
[70] Righteous Fury

[Nejire's POV]

I slip through the doorway, keeping close to the wall. The warehouse is a maze of rotting crates and rusted machinery, morning light filtering through holes in the roof. Momo follows behind me, her footsteps silent on the concrete floor.

Another scream echoes, closer now. Female, young. My stomach tightens.

"Left side," I mouth to Momo, gesturing toward a stack of crates. She nods, creating a small camera drone that hovers at waist height.

The feed appears on her wrist display. Two men in dark clothing, standing over a girl who can't be more than sixteen. One holds what looks like a quirk suppression collar.


Momo's jaw clenches. I touch her arm, signaling to wait. We need to assess the situation fully before-

The girl spots us. Her eyes widen, and one of the men turns.

Well, there goes stealth.

"Heroes!" He raises his hand, and the air around us suddenly thickens like syrup. Some kind of density manipulation quirk.

I push through it, launching myself upward. The second man tracks my movement, his fingers elongating into metallic whips.

"Momo, the girl!"

She's already moving, creating a shield to block the whips while I charge my quirk. The dense air makes it harder to gather energy, but I manage to release a wave that sends Metal Fingers stumbling back.

"You picked the wrong villains to mess with," Density Man growls. The air compresses further, pushing us toward the ground. "Two pretty little things like you? Our buyer will be thrilled."


I fire another wave, but it dissipates in the thick air. Momo tries to create something - probably another flashbang - but the density is affecting her quirk too.

"Control," I wheeze into my comm. "Request immediate backup at-"

Metal Fingers' whip catches my leg, yanking me off balance. I hit the ground hard, the impact knocking my earpiece loose.

Momo creates a staff, swinging it at Density Man's head. He ducks, but his concentration breaks enough for me to get up.

The girl scrambles away during the chaos, but there's nowhere to run. The warehouse doors slam shut - a third quirk user we didn't spot.

"You heroes are all the same," a new voice calls from the shadows. "So predictable. See someone in trouble, rush in without thinking."

Footsteps approach. A woman emerges, wearing a business suit that seems out of place in this dump.

"Nejire," Momo's voice is tight. "That's-"

"Madame Hydra." I recognize her from the briefings. Human trafficking, quirk enhancement drugs, general scumbaggery. "Didn't know you did field work."

"I make exceptions for special merchandise." Her smile doesn't reach her eyes. "Two top hero students? That's worth leaving the office for."

The air gets heavier, pressing us to our knees. Metal Fingers circles behind us, his whips writhing like snakes.

I try to gather energy, but it's like swimming through cement. Momo's creating something small - but Hydra notices.

"None of that." She nods to Metal Fingers, who wraps his whips around Momo's wrists. "Now, let's discuss business. I have clients who'd pay a fortune for-"

I headbutt her.

Look, I'm not proud of it. But sometimes you have to work with what you've got.

Hydra staggers back, blood streaming from her nose. The density quirk wavers for a second - long enough for me to blast Metal Fingers away from Momo.

"Run!" I shout to the girl. She bolts for a broken window, regeneration quirk healing the cuts as she climbs through.

"You little-" Hydra pulls out a gun. Because of course she has a gun. "That's coming out of your price tag."

Momo creates a smoke bomb, filling the warehouse with thick gray clouds. I use the cover to get closer to her, back to back.

"Ideas?" I ask.

"Working on it. Can you fly in this?"

I test my quirk. The energy spirals weakly around my hands. "Barely. You?"

"Creation's sluggish. But I might have enough for-"

A whip wraps around my throat.

I grab it, trying to channel energy through the metal, but another whip pins my arms. Across from me, Density Man has Momo trapped in a sphere of compressed air.

"Enough games." Hydra's voice cuts through the smoke. "Knock them out. And someone find that regenerator before-"


The warehouse wall explodes.

Through the smoke and debris, I see a silhouette that makes my heart leap - Izuku, standing in the hole he just punched through the wall. His eyes scan the warehouse, landing first on Momo trapped in the density sphere, then on me with Metal Fingers' whips around my throat.

The temperature seems to drop ten degrees.

"Miruko," Izuku's voice is quiet. Too quiet. "Left side."

