the right idea. Doesn't mean it'll be easy, though. I bet most folks in this cluster would rather shoot first and ask questions never."

"You're not wrong," Denzel admitted. "But someone's got to try."

Franklin turned to the officer, his grin fading. "Now, I'm new here, but I thought this defense force was about protecting the cluster. All of it. If Washington's willing to stand up for that—even when it means taking the harder road—then I say you're lucky to have him."

The officer hesitated before muttering, "Fine. Washington, report to medical."

As they walked away, Franklin turned to Denzel. "I like your style, Washington. You don't just fight the fight—you try to make it mean something."

Denzel offered a wry smile. "Appreciate it. But I'm not naive. Most Xenos don't want peace. They've taken too much from us."

Franklin nodded. "True. But maybe a few good folks like you can change that. One step at a time."

"Guess we'll see," Denzel replied.


The following years saw Franklin and Denzel forge a friendship as strong as adamantium through the crucible of ICDF training and their first combat deployments. Franklin's superhuman abilities and tactical genius quickly became apparent, while Denzel's diplomatic skills and precise combat style complemented Franklin's more bombastic approach.

Their first real test came during a Rangdan incursion on the outer fringes of the Independence Cluster. The xenos threat, with its mind-bending psychic abilities and horrific organic technology, had managed to establish a beachhead on one of the cluster's frontier worlds.

Franklin, now a newly minted officer, found himself in command of a company tasked with pushing back the Rangdan advance. As he surveyed the battlefield from a forward command post, Denzel at his side, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him.

"It's not looking good, Frank," Denzel said, his usual calm demeanor strained. "The Rangdan are pushing through our lines faster than we can reinforce them. We're outnumbered and outgunned."

Franklin's face was uncharacteristically serious as he studied the tactical hololith. "Then we change the game," he said, a familiar glint returning to his eye. "Denzel, remember that crazy idea we talked about during training? The one the instructors said was too risky?"

Denzel's eyes widened. "You can't be serious. That's suicide!"

Franklin's grin returned full force. "Only if we do it wrong. And when have we ever done anything wrong?"

"I can list at least a dozen times," Denzel retorted, but he was already reaching for his comm unit. "What do you need me to do?"

"Get me every heavy weapons team we have," Franklin said, his mind racing with possibilities. "And see if you can 'requisition' some of those new grav-chutes R&D has been working on."

As Denzel moved to carry out his orders, Franklin turned to the rest of his command staff. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're about to introduce the Rangdan to a little thing I like to call 'overwhelming firepower.' Here's the plan..."

Hours later, as the Rangdan forces prepared for what they thought would be their final push to victory, the sky above them suddenly darkened. Looking up, they saw not storm clouds, but hundreds of ICDF troops descending on grav-chutes, each bearing heavy weaponry that would have normally been vehicle-mounted.

At the forefront was Franklin himself, dual-wielding massive rotary cannons that looked comically large even in his enormous hands. His voice boomed across the battlefield, amplified by his armor's systems:

"Attention, ugly xenos bastards! This is your eviction notice. Prepare to be thoroughly and overwhelming liberated... from existence!"

What followed was a barrage of firepower unlike anything the Rangdan had faced before. Franklin's unorthodox tactic of essentially creating a mobile, airborne heavy weapons platform took the xenos completely by surprise. The ICDF troops rained death from above, their grav-chutes allowing them to reposition faster than the Rangdan could adapt.

Franklin himself was a whirlwind of destruction, his enhanced physiology allowing him to wield weapons that would have torn a normal human apart from the recoil alone. Beside him, Denzel danced through the chaos, his sword flashing as he cut down any Rangdan that got too close, his plasma pistol picking off targets with surgical precision.

The battle was over in hours, the Rangdan force utterly decimated. As the dust settled, Franklin landed beside Denzel, his armor scorched and dented but his grin as wide as ever.

"Now that," he said, slapping Denzel on the back hard enough to make him stumble, "is how you deal with an xenos incursion!"

Denzel shook his head, but couldn't hide his own smile. "You're insane, you know that?"

"Insanely effective," Franklin countered. "Come on, let's round up the troops. I think we all deserve a drink after this."

As they made their way through the cheering ICDF soldiers, Franklin's mind was already racing with new ideas. The success of this operation had proven the effectiveness of his "overwhelming firepower" doctrine. With the resources of the Independence Cluster behind him, he knew he could refine and expand on this strategy.

