
One Last First Date 1/3

"You look nice, Mia." Eva told her sister as she walked into the breakfast room late the next morning. Mia was dressed simply in a white tank dress that flattered her figure and a pair of white canvas deck shoes. She was carrying a smaller beach bag.

"Thank you, sister." Mia replied taking a blueberry muffin and a glass of orange juice from the center of the table. Mia looked around noting the faces at the table. Eva sat near Dominic who was reading the paper, Connor sat on his other side drinking coffee, while Jason and Nathan sat farther away talking quietly as they ate.

"I have a date today and I thought I should let you know since a car will be picking me up soon." Mia said before tearing a chunk out her muffin and popping it in her mouth.

"Really?" Dominic exclaimed smiling, "that is great, I knew you would come to your senses and give Nicholas another chance." The rest of the family was paying attention now. Mia heard the word trouble whispered near Jason.

Mia laughed aloud. "That is not going to happen. One because Nick would never have time for me in the middle of the day. He's more of a quickie at two in the morning sort and two because I don't have any feelings for him." She was goading her brother.

"What is that comment supposed to mean, Mia?" Dominic questioned angrily.

"It means that Nicholas and I have tried extensively to form a bond. It didn't work. Let it go." Mia snapped.

"I thought you said you had a date?" Dominic asked cautiously.

"What? Is Nicholas Merches the only man I might expect to like me?" Mia couldn't believe this.

"He is the only one that has been given permission to date you." Dominic said calmly.

"Wow, you know what? Go to hell, brother. I mean that really." Mia shook her head at her brother scornfully. "Me and the twins are moving out tomorrow. My car is here." Mia got up and walked away.

Her family's surprised and horrified expressions followed her as she left. Nathan got up and followed a few seconds behind in time to see her climb into a large black sedan. He knew that car, that was Barrett's car.

Inside the sedan Mia found a blue rose and tied to it was a small handwritten card that read 'perfect in every way and still not as beautiful as you.' Mia smiled, who knew that Tim was a romantic.


Tim had been dropped off at the marina and sent his car to pick up Mia. He was a little bummed at missing today's lunchtime antics but consoled himself that having Mia to himself for the day would soon improve his mood. Truthfully, he was nervous. He had to walk a line of being affectionate but not getting carried away. Being new to feeling so much he knew he was more than capable of messing up.

This was a critical juncture. Mia had finally decided to give him a chance with her and to mess it up now would destroy him and any happiness he hoped to have. Tim told himself to just stay relaxed and all would be well. He remembered Caleb's terrible pep talk this morning.

"What's the worst that could happen, Tim?" Caleb asked with a sigh.

"I could say or do the wrong thing and Mia would flee the country with my children leaving me at square one all over again." Tim replied grimly.

"That's heavy." Caleb admitted. "We have gone over all the reasons to hold back but you can always take the other road."

"What do you mean?" Tim questioned his friend.

"You can always take her to bed and let the chips fall where they may. She is giving you a chance and Mia never does anything without a good reason. There are good arguments for the thinking that you should close this one as soon as possible." Caleb smiled, patted Tim on the shoulder and announced, "Good luck." before going back to his room and shutting the door.

Now Tim was here setting up for a trip on his boat and waiting for Mia to arrive. He was suddenly terrified she would stand him up. Maybe she would change her mind, or her brothers would stop her from coming. Timothy thought maybe he should have had her meet him here, but he had wanted an excuse to see her home and get a few extra precious moments with her. He hoped it wouldn't be like this for too long. Tim didn't want to steal minutes; he wanted all the minutes to be his.

It was nearly ten minutes later when the car arrived. Tim was standing on the dock when the driver opened the door for Mia and helped her out of the car. She looked down the dock and, seeing him, smiled brightly. Timothy swallowed convulsively and took in a quick breath. She was a vision, and he was a lucky man.

Mia walked unhurriedly down the dock toward him. Tim couldn't help but notice the way her hips swayed enticingly as she walked. Had they always done that? When she reached him, Tim couldn't help himself as his hands moved to her waist and his thumbs brushed soft circles along her stomach.

"Look how beautiful you are," Tim said with quiet intensity, "I've been struck speechless." Then she did something he did not expect. Mia threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled his mouth to hers kissing him hungrily. In that moment, Timothy knew, if she continued kissing him like that, he would not be able to deny her or himself. Already he ached for her.

A while later Mia sat on a plush seat sipping a glass of champagne while Timothy expertly steered the sailboat out of the Marina and then the bay. Once they had cleared the mouth of the bay and were in open ocean Tim turned them north and brought up the sail. He adjusted their heading a few times and motioned for Mia to join him at the wheel.

Walking on the boat was interesting with the waves but she caught on quickly, learning to move with them. Tim smiled at her pleased then reached a hand to her and pulled her up beside him. Once he had her positioned between him and the wheel, he went about teaching her to steer the boat. Timothy used the opportunity to wrap an arm around her and hold her close.