The Rabbit Hero launches from behind him, her leg already swinging in a devastating arc toward Density Man. "On it, green bean!"

Metal Fingers tightens his grip, making me gasp. "Stay back or I'll-"

He doesn't finish the sentence because Izuku is already there, moving so fast I barely track it. His hand clamps down on the villain's wrist, and I hear bones crack.

The whips loosen as Metal Fingers screams. I drop to my knees, gulping air.

"You okay?" Izuku asks, not taking his eyes off the villain.

"Been better." I push myself up. "Watch out for-"

A gunshot rings out. Izuku moves, dodging the bullet. Hydra backs away, firing twice more.

"Expensive merchandise," she spits. "Should have known you'd have a tracker."

Across the warehouse, Miruko's kick connects with Density Man's jaw. The air returns to normal as he crumples, and Momo drops to the ground gasping.

"Four minutes," Miruko calls out, dodging a desperate swing. "That's how long backup takes to arrive. Want to see what we can do in four minutes?"

Metal Fingers tries to pull away from Izuku. Bad move. There's another crack, and the villain drops unconscious.

"Three targets," Izuku says, stepping over the body. "One down. Miruko?"

"Two down!" She stands over Density Man's prone form. "Just the boss lady left."

Hydra looks between us, her composure cracking. "You don't understand. I have connections. People who'll-"

"People who'll what?" Izuku's voice could freeze hell. "Hurt us? Our families?" He takes a step forward. "Try."

She fires her last bullet. Izuku dodges it again.

"Wave Motion, Creati," he says without turning. "You both need medical attention. Wait outside."

"But-" Momo starts.


Something in his tone makes us both move. As we reach the new exit, I hear Hydra's gun clatter to the floor.

"Wait." I turn back. "Izuku?"


"Don't kill them."

He doesn't answer, but Miruko laughs. "Don't worry, blue. We'll just educate them about proper business practices."

We wait outside as sirens approach. Through the hole in the wall, I hear impacts, screams, and what sounds like Miruko critiquing Hydra's choice of shoes while breaking them.

"Should we..." Momo gestures at the warehouse.

"Nah." I sit on a crate, rubbing my throat. "Let them work through their feelings."

She joins me. "Some first patrol, huh?"

"Could be worse."

Police cars screech to a halt nearby. Detective Tsukauchi jumps out, looking unsurprised to see us.

"Inside?" he asks.

I point to the hole. "Izuku and Miruko are... discussing things with the suspects."

He sighs. "I'll wait a minute."

A crash echoes from the warehouse, followed by Miruko's voice: "That all you got? My grandma hits harder!"

"Make it two minutes," Tsukauchi mutters.

Finally, Izuku emerges carrying an unconscious Hydra, Miruko dragging the other two behind her. They're alive, mostly intact, and will probably regain consciousness eventually.

"Suspects secured," Izuku reports, dumping Hydra at Tsukauchi's feet. "Human trafficking ring, at least three victims that we know of. One escaped during the fight - regeneration quirk, teenage girl. Might want to canvas the area."

"Already on it." Tsukauchi waves paramedics over. "You two need statements from these heroes?"

Izuku looks at my neck, his eyes darkening again. Miruko puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Later," she says. "Let's get them checked out first."

As paramedics fuss over us, I catch Izuku watching, his face unreadable. Miruko says something to him, too quiet to hear, and he nods.

"Hey." I call out. "Thanks for the save."

His expression softens slightly. "Always."

"Though I totally had it under control."

"Obviously." Now he's almost smiling. "You were just letting them tire themselves out, right?"

"Exactly! Part of my master plan."

"Which part involved getting strangled?" Miruko asks, crossing her arms.

"The dramatic part. You know, building tension."

They both stare at me, and suddenly we're all laughing - maybe a bit hysterically, but who cares? We're alive, the bad guys are caught, and my neck only hurts when I breathe.

Just another day in the hero business.

"So," I say as the paramedic wraps my throat, "who's buying breakfast? I'm thinking waffles. Lots of waffles."

[Izuku's POV]

I watch the paramedics check Nejire's throat, my jaw clenching at the bruising already forming. She catches my eye and grins, but I can see the slight tremor in her hands.

"Raincheck on breakfast," I say, keeping my voice light. "Miruko and I need to finish patrol."

