
Regicide Part I

Bruno's deployment to the Bosnian city of Sarajevo was, in all honesty, short-lived. The war between Bulgaria and its neighbors was simply not destined to last long. Within another month, it was over, and the powers of the world incorrectly assumed that the threat of a Great War had been completely averted. 

But Bruno knew better. Even so, when he returned home, he was not in a jovial mood, nor did he lie to Heidi and tell her that everything would eventually be alright. He merely told her the truth: peace would last only a bit longer before the world burned itself in global conflict. 

Heidi, of course, knew this was true; she was intelligent enough to see what the world was quickly becoming and also trusted her husband beyond measure. If he said a major war was coming, then that was unquestionable. 

Next chapter