
Outcome Of A Power Test


The day after the Train Job and Henry's encounter with Elminster, he received an alert from the System that he had received for as long as he had been in this world;

[You have Received a Daily Quest]

"Oh?" Henry said with a confident smile, "More running exercises? Bring it on!"

[Daily Quest: (Category: Mental) Meditate for One Hour. 

*Note: You will only be deemed to be 'Meditating' when you have freed your mind of all wandering thoughts. Be simply 'Present in the Moment'.

Reward: 5 Exp]

"Huh?" Henry said as he read the message over and over again. He had never meditated in his entire life, past and current included. Nothing in the memories of the old Henry included Meditation or either. 

The 'Note' that had been provided seemed more like a bunch of words rather than a tip on how to actually Meditate;

''Only deemed to be meditating when you've freed your mind of all wandering thoughts'? What's that supposed to mean?'

[It means, User, that simply sitting and doing nothing will not count as 'Meditation']

'Why not? That's what it is, isn't it? Meditation is just sitting around and doing nothing.'


Annoyed as he was, Henry did attempt meditation. He had the entire day to figure it out and it took almost as long because simply by personality, he always had so much on his mind. He was always thinking and that didn't help. 

Sometimes, when Henry did succeed in freeing his mind and simply let himself be 'present in the moment, some stray thought would pop into his head. For example, his ongoing Quest to find out Yelena's secret. 

Other times, he just sat so still and did absolutely nothing to the point that he dozed off out of boredom. 

But, that evening, as he sat cross-legged in his room in the Mansion while working almost the hardest he had ever had to work in his entire existence, Henry finally received the 'very welcome' alert from the System;

[Quest Completed]

[Your ability to perceive the elements of the world has been strengthened…]

[You have received 5 Exp]

The Next day, Henry received the same Daily Quest. 

Since repetition had been the case the whole of last week, Henry had expected as much but he still let out a disappointed sigh even though he complied. If for nothing more than the challenge to succeed at something he never would have thought to try on his own. Besides, 5 Exp was incredible to him now that he knew what was the result of another level up. 

The second day was a struggle but easier than the last. 

The third day saw Henry complete the Daily Quest by Noon. 

On the Fourth day, Henry completed the Daily Quest in three hours. 

On the Fifth day, Henry went beyond one hour of meditation and stayed cross-legged for an hour more. Ignoring the System's notification of completion because he could quite literally feel his Perception spread from his body. 

Like a formless wave trying to take shape. 

It was strange but also wonderful. 

When he opened his eyes and let out a calm breath, Henry was smiling. He raised his hand and eyed his hand to stare at his palm. Everything looked and felt different even though they looked the same. He liked that. 

[A new Power grows within you…]

With another Daily Quest completed Henry got to his feet and prepared to go about his routine for the day. He walked the mansion's halls until he was at Yelena's wing after which he walked to the door of the Medical bay and knocked on the door. 

"Who is it?" Yelena's voice asked from behind the door. 

"It's Henry."

"Oh, come in!" Yelena said with excitement and Henry pushed the door open to see her sitting in her chair, poring over the scroll he had given her five days ago. 

"Good morning," Henry told her with a smile. 

"Good morning. You're back," Yelena said. 

"I am."

"That's three times this week. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like spending time with me," Yelena said with a giggle. 

"What other reason could there be?" Henry said with a casual air as he pulled a chair and sat opposite her. 

But of course, there was another reason. 

The day before yesterday, on the third day of the Meditation exercises, Henry had a lightbulb moment; Wouldn't it be easier to find out Yelena's secret if he actually talked to her and got to know her better? 

It was certainly a better idea than skulking about trying to find out behind her back. So he came to the Medical bay —Where she always was— and knocked on the door. 

From his memories, Yelena was friendly enough but no one in the gang ever got far in a conversation with her. The longest chat anyone could manage was during healing sessions. Otherwise, she was always 'too busy' for idle chatter. 

That did not seem to be the case with Henry. 

