


100+ Stories available


It was a average day with nothing special going, It was a Friday so I had one class that i had to go to but other then that I was free for the rest of the day. Unfortunately the one class was perhaps my least favorite of them all due to the strict teacher who treated everyone as if they were ignorant.

'It's not that cold' My hand glided through the closet looking at my shirts one by one.

I ignored a particularly large coat that was full of thick fur before my gaze landed on a regular long sleeve shirt that was black in color, I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed it before putting it on and reaching for a wind breaker since I heard that there was supposed to be a storm here in a couple of days.

"The weather is always garbage here" I had grown used to it over time and yet I still couldn't help but complain.

Walking over toward the side of the room I noticed our laptop was still on so I closed it before standing in front of a full length mirror. My tall and lean figure reflected back to me as I have my self a couple looks over, In all truth I didn't care much about looking presentable but I liked to make sure I was always somewhat worth of standing next to Maya.

"I need a hair cut" I sighed and ran my hand through my hair pushing it out of my face as my green eyes peaked out from underneath.

"No you don't" I almost flinched as I heard a sweet voice that was pleasing to the ears coming from my side.

"Why not? It's hard to see" I grumbled as I turned my head and saw a figure standing in the doorway of the room with narrowed eyes.

The figure was of a gorgeous young women who could barley be described with words alone, Wether it was her sharp jawline her plump pink lips or her cute button nose every single one of her features were perfect. Her eyes were big and bright with a pale yellow color that was almost golden if light reflected off of them and a pair of sharp eyebrows above.

The young women had silky long black hair that would have reached her legs if let lose instead her hair was tied into pigtails with strands is hair falling down the sides framing her face even more. She was a beauty that you would see once outside and then think about her for the rest of your life wondering why you didn't talk to her and yet her face was only the icing on the cake.

The young women was wearing a floral white sundress that was covered in small flowers hugging her curvaceous and supple figure. The front of the dress was all but full hiding away a buxom and well endowed chest, While the back of the dress was pushed out due to a ample buttocks that was impossible to miss.

With her long and dainty legs exposed and her creamy creamy white skin that was left unblemished the girl in front of me was undoubtedly the most beautiful person I had ever laid my eyes on and yet that beautiful women was beloved girlfriend of three years.

"You better not cut it or I'll get mad" Maya grumbled as she walked closer before she put both of her hands in my hair and started to move them around.

"Hey! Stop it I just fixed it!" I yelled at her trying to pull away but I decided against it after she took a big grip of my hair and looked down at me with a pout.

"Fine fine I won't cut it" I sighed making Maya's face turn bright as a smile formed on her plump lips.

"You look good with your hair long like this" Maya pulled her hands back before she quickly titled her head and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"If you like it then I'll keep it" I said shaking my head as I grabbed my arms around Mayas very thin waist.

"But I won't let it get longer then this I swear if it gets longer I won't be able to walk straight" Maya only rolled her eyes at me before laying her face on my chest and wrapped her arms around me.

"Mnh" Maya rubbed her cheek against my chest in a very cute manner and I felt my self becoming very calm as my heart turned warm.

"Babe I have to go" I sighed knowing that I wanted nothing more then to stay wrapped in Maya's arms.

"Mnhhh!" Maya grunted and looked up at me with a pout making me almost lose my control as I quickly looked away of course it didn't help that something very large and squishy was pressing against my chest as well.

"I have a class and I can't miss or that old man's going to lose it" I sighed once more and cupped Maya's face with my hand feeling her smooth skin as she titled her head into my embrace.

"It's just one class" Maya said closing her eyes

"Don't you have to work today as well?" I asked and Maya opened her eyes before she sighed and nodded with a annoyed face.

"But I can't just~" Maya tried to convince me but I quickly moved forward and took her plump lips with my own.


"Mnn" we both moaned into each other's mouths as I felt a pair of very plump and very soft lips that were like silk touching mine.

My heart began racing as it always did whenever I kissed Maya, No matter how many times we kissed I would always get this rush of feelings flowing through my body. It didn't help when Maya stuffed her tongue in my mouth and started to dominate my mouth like she owned it, Which she technically did since every part of me was hers and ever part of hers was mine.

"Fine but later were snuggling!" Maya said with a grumble as a trail of saliva connected out lips.

"Of course" I savored her sweet taste on my tongue and gave her a kiss on her cheek causing her to blush slightly.

"I'm going" I sighed pulling back feeling her warmth disappear and I was already regretting my decision before I even walked out the bedroom door.

"Be carful I heard the winds pretty bad" Maya waved as she went toward the laptop and opened it up as she started to fiddle with something.

"I will" grabbing my keys and my wallet I left the apartment and started to walk down the stairs with a frown on my face due to leaving Maya.



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