The Rangdan, the Slaugth, any xenos threat that dared to challenge the Independence Cluster – they would all learn to fear the day they heard Franklin Valorian was coming for them.


In the years that followed, Franklin's reputation grew to near-mythic status. His unrelenting drive for innovation, coupled with the Independence Cluster's advanced technology and immense industrial capabilities, turned the tides of countless battles against xenos incursions. Under his leadership, the ICDF (Independence Cluster Defense Force) became a symbol of resilience and progress in an otherwise hostile galaxy.

The ICDF's transhuman warriors, enhanced for speed, precision, and adaptability, proved to be the cornerstone of these victories. While their individual strength was not exceptional by the standards of some alien threats, their strength lay in coordination and their use of cutting-edge weaponry. On the battlefield, they became a well-oiled machine, overwhelming enemies through sheer tactical superiority and numbers. Their disciplined ranks turned battlefields into laboratories of strategic ingenuity.

However, the harsh realities of their galaxy never faded. During a particularly grueling campaign against a Slaugth infestation, Franklin and Denzel found themselves confronted by the grim undercurrent of their society's fear and survival instincts.

Pushing deeper into Slaugth-held territory, they encountered a disturbing sight. A young soldier had collapsed in the middle of his squad, his body convulsing violently as arcs of unnatural energy crackled around him. His eyes, filled with terror, shimmered with an unnatural glow.

"Psyker!" a voice from the squad rang out, sharp and immediate.

Before Franklin could react, the squad sprang into action. Weapons were raised, and in a disciplined burst of fire, they cut down the young man without hesitation. The energy around him dissipated, leaving silence in its wake.

Franklin stared at the scene, his fists clenched. "What the hell was that?" he demanded, his voice low and tight. "That was one of our own!"

Denzel stepped forward, his face grim. "It's policy," he said, voice laden with an unshakable weight. "Psykers are seen as a liability—an opening for corruption or worse. No chances are taken."

Franklin's jaw tightened, his frustration clear. "He could have been trained, controlled, turned into an advantage—"

"And he could've turned against us just as easily," Denzel interrupted, his tone heavy. "You know how deeply fear runs here, Frank. People don't see psykers as humans. They see them as weapons waiting to explode. Changing that will take more than logic. It'll take time."

Franklin said nothing, his anger simmering beneath the surface. The incident became a turning point, a moment that crystalized the challenges he faced beyond the battlefield. To ensure a brighter future for the Independence Cluster, he would need to do more than defend it from external threats. He would need to fight the fear and prejudices that threatened to tear it apart from within.


As Franklin's military successes mounted, so too did his political influence. His charisma and proven track record made him a popular figure across the cluster. He began to be invited to political functions, asked to speak at rallies, consulted on matters of defense policy.

Through it all, Denzel remained by his side, serving as both a voice of reason and a trusted confidant. Covering everything from tactical innovations to philosophical debates about the nature of governance.

"I'm telling you, Denzel," Franklin said one night, pacing in his quarters, "we're on the verge of something big. The old way of doing things, it's not enough anymore. We need a system that can react faster, hit harder."

Denzel, lounging in a chair that looked comically small next to Franklin, raised an eyebrow. "Careful, Frank. That kind of talk makes some people nervous. They start throwing around words like 'dictator' and 'tyrant.'"

Franklin waved a hand dismissively. "They don't understand. I'm not talking about taking away people's rights. I'm talking about creating a system that can protect those rights more effectively. A managed democracy, where the will of the people is still paramount, but we have the mechanisms in place to act decisively when we need to."

"And who decides when those mechanisms are needed?" Denzel challenged.

Franklin grinned. "Why, the people do, of course. Through their elected representatives. We just... streamline the process a bit."

Denzel shook his head, but he was smiling. "You're playing with fire, my friend. But I have to admit, when you talk like that, I almost believe it could work."

"It will work," Franklin said, his voice filled with conviction. "It has to. The threats we face, the Rangdan, the Slaugth, who knows what else is out there... we can't afford to be held back by bureaucratic gridlock. The Independence Cluster has the potential to be a beacon of hope in this dark galaxy. We just need to seize it."

As Denzel watched his friend, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of admiration and concern. Franklin's vision was grand, his intentions noble. But the path he was proposing was fraught with danger. Only time would tell if Franklin Valorian would be remembered as the savior of the Independence Cluster, or as another tyrant who fell prey to the corruption of power.