When he knocked on her door the day before yesterday and introduced himself, Yelena invited him in quickly and showed him the scroll he had gifted her. 

"Oh Henry, I've been reading the scroll, it's incredible," she said. 

"So you can understand it then?" Henry had said with a small awkward smile, surprised by the familiarity. 

And then he remembered;

[Yelena's approval of you has risen.]

'Was this what it meant?' Henry asked himself. 

"Of course, I can understand it. Can't you?" Yelena asked. 

Henry shook his head,

"It must be a language of magic and not meant for me," he said still feeling slightly awkward. 

But that was then…

Now, he was used to it.

So when he saw that, for the third time this week, he had walked in on Yelena reading through the scroll like she did not already know it by heart, he gestured at it with his head and a smile. 

"Still at it?"

Yelena's smile was bright,

"Well, I know it all already but there's always something more to learn. 

I just wish I could practice what I've learned a bit, you know."

Henry gestured all over the room, 

"This seems like enough space for practice," he said. 

Yelena laughed lightly with a hand over her mouth,

"Haha, tossing spells at a wall isn't all that fun and engaging. I know because I've tried. If I just had a sparring partner though…"

Yelena let her words trail off suggestively while looking at Henry with eyes wide with expectation. 

Henry's brows furrowed,

"Are you— Are you asking me?"

Yelena nodded while looking sheepish,

"Will you do it?"

"Alright," Henry said with a nod, "But in return, you tell me something about yourself."

The truth was, as familiar as Yelena had started acting with him, she had remained very close-lipped about anything relating to her life. If Henry even suggested that she reveal anything, her eyes would cloud over and the mood in the room would dip with an ominous aura.

Sure enough, Yelena's eyes narrowed,

"That's a big thing to ask in return," she said while shaking her head. 

"Is it though? I've told you about myself."

"Growing up in an orphanage and getting kicked out is indeed sad, Henry, but my past is— Well, it's different," Yelena said and she clutched the fabric of her gown in discomfort. 

"I won't ask an invasive question," Henry offered, "It will be a simple one. I promise."

Yelena still frowned but she let out a sigh of resignation as she stood to her feet. 

"Alright," she said, "But first…"

She cupped her hands and chanted a few words under her breath and when she separated her cupped hand, a powerful wave of energy exploded with her as the epicenter. 

The energy oozed all over the inside of the room in a green healthy glow and standing within it, Henry felt a wave of Health flooding into his body. 

"This is my most powerful healing spell," Yelena said looking like she had not been at all stressed by such a powerful display,

"All injuries sustained within this room will be healed."

Henry did a few stretching exercises as he smiled,

"I like the sound of that. Let's begin."

"Of course," Yelena said and she was no longer frowning. In fact, she smiled with excitement. 

It was a beautiful smile that Henry could not help but return but that smile faltered when Yelena began to let out a magical energy with the force of a stormy torrent. 

Arcane tendrils began to take shape with dark crackling energy but it wasn't one, it wasn't two… Henry counted at least Ten tendrils all lined up in front of Yelena like a curtain. 

Henry took on a stance but a cold sweat began to form on his forehead as his eyes widened,

'Something isn't right… Is that the same spell the Warlock used?'

There was no way that could be the same spell, Henry thought. 

And yet it was. 

It was the same spell just magnified at least Tenfold by a massive reserve of magical energy within Yelena's beautiful and delicate frame. 

Worse yet, Yelena did not seem to realize she was conjuring a spell of a stronger level than it should have been. She just excitedly combined the tendrils in front of her into one singular blast and fired. 

Even with his increased Agility stat, Henry couldn't move out of the way. He was born down by magical might greater than he could possibly contest against. 

The attack struck him with no resistance from his end. 

The crackling energy wracked through Henry's insides. Sundering his organs apart and shattering his bones. His heart was pumped so full of energy that it burst in his chest. 

[You have lost 30 Hit Points]

[Hit Points: 0/30]

[You have died.]

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