"Aww, come on!" Nejire pouts. "I'm fine! Look, barely a scratch!"

The paramedic examining her disagrees. "You need proper medical attention, miss. The compression to your throat could have-"

"Yeah, yeah. But after?"

"After you rest," Momo cuts in, her own voice hoarse. "Both of us need to file incident reports anyway."

I nod to Momo, grateful for the assist. Nejire's still protesting, but I can tell her heart's not in it. The adrenaline's wearing off.

"Hey." I step closer, lowering my voice. "Get checked out properly. That's an order."

She rolls her eyes. "Fine, sir. But you owe me waffles."


Miruko's already heading toward the warehouse exit, but she pauses to crack her knuckles. "Ready to roll, green bean?"

"One second." I pull out my phone, typing quickly to Ai:

Need everything you can find on Madame Hydra. Trafficking ring, high-end clientele. Connected enough to be cocky about it.

The response comes almost instantly:

On it. Be careful - that name's come up in some nasty places. Will send details securely.

I pocket the phone, falling into step beside Miruko. We're halfway down the block when she speaks.

"You're thinking about it."

"About what?"

"What would've happened if we'd been two minutes later."

I don't answer. Don't need to. The image of Nejire struggling against those whips, of Momo trapped in that compressed air...

"They're okay," Miruko says firmly. "Focus on that."

"They shouldn't have been in danger at all. That warehouse was supposed to be clear."

"Bad intel happens. They handled it well."

"Until they didn't."

Miruko stops walking. "Oi. You planning something stupid?"

"Define stupid."

"Like paying Hydra's friends a visit before they disappear into the system."

I keep my face neutral. "That would be illegal."

"Damn right it would." She grins, sharp and predatory. "So when do we start?"

"We don't. You've got that press thing tonight, remember?"

"Shit." She kicks a lamppost, leaving a dent. "Rain check on the illegal vigilante justice?"

"I'm not planning anything illegal."

"Sure you're not." She stretches, rabbit ears twitching. "Just remember - next time you're not planning anything illegal, give me a heads up. Can't let you have all the fun."

We finish patrol without incident. Miruko heads off to her press event, but not before punching my shoulder hard enough to bruise.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she calls over her shoulder.

"That leaves a lot of options!"


I wait until she's gone before checking my phone again. Ai's sent several encrypted files:

Hydra = Kimiko Sato. Former pharmaceutical exec. Multiple shell companies. Specialized in "custom merchandise" for wealthy clients. Careful - has protection in high places. Sending locations of known properties.

Another message pops up:

Please don't do anything rash. These people are connected.

I type back: Just gathering intel.

Sure. And I'm just a normal college student.

Thanks for the help, Ai.

Don't make me have to help hide bodies.

I smile despite myself, pocketing the phone. The sun's setting now, painting the city in orange and shadow. Perfect time for not doing anything illegal.

First stop: the police station. Specifically, the holding cells where three trafficking suspects are probably getting comfortable.

After all, it would be irresponsible not to follow up on my arrests. Just standard hero work.

Nothing illegal about that at all.

The night guard recognizes me, waving me through with a smile. "Here to check on the paperwork, Viridian?"

"Something like that."

The cells are in the basement. Hydra's in isolation - standard procedure for high-risk suspects. The other two share a cell down the hall.

Metal Fingers looks up as I approach. His actual name is Takeshi Sato, according to his booking sheet. No relation to Hydra, despite the name. His wrists are in quirk-suppressing cuffs, wrapped in bandages where I broke them.

"What do you want?" he snarls, but I hear the fear underneath.

"Information." I lean against the bars. "About your boss's friends."

"I ain't telling you shit."

"Okay." I start walking away.

"That's it?"

I shrug. "You'll talk to the police eventually. Or maybe your boss's friends will get to you first. Either way, not my problem."


I stop, not turning around.

He swallows hard. "Hydra said they'd be worth more. Special clients pay extra for heroes."


"I don't-" He flinches as I step closer. "I swear, I don't know names! But... but there's a club. In Hosu. The Golden Dragon. That's where deals happen."


"And nothing! That's all I know! Please..."

I study him for a moment longer, then nod. "If you're lying..."