"I think the twins would love this." Mia told Tim happily. "I know Ginger would. Our little adventurer."

"I have satellite wireless on this boat so I think Sage would be fine." Tim laughed. Mia nodded agreeably.

"Where are we going?" Mia asked curiously.

"Someplace special that I can't wait for you to see." Tim replied placing a couple soft kisses on Mia's neck and exposed collarbone.

"Is it far?" Mia wondered aloud before turning around to face Timothy.

"Not that far, thirty minutes more maybe." Timothy looked down into Mia's eyes, his free hand rising to touch her jaw, her face, and finally winding through her hair. He pulled her mouth to his in a searing kiss, desire like liquid fire pooled inside him. He gasped against her mouth his need pushing at him urgently to take more.

Tim pulled back placing his forehead against hers his breaths a pant. Mia smiled and went to pull him back to her, but he stopped her. Tim didn't miss the look of hurt that crossed her face or the way Mia went to pull away.

"Baby, please..." Tim groaned, "if we continue, I will crash this boat. Let's get at anchor then we can see if you can make me lose my mind."

Mia laughed, startled. She thought she was being rejected again just like in Bern City. Mia would try to remember not to jump to conclusions in the future. Mia turned around and went back to pretending to help steer but mainly just enjoyed the feeling of leaning back against Timothy's strong body.

They had been quietly sailing for a bit when a landmass began to take shape in the distance. Mia tried to make out where they were but realized she had no clue.

"Is that an inhabited island?" Mia asked Tim, perplexed.

"In a way, I'll explain when we get closer." Tim replied. Twenty minutes later the sailboat was going around the side of the island and ten minutes after that Timothy dropped anchor in a wide cove.

The cove was a wide short horseshoe shape with beaches lining the entire length except the large rocks that jutted out like caps at each side. Beyond the beach was lush jungle teaming with life. Pink flamingos rested in the shallow waters of the cove; pelicans flew down to scoop up water with morsels of food. Great macaws and parrots flew from branch to branch in the green canopy where many other birds nested that Mia couldn't name. Mia saw a group of monkeys hanging from branches a bit farther back in the trees.

"Come look." Tim motioned for Mia to come look over the rail into the crystal-clear water. A pair of large sea turtles swam lazily under the boat and Mia ran to the other side to watch them swim away only to notice a massive manta ray swim lazily into the cove. The water was filled with all types of colorful fish. Mia watched in awe. This place was teeming with all kinds of enchanting creatures.

"What is this place?" Mia asked in amazement watching the island for signs of any other animals.

"This is a wildlife sanctuary known affectionately as The Ark. People are not allowed to step foot on the island but because this is a place that Barrett Group proudly sponsors, we are allowed to visit this cove." Tim explained. "I thought you might enjoy it as much as I do."

"This is breathtakingly beautiful and so interesting. Thank you so much for bringing me here." Mia smiled at Timothy in a way that made him feel like he had done something good and important. Tim reached out and brushed Mia's hair back from her face.

"Come let's have some lunch." Tim showed Mia around the cabin of the sailboat before grabbing a container from the refrigerator and leading Mia back on deck. They snacked on a tray of deli meat, cheeses, fruit, and nuts while drinking champagne and watching over the side of the boat at the sea life and toward the island and the very raucous birds.

Eventually they were both full and Mia moved over so she could lean against Tim's side. He put his arm over her shoulder, and they stayed that way for several minutes just relaxing peacefully.

"This is nice." Mia finally said, "so very peaceful. Who would have thought that I would be sitting here with you simply existing." Mia laughed lightly. "How is it that you were hiding inside Mr. Barrett?" Mia questioned absently.

Timothy tipped her face toward his with a finger under Mia's chin and kissed her softly, "The man sitting with you now is the one you brought out of the bastard I was before. I'm sorry it took so long for me to change." Tim said apologetically.

"The final catalyst was the day of my grandmother's party. I offered you the priceless heirloom which of course you turned down. Grandmother told me you would, but I couldn't fathom why you would have stayed with me if not for money." Tim frowned at the memory of his stupidity.

"Then I knew that I was wrong all along. I had destroyed the only good thing in my life because I was too proud to tell you that you were the person I wanted and beg you to stay with me. Then they told me that you died, and I became a broken man. I searched every day for you. I could not accept that you died only to find you accidentally through our precocious daughter." Tim smiled at the memory of finding the tiny girl that looked like her mother.

"Mia, I am yours if you want me, you must know that by now." Timothy said emphatically.

Mia sat up, turning to look at Timothy, very slowly as if she might spook him. She climbed over him to straddle his lap. Mia traced her fingers along his cheek, his jaw before winding arms around his neck.

"Then make me yours... show me you're not afraid to be with me." Mia said plainly.

Timothy sucked in a breath. His arm wrapped around Mia's hips anchoring her to him while the other went to the back of her neck. Timothy leaned in kissing her slowly with intent. There was no need to rush. He pushed his concerns aside and vowed that for today he would do as she asked. There would be no waiting.

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