
Chapter 141 - Would You Really Wait In Line Just To Learn Who To Yell At?

The reborn cultivator had never liked standing in lines with people she didn't know. There was always someone up to mischief in them… and as fitting of a self-diagnosed hypocrite - she didn't quite like it when that someone wasn't her.

Elua turned from her idle study of the spirits of the people within the queue when she sensed someone familiar approaching. The place they stood in had barely moved in all the time the woman was away. 

"My lady."

The personal servant greeted the heiress once she had returned from her task. She carried a wrapped bundle that steamed slightly in the morning air. The brunette's eyes lit up at the familiar scent of spiced meat wrapped in flatbread.

She had secretly hoped the servant would think of her favorite vendor nearby. They had visited it enough on trips back from the Youth Guild in the past. She smiled up at her husband-wife standing in position stoically behind her.

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