"I'm not! I swear!"

I leave him shaking in his cell, heading for isolation. Hydra's awake, sitting primly on her bunk despite her bruised face.

"Here to rough me up some more?" she asks, voice dripping disdain.

"No need. Your friend was very helpful."

She doesn't react, but her fingers twitch slightly.

"The Golden Dragon," I continue. "Interesting place. Lots of wealthy clients, I hear. Wonder what they'll think when a hero drops by."

"You're bluffing."

"Maybe." I smile. "Want to risk it?"

She stands slowly. "What do you want?"

I lean against the isolation cell wall, keeping my expression neutral. "Your office. Where is it?"

Hydra's eyes narrow. "You think I'd just tell you?"

"I think you're smart enough to know your options are limited." I pull out my phone, scrolling through Ai's files. "Let's see... main office registered to a shell company in the Minato ward. But that's just for show, isn't it?"

A slight twitch of her eyebrow. Got her.

"The real records, the client lists, the transactions - those would be somewhere more secure. Somewhere personal." I look up from the phone. "How am I doing so far?"

"You're making a lot of assumptions," she says, but her voice lacks conviction.

"Am I? Because your friend Takeshi seemed pretty sure about the Golden Dragon. Wonder what else he knows?"

"That idiot doesn't know anything."

"Maybe not. But between his testimony and whatever's on your office computer..." I let the implication hang.

Hydra stands, pacing her cell. I can almost see the calculations running behind her eyes. Finally, she stops.

"You're going to get yourself killed," she says flatly. "These people - they're not like the villains you train against. They're powerful. Connected."

"I'm counting on it." I push off the wall. "The office, Hydra. Last chance to cooperate."

She laughs, harsh and bitter. "Or what? You'll beat it out of me? Heroes don't do that."

"You're right." I turn to leave. "Heroes don't. But I'm still learning."


I pause, hand on the door.

"Shibuya," she says quietly. "Top floor of the Jade Palace apartments. Unit 1201. But you'll never get in. The security-"

"Not your problem anymore." I glance back. "Smart choice, by the way. Gives you something to bargain with when this all comes down."

Her expression darkens. "When they find out I talked-"

"They won't. As far as anyone knows, I tracked you through the Golden Dragon lead. You'll be safely in custody when everything hits the fan."

"Why..." She shakes her head. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want you to think very carefully about what happens next. About who you want to bet on." I meet her eyes. "The people who'd throw you to the wolves? Or the hero who kept his word?"

I leave her with that thought, heading back upstairs. The night guard gives me a questioning look.

"All done?"

"For now." I check my phone. Three messages from Ai:

Found the apartment. Security's tight. Sending blueprints.

Also found something interesting about the building owner. Call me.


I step outside before dialing. Ai picks up immediately.

"Tell me you're not planning what I think you're planning."

"Okay, I won't tell you."

She sighs. "The building's owned by a subsidiary of the Yaoyorozu Group."

That makes me pause. "Momo's family?"

"Through about six shell companies, but yes. I don't think they know - it's buried deep in their real estate portfolio."

"Interesting. What about security?"

"Standard rich people stuff. Key cards, cameras, doorman. But the top three floors have extra measures. Biometric scanners, motion sensors-"

La Brava can bypass them hopefully.

"Got it covered. Send me everything you have. And Ai?"


"Thank you."

Another sigh. "Just... be careful. And call if you need backup."


I end the call, looking up at the darkening sky. The Jade Palace is about twenty minutes away by rooftop. Plenty of time to form a plan.

First stop: home, to get some equipment. Then a quick visit to a certain support department student who owes me a favor. And finally...

My phone buzzes. Nejire.

Doctor says throat's fine. Still owe me waffles! Breakfast tomorrow?

I think of her gasping in Metal Fingers' grip, of the bruises darkening her skin. Of the "special clients" who pay extra for heroes.

Got an early patrol tomorrow but I will try.

Fine, but you can't avoid my waffle demands forever!

I smile despite myself, then type:

Wouldn't dream of it. Get some rest.

Pocketing the phone, I start walking. The night is young, and I have work to do. The kind that doesn't go in official reports.

The kind that ensures no one else ends up in a warehouse with a collar around their neck.

Next chapter