
Mercenary General Test

Remember to add this book to your library so I know how many people are reading this and like any and all the pics I post so I know that people have seen them, also in this AU/Game World of the Three Kingdoms People are aware of their 5 specific Stats but don't know how much they have unless they go to a Guild such as the Merchants Guild, Mercenary Guild or join the militia/army of a lord to determine what said person is best at such as if their better at swords, spears, bows, or even if they are meant to be Calvary troops as well.


It took her a moment to pull herself out of her state of shock from seeing those stats, she cleared her throat as her personality shifted slightly from being pissy to restrained pissy.

"Alright, I'll admit I was wrong, your stats show you clearly meet the standard of being a Mercenary General at your age, now put your real name and if you want to give yourself a new name that you will be using as a Mercenary if you desire to have one different from your birth name." She went onto explain to me as she handed back the paper where there were lines to put my name and the name I would choose for myself.

"And only the Mercenary Guild will know my real name?" I ask her as I look it over while I grabbed a feather pen along with the ink well.

"Yep, whatever name you choose it's the one your employers will only know you by the name you want to call yourself, and I won't say anything cause I don't care and cause my dad works here and he's get pissed at me if I decided to say anything, oh and I'm Lin Biao by the way." She said a bit about herself before introducing herself.

"Well besides knowing my real name you can call me…." I said after writing down my real name before writing my new name.

"Wukong? Just one name and no family name? Wait your…." She said looking at my new name first before seeing my real name and being surprised about it.

I just cheekily smiled as I put a finger to my mouth, "Yep, I'm 16 year old Wukong, and let's leave it at that."

"Right, okay now it's time for your physical test, head down that hallway to the training grounds, your instructor will meet you there soon enough." She said pointed the way to which I nodded as I headed that way.

"…. I get the feeling da- Guild Master will want to test him personally…." She said to herself after looking at the name of Gongsun Xuanyuan written as his real name before taking the paper personally to the guild master.

After walking for a bit I entered the training hall where two others were also waiting, a scholarly looking young guy and a man in his mid to late twenties who was using a Ji Halberd, where the tip was shaped like an L with two separate tips meant it could stab straight and in a sweep motion while also cutting through enemies as well.

(Champion)(Ma Shun)

(Strategist)(Tai Yang)

"Looks like I'm not the only one taking the test huh?" A was a little surprised to see others taking the test as 50 silver coins isn't something easily one can come by unless you are from a noble household or you have been working as a Mercenary Commander, the rank below General, for awhile to save up the necessary money to take the test.

They looked at me but didn't say anything and kept doing their things, the scholar looking guy kept reading his scroll with the other one training.

Not wanting to get in the way I just stood off to the side as I leaned up against the wall while I waited for the instructor to arrive.

"Good, looks like everyone is here." A grizzled man who was missing an eye as he had an eyepatch on.

(Guildmaster/Vanguard)(Lin Khan)

"I'm the Guildmaster of this branch of the Mercenary Guild in Langye, the names Lin Khan, and I will be the one to test you three in your skills." He said to us as we all looked at him.

"You all have the necessary skills but to be an actual Mercenary General you need to lead troops into battle to officially be considered Mercenary Generals, thankfully we have four here who are taking the test as that's the minimum number of generals needed to create a Mercenary Army." He went onto say which made me raise my eyebrow.

"Are you taking apart in this test then Guildmaster?" I decided to ask only to get home to shake his head in response.

"I shall be watching the upcoming battle from a distance instead she will be joining in this test as the fourth and Lead General for your test, it's a test for all of you to officially become Mercenary Generals." He said as the irritated looking Lin Biao entered the training grounds.

"And while this is a test for you to become generals, this is also a test for many of the of the ordinary mercenaries to raise up their skills in combat as well and some day become officers or even generals of their own." He said as he went onto explain how this will go down and who we are up against.

Thanks due the Bandit Raids, along with an unsuccessful harvest the region of Xiapi and possibly do to the schemes of other various warlords, a rebellion has begun to brew, if it fully breaks out the Rice Paddy/Wheat Fields of Xiapi could be over run by the rebels who have taken up the banner of Yellow Turbans to give a cause to their rebellion.

If they take the farmlands for themselves it could cause a major food loss for those under Liu Bei's rule, and while Liu Bei would gladly lead an army himself to deal with it, most of his forces have been diverted towards the north to help his allies in dealing with the factions of Yuan Shao and Yuan Tan with only one army towards the west but that one is stationed there to guard the borders from both CaoCao and Yuan Shu so this is where the mercenary's are to come in.

While the rebellion has barely begun to form its best we get there as soon as possible, the longer we wait the faster they can build up their forces, so we must strike while the iron is hot and cut them down before this rebellion can grow out of hand.

"Liu Bei has tasked the four of you with killing their generals, cut off the heads of these snakes and their entire rebellion will fall, these may just be peasants with spears, clubs and scythes, but make no mistake, the second they took up arms under the banner of the Yellow Turbans they turned their backs on all of China, if they refuse to surrender then show them no mercy, those that ultimately do surrender you are allowed to extort them of their weapons and valuables before they are allowed to be set free, that is all that I have to say, Ma Shun you shall lead the spear infantry, Tai Yang will direct the Archers, Biao will lead the sword and axe infantry while Wukong will lead the Calvary, these are the soldiers you will lead personally but you must all work together in this, you are Generals, you lead and the men shall follow but work together to get the job done, got it?" He said to all four of us before we clasped our hands together.

"We shall get the job done guild master." We said in unison before we headed out to deal with some Yellow Turban Rebels.


Every Major Character has a specific Class they are apart of and have units they are best suited to lead in combat.

Xuanyuan is considered a Vanguard Class meaning he is great at leading Calvary units, on horse back can charge through army's on his own with ease and is strong in single combat thanks to his class.

Champions like Ma Shun are the leaders for spear infantry, have strong skills that mitigate damage done to them or allies and are strong in a fight between one or several enemies, they are the tanks of the battlefield in simple terms.

Strategist like Tai Yang are best suited sticking to the back lines and leading the archers and artillery of armies while they keep the military supplies in check and full stocked while within friendly territory, they don't fight but buff nearby allies with their skills to mitigate ranged damage all around them.

And Commanders like Lin Biao are the all rounder types that can lead any type of unit into combat but prefer using sword/axe infantry along with sword Calvary, mainly have skills that buff either themselves or their allies and are good combat duelists as well.

And lastly their are the Sentinels they're also good duelists, focus heavily into sword infantry and for lords they are great administrators for taking care of the various cities under their control for their lord.

Though one must be careful as an displeased or angry administrator are likely to rebel and steal away the lords lands as a result so keeping your closest advisors and administrators happy and content is the best way to keep your realm in check.

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