
[56] Seduction and Strategy

I head to the teacher's lounge, Aizawa's request to see me after class echoing in my mind. The hallways are quiet, most students having left for the day. I knock on the door, then push it open.

"Aizawa-sensei, you wanted to see—" I stop short. The room's empty except for Midnight, lounging on one of the couches.

She looks up, a sly smile spreading across her face. "Well, well. If it isn't our little champion."

I step inside, letting the door close behind me. "Is Aizawa-sensei around?"

Midnight stands, stretching languidly. "Afraid not. He got called away for something urgent." She saunters towards me, her hips swaying. "But maybe I can help?"

I hold my ground as she circles me, like a predator sizing up its prey. "I doubt it. He probably wanted to discuss something about class."

She leans in close, inhaling deeply. "My, my. What's this I smell?" Her voice drops to a purr. "Seems our rising star has been busy."

I raise an eyebrow. "I don't know what you mean."

Midnight chuckles, trailing a finger along my shoulder. "Oh, I think you do. The scent of not one, but two young ladies clings to you." She leans in, her breath hot on my ear. "Been exploring your options, Midoriya?"

I turn to face her, our noses almost touching. "And if I have?"

Her eyes widen slightly, clearly not expecting me to push back. "Oho? Not so innocent after all, are we?"

I smirk. "Never claimed to be, Midnight-sensei."

She takes a step back, eyeing me with newfound interest. "Careful now. You're playing a dangerous game."

"Am I?" I move closer, closing the distance she just created. "Or maybe I'm just learning from the best."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, young man. But don't think you can out-tease the R-rated hero."

I shrug, maintaining eye contact. "Wasn't planning to. Just appreciating the... educational opportunity."

She narrows her eyes, a challenge glinting in them. "Educational, hm? And what exactly are you hoping to learn?"

"Oh, you know," I say casually, leaning against a nearby desk. "The finer points of hero work. PR management. How to handle... delicate situations."

Midnight's grin turns predatory. "Delicate situations? Like juggling multiple admirers?"

I match her grin. "Among other things. Any advice?"

She steps closer, her perfume enveloping me. "Careful what you ask for, Midoriya. You might not be ready for my kind of advice."

"Try me."

For a moment, we're locked in a stalemate, neither willing to break eye contact. Then the door swings open, and Aizawa walks in.

He stops, taking in the scene before him. His eyes narrow. "What's going on here?"

Midnight steps back, her demeanor shifting instantly. "Just having a chat with our star pupil, Aizawa. Nothing to worry about."

Aizawa's gaze flicks between us, clearly skeptical. "Uh-huh. Midoriya, I asked to see you after class."

I nod, moving away from Midnight. "Yes, sir. I was just waiting for you."

"Right," Aizawa drawls. He turns to Midnight. "Don't you have papers to grade?"

Midnight pouts playfully. "Always the killjoy, Aizawa." She saunters towards the door, pausing to wink at me. "We'll continue our... discussion another time, Midoriya."

As she leaves, Aizawa sighs heavily. "I don't want to know. Just... be careful, kid."

I nod, keeping my expression neutral. "Of course, sensei."

Aizawa opens his mouth to speak, but Midnight pokes her head back in. "Oh, I almost forgot. All Might was looking for you earlier, Midoriya. Something about training, I think."

I turn to Midnight, offering a polite nod. "Thank you for letting me know about All Might, Midnight-sensei."

As the door clicks shut behind her, I face Aizawa. His tired eyes bore into me, searching for... something. I meet his gaze steadily.

"Look, Midoriya," he starts, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "You're a good student. I'm not here to lecture you about that."

I raise an eyebrow, waiting for the 'but' I know is coming.

"But," he continues, right on cue, "being on time matters. A lot."

"I understand, sensei. It won't happen again."

He studies me for a moment, then seems satisfied. "Good. Now, was there anything else?"

I hesitate, then decide to push forward. "Actually, yes. I wanted to ask about Shinso."

Aizawa's eyebrows lift slightly. "Shinso? What about him?"

"I was wondering if you might consider taking him under your wing. His quirk... it has a lot of potential."

Aizawa leans back against his desk, arms folded. "Interesting. And why are you so invested in Shinso's development?"

I choose my words carefully. "His quirk is powerful, but misunderstood. Like yours, in a way. I think he could benefit from your guidance."

A hint of a smile tugs at Aizawa's lips. "Funny you should mention that. I was already planning to work with him."


Aizawa nods. "His quirk has applications in underground hero work. But I'm curious why you're advocating for him."

I shrug, aiming for nonchalance. "He's talented. It'd be a waste to let that potential go untapped."

"Hmm." Aizawa's eyes narrow slightly. "Well, your judgment's been solid so far. I'll keep your input in mind."

I nod, sensing the conversation is wrapping up. "Thank you, sensei. Is there anything else?"

Aizawa shakes his head. "No, that's all. Just remember what I said about punctuality."

"I will," I assure him, heading for the door. As I reach for the handle, Aizawa speaks up again.

"Oh, and Midoriya?"

I turn back. "Yes?"

His expression is unreadable. "Whatever game you're playing with Midnight... tread carefully."

I keep my face neutral. "Of course, sensei. It was just a misunderstanding."

Aizawa grunts, clearly unconvinced. "Right. Well, off you go."