For now, though, Denzel knew his place was at Franklin's side. Whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together – the giant with the heart of a hero, and the diplomat with the soul of a warrior. 


The celebration in the ICDF barracks was in full swing. The air was thick with the smell of grilled meats, the sound of laughter, and the clinking of glasses. At the center of it all, as always, was Franklin Valorian, his booming laugh carrying over the din.

"And then," Franklin was saying, gesturing wildly with a massive mug of ale in his hand, "the Rangdan thinks he's got me cornered, right? So I look him dead in the eye – well, I think it was his eye, hard to tell with those buggers – and I say, 'Buddy, I'm about to introduce you to a little thing we call the Second Amendment!'"

The crowd of soldiers around him erupted in laughter. Denzel, standing at Franklin's side as always, just shook his head with a grin.

"You know that's not how it happened, Frank," he said, taking a sip from his own drink.

Franklin turned to his friend, feigning offense. "Are you calling me a liar, Denzel? In front of all these fine folks?"

"Not a liar," Denzel replied smoothly. "Just... creatively honest."

This elicited another round of laughter from the gathered soldiers. Franklin's grin widened as he threw an arm around Denzel's shoulders, nearly knocking the smaller man off balance.

"See, this is why I keep him around," Franklin announced to the crowd. "Keeps me honest. Well, mostly honest. Somewhat adjacent to honest."

As the laughter died down, Franklin raised his mug high. "A toast!" he called out, his voice carrying to every corner of the barracks. "To the brave men and women of the ICDF. To liberty, to overwhelming firepower, and to kicking xenos ass!"

"To liberty!" the crowd roared back, raising their own drinks.

As the party continued around them, Franklin steered Denzel towards a quieter corner. "Great bunch, aren't they?" he said, his voice softer now, tinged with genuine affection.

Denzel nodded, his expression thoughtful. "They are. You know, when I first enlisted, I never thought I'd see anything like this. A Giant of a man a High Ranking Officer – drinking and laughing with the rank and file."

Franklin's face grew serious for a moment. "That's because they're not just soldiers to me, Denzel. They're family. Every single one of them. And family looks out for each other."

Denzel smiled, clapping Franklin on the arm. "And that, my friend, is why they'd follow you into Hell itself if you asked."

Their moment of reflection was interrupted by a group of female officers approaching, led by a tall, striking woman with short-cropped hair and a scar running down her left cheek.

"Commander Valorian," she said, her tone professional but with a hint of warmth. "Colonel Vasquez. Quite the party you've got going here."

Franklin's grin returned full force. "Major Chen! Glad you could make it. And please, it's just Franklin. Especially when I'm off-duty and three ales in."

Chen raised an eyebrow. "Three ales? I've seen Ogryn drink more than that without breaking a sweat."

"Ah, but have you seen an Ogryn that can still quote the Constitution after those drinks?" Franklin shot back, winking.

Chen laughed, a rich, genuine sound. "I'd like to see that."

"Well then," Franklin said, offering his arm with an exaggerated flourish, "allow me to demonstrate. Ladies, if you'll accompany me to the refreshment table, I'll treat you to a recitation of the Bill of Rights, complete with interpretive dance."

As Franklin led the group of officers away, Denzel could hear him starting, "We the People of the Independence Cluster, in order to form a more perfect union..." His voice faded into the general noise of the party.

Denzel shook his head, smiling. Franklin's ability to switch from serious leader to charismatic party animal never ceased to amaze him. But he knew that behind the jokes and the flirting, Franklin's mind was always working, always planning for the next challenge.

The next morning found Franklin and Denzel in the ICDF's state-of-the-art training facility. Despite the late night, Franklin was as energetic as ever, moving through a series of complex maneuvers with his dual rotary cannons as if they weighed no more than pistols.

Denzel, looking slightly worse for wear, watched from the sidelines, sipping a strong cup of recaff. "You know," he called out, "most people would be nursing a hangover right now."

Franklin paused his routine, not even breathing hard. "Most people aren't me," he said with a grin. "Besides, can't let a little thing like a party interfere with staying sharp. The xenos aren't going to give us a day off, so neither do I."

He set down his weapons and walked over to Denzel, snagging the cup of recaff and downing it in one gulp. "Ah, that hits the spot. Now, ready to run through that new tactical simulation?"

