
Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 5

She leaned in and tenderly kissed him. "Miss Hermione Granger promises to be Harry Potter's girlfriend now, in the