Leaving the teachers lounge, I pull out my phone and dial All Might's number. The line rings twice before he picks up.

"Young Midoriya! I'm glad you got my message," All Might's booming voice comes through the speaker.

"Yeah, Midnight-sensei mentioned you were looking for me. What's up?"

"Ah, excellent. Could you swing by my office? There are a few things I'd like to discuss with you."

"Sure, I'm on my way now."

I end the call and head towards All Might's office. What could he want to talk about? The Sports Festival? My quirk? Or maybe... As I approach his door, I take a deep breath and knock.

"Come in!" All Might calls out.

I step inside to find him in his true form, skinny and gaunt. He gestures for me to take a seat.

"So, young Midoriya," he begins, leaning forward on his desk. "Quite the performance at the Sports Festival, eh?"

I shrug, trying to downplay it. "I just did my best."

All Might chuckles. "No need for modesty here, my boy. You were incredible out there. The way you handled Todoroki, pushing him to use his full power... that was something special."

"Thanks," I say, feeling a mix of pride and discomfort at the praise. "I just saw someone who needed a push in the right direction."

"And that's exactly what makes you stand out," All Might says, his sunken eyes gleaming. "But with great performances come great attention. How are you handling your newfound fame?"

I lean back in my chair, considering the question. "It's... different. People recognize me on the street now. I've got fans, apparently."

"That they do," All Might nods. "Your social media following has exploded, from what I hear."

"Yeah, Ai's been helping me manage that," I explain. "It's a lot to take in, but I'm trying to use it to my advantage."

All Might raises an eyebrow. "Oh? How so?"

"Well, as a hero, public image is important, right? I figure if I can build a strong following now, it'll help me down the line when I'm a pro."

"Smart thinking," All Might nods approvingly. "Just be careful not to let it go to your head. Fame can be a double-edged sword."

"I'll keep that in mind," I assure him.

All Might leans back, his chair creaking slightly. "So, have you decided on your internship yet? I imagine you had quite a few offers to choose from."

I nod, feeling a spark of excitement. "Yeah, I've decided to go with Miruko."

All Might's eyebrows shoot up. "The Rabbit Hero? That's... an interesting choice. May I ask why?"

"Well, her combat skills are top-notch," I explain. "And I think her direct approach could teach me a lot about close-quarters fighting. Plus, she's known for her speed and agility, which I think could help me refine my use of One For All."

All Might nods slowly, stroking his chin. "Sound reasoning. Miruko is indeed a formidable hero. But..."

I lean forward, sensing there's more. "But what?"

He sighs, then reaches into his desk drawer. "I actually have another offer for you to consider." He pulls out an envelope and slides it across the desk. "This is from my old teacher, Gran Torino."

I pick up the envelope, turning it over in my hands. "Gran Torino? I've never heard of him."

"You wouldn't have," All Might says, a hint of... something in his voice. Respect? Fear? "He's retired now, but he was instrumental in my training with One For All."

My eyes widen. "He knows about One For All?"

All Might nods. "He was close friends with my predecessor. If anyone can help you master One For All, it's him."

I sit back, my mind whirling with possibilities. On one hand, Miruko is a top-ranked hero with incredible combat skills. On the other, Gran Torino could offer invaluable insight into One For All itself.

"I see you're conflicted," All Might says, breaking into my thoughts. "Why don't we brainstorm a bit? What are your main goals for this internship?"

I take a moment to gather my thoughts. "Well, I want to improve my combat skills, definitely. But I also need to get a better handle on One For All. And..." I hesitate, then decide to be honest. "I think interning with Miruko could be good for my public image."

All Might nods, understanding in his eyes. "All valid points. Gran Torino could certainly help with mastering One For All, but Miruko's combat experience is hard to beat. And you're right about the publicity angle - she's a well-known hero."

We sit in silence for a moment, both lost in thought. Then an idea strikes me.

"What if... what if I did both?" I suggest.

All Might tilts his head. "Both? How do you mean?"

"Well, the internship is three weeks long, right? What if I spent the first two weeks with Miruko, then the last week with Gran Torino? That way, I could get combat training and publicity from Miruko, then focus intensively on One For All with Gran Torino."

All Might's face lights up. "Now that's thinking like a hero! Adapting and finding creative solutions. I think that could work splendidly - if Miruko agrees, of course."

I nod. "If she's okay with it, I think this could be the best of both worlds."

"Excellent plan, young Midoriya," All Might says, pride evident in his voice. "Just remember, Gran Torino may be old, but don't underestimate him. He can be... intense."

"I can handle intense. After all, I survived your training, didn't I?"

All Might lets out a booming laugh. "That you did, my boy. That you did." His expression turns serious for a moment. "One more thing, Midoriya. About your fight with young Bakugo..."

I tense up slightly. "What about it?"

"I noticed you pushed yourself pretty hard there. Be careful not to overdo it, especially with your new lightning technique. We still don't fully understand how it interacts with One For All."

I nod, acknowledging his concern. "I'll be careful, All Might. I'm still learning my limits."

"Good," he says, seeming satisfied. "Well, I won't keep you any longer. And Midoriya?"

I pause at the door, looking back. "Yes?"

All Might grins, flashing me a thumbs up. "I'm proud of you, kid. Keep pushing forward, but don't forget to enjoy the journey."

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