Denzel groaned but nodded. "You're a machine, Frank. But alright, let's do it."

As they made their way to the simulation chamber, they passed a group of new recruits, fresh-faced and eager. Franklin stopped, turning to address them.

"Morning, folks! Beautiful day for some training, isn't it?" The recruits stammered out affirmatives, clearly in awe of the massive Man addressing them directly.

Franklin's grin softened into a more encouraging smile. "Remember, every drop of sweat you shed here saves blood on the battlefield. Work hard, stay focused, and before you know it, you'll be out there defending our liberty with the best of 'em."

As they continued on, Denzel nudged Franklin. "You know, for someone who can benchpress a Bane Blade, you've got a surprisingly gentle touch with the newbies."

Franklin shrugged. "Everyone starts somewhere. Besides, a little encouragement goes a long way. Now come on, I've got a new strategy I want to test out. I call it 'Operation Thunderous Liberty.'"

Denzel rolled his eyes. "Let me guess, it involves a lot of explosions?"

"Denzel, my friend," Franklin said, clapping him on the back, "when doesn't it?"

Later that afternoon, Franklin found himself in a meeting with the Cluster's political leadership. Despite his preference for the battlefield or the training grounds, he knew the importance of these sessions.

"Gentlemen, ladies," he began, his usually boisterous tone tempered for the formal setting, "I understand your concerns about our latest defense budget proposal. But I assure you, every credit is necessary."

An older man at the far end of the table spoke up. "Commander Valorian, while we all appreciate your... enthusiasm, some of us are concerned about the scale of military expansion you're proposing. The Independence Cluster has always prioritized defense, not aggression."

Franklin nodded, his expression serious. "Councilor, I respect your position. But let me ask you this: when a wildfire is approaching your home, do you simply build a firebreak and hope for the best? Or do you take steps to extinguish the fire at its source?"

He stood, his massive frame dominating the room. "The threats we face – the Rangdan, the Slaugth, who knows what else lurks in the darkness of space – they're not content to simply probe our borders. They want to destroy us, to consume everything we've built. Our liberty, our way of life, it's all at stake."

Franklin began to pace, his voice rising with passion. "The expansion I'm proposing isn't about aggression. It's about creating a buffer zone, about taking the fight to the enemy before they can mass on our doorstep. It's about ensuring that every citizen of the Independence Cluster can sleep soundly at night, knowing that we stand ready to face any threat."

He paused, looking each council member in the eye. "We have the technology. We have the production capacity. What we need now is the will to use them. To create a force so formidable that any xenos species would think twice before challenging us."

The room was silent for a moment. Then, slowly, heads began to nod. Franklin could see the shift in their expressions, from skepticism to consideration.

"Thank you, Commander," the council leader said finally. "You've given us much to think about. We'll review your proposal in detail and reconvene next week for a vote."

As the meeting adjourned, Franklin felt a sense of satisfaction. It wasn't the thrill of battle, but these political victories were just as important in their own way.

Outside the council chambers, he found Denzel waiting for him. "How'd it go?" his friend asked.

Franklin's grin returned. "Let's just say I think they're starting to see things our way. Now, I don't know about you, but all this political maneuvering has worked up my appetite. What do you say we hit that new steakhouse in the Officers' District? I hear they've got portions even I might struggle with."

Denzel laughed. "You? Struggle with food? Now that I've got to see."

As they walked off, Franklin threw an arm around his friend's shoulders. "You know, Denzel, sometimes I think about how different things might have been if we hadn't met that day at the recruitment office."

Denzel looked up at him, curious. "Oh? How so?"

Franklin's expression grew thoughtful. "Well, for one, I'd probably be a lot less handsome by association."

Denzel snorted. "And here I thought you were going to say something profound."

"Me? Profound?" Franklin's booming laugh echoed down the corridor. "Perish the thought! Now come on, those steaks aren't going to eat themselves."

As they made their way through the bustling streets of the capital, Franklin couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. This was what he was fighting for – the laughter of children playing in parks, the bustle of commerce, the freedom for people to live their lives without fear. And he'd make damn sure it stayed that way, no matter what the galaxy threw at them.

The Independence Cluster wasn't just a collection of worlds or a political entity. It was a dream, a vision of what humanity could be at its best. And Franklin Valorian, with his overwhelming firepower and his iron-clad determination, would see that dream defended, no matter the cost.

Next chapter