
episode 41

At Afternoon

detective chuya looking around that place. while wearing gloves in her hands, begins to remove the soil of the place where Luisa's body was found. After some time watching-

If not here then where can it be?

suddenly chuya's phone starts ringing. she removes gloves from her hand and while takes out the phone from the pocket looks at the screen, sun was phoning.

- hello sun, what happened?

- post mortem reports have come. you can go to the hospital and see it once.

- thank you sun. (hangs up the phone).

In the evening (At the bar-restaurant)-

yes, I will fully celebrate today, after so many days I get a break from the work. let's get started with beer.

Sara is about to drink after pouring beer in the glass only then her phone starts ringing. she picks up her phone from placed on the table.

- chuya!!! (while looking at the mobile screen). yes, speak chuya.

- where are you? have some work with you. tell me quickly, I will go there pick you up.

- dude, again? after so many days my boss allows me a break from my work. do not do this, take help from someone else. today I want to enjoy peacefully. ( while tantrums).

- you are not really telling me where are you? really? really? think carefully it once.

- no no no no, not at all. (like children).

- well, anyway I was thinking that today I will introduce you to my personal assistant sun. if a handsome guy got will go wanna date with you, then I too would love it. but no problem. (while attempting to persuade with excuses).

- (while excited) really? are you not really lying?

- why I will give you a misconception? where I will be taking you, there will also the sun and anyway I have been noticing how long you were looking at the sun.

-(excitedly) dude, I am sending you the location, quickly take me from here.

(Sara and chuya are both friends since childhood. Sara is a pathologist doctor).

At the hospital post mortem examination room,

after watching autopsy report -

wearing gloves in hands, Sara was checking Luisa's body and chuya was standing in front of her.

- according to the repost Luisa was drunk when she was died. (touching Luisa's hair) the murderer must have smashed the glass bottle on Luisa's head and too from behind. (while thinking) after hitting maybe she will have fallen. due to which glass bottle pieces have been stinging on her leg. (Sara speaks while showing Luisa's legs).

according to the report, this is how Luisa died. but also the criminal had used a rod for killing luisa, he had pummel on luisa's head with a rod. something like this has been written. I don't understand when pummel on Luisa's head with a rod and when had hits on Luisa's head with a glass bottle?

- (while thinking) then where would have been her shirt's number fallen by tearing?

- it maybe while dragging the body of the Luisa somewhere must have fallen by tearing.

- Sara, it is also possible that Luisa will have been hit on the head with a glass bottle first. due to not being hitting properly on her head, Luisa must have come to her senses and tried to run away, then the criminal must have caught Luisa. while going to takes Luisa from there by dragging, must have fallen somewhere number by tearing.

In the last, that criminal must have killed Luisa with a rod on her head.

- yes, it can also happen. but I also feel that both knew each other already.

- I feel the same somewhere. then why did kill Luisa if both knew each other? I need to talk to Luisa's friends. (placing a hand on her head) I wouldn't understand what is right and what is wrong. btw, thank you Sara.

- ahhhhhh, it's ok it's ok, you are my friend and it is my duty to help you. (while looking around) where is the sun? not seeing yet.

- (smiling slightly) I was joking, sun is in the office.

- you ****h, you lied to me. my party has remained incomplete because of you. (pointing fingers towards chuya).

- hyhyhy, otherwise you don't come here. (starts laughing).

- very funny.

- come on, today I'm gonna giving you a party with beers. (placing her hand on Sara's shoulder).

Both of them leave the hospital for the bar-restaurant.

At midnight

- "roooooonnnnnaaaaaaalllllll"

on seeing the nightmare, Mr.beam gets up from his sleep while screaming. his face was covered with sweat. in front, with gasping he checks the Ronal. seeing that Ronal sleeping in severe sleep Mr.beam takes a long breath and drinks water placing on the table in front of him.

taking the empty glass in his hand, he is immersed in deep thought. he goes badly drowned into his thought that he couldn't sleep properly the whole night. he tries to sleep but afraid of losing Ronal starts to bother him.

At the morning -

as soon as ronal opens his eyes in the morning, he swivels his hand and checks Mr.beam in front. (touching Mr.beam's cheek) Mr.beam ar..e yo..u not going to the wo..rk? Mr.beam! Mr.beam! wh..at is thi.s? (looking at mr.beam, touching Mr.beam's forehead) Mr.beam's has suc..h a high fev..er. (immediately calls the worker from the phone placed in front).

- com.e to the room quic..kly Mr.beam ha.s a high fev..er.

- okay, sir.

the doctor After seeing Mr.beam-

- Mr.ronal, I have given the medicine to Mr.beam, after some time Mr.beam's fever will subside.

- than..k you doc.tor.

- now I should go. (the doctor goes out from there).

In front of the bed Ronal starts seeing mr.beam. after some time, mr.beam's the phone starts ringing. the phone number was out of contact list. Ronald quickly receives the phone-


(no response).

- w.ho is spea..king, hello?

(no response).

- hey, some..thing.....! (disconnects the phone before Ronal can speaks something). it is stra..nge, mak..es a call and does..n't speak any..thing.

have calls come from the same number again.

- (ronal angrily receives the phone) Hello, w..ho is spe..aking? why ar..e you cal.ling when you don't w.ant to talk?

(again no response).

- (with anger) you b******.

(again disconnect the phone).

- (ronal falls into deep thinking) wh..o could.. it be? why is cal.ling again a..nd again?

have calls come from the same number again.

- wh.o are you? (asks seriously).

again no response and disconnects the phone)

After some time, Mr.beam's phone starts ringing again. this time, ronal receives the phone without seeing on the screen.

- shouting with his vague voice) w..ho are yo..u? why are y.ou calling again a.nd again? (but this time there is Raimon on the phone).

- Mr.ronal, it's me Raimon.

- Ohh!!! (looking at the mobile screen) oh, Rai.mon!!

- what happened? are you angry? did anything happen? (asks worriedly).

- not..hing, a wrong nu..mber was distu.rbing again and again. lea..ve it all, why ha..ve you ca...lling?

- oh, there was to be a meeting organization about the hospital's construction procedure tomorrow, in which Mr.beam was supposed to come but those who the meeting will be going they said that their boss wants to meet Mr.beam personally. their boss was saying that he wants to have a meeting with Mr.beam in confidentiality.

- okay, t.hen I wil.l tell hi..m. (with a smile).

- okay mr.ronal. (hangs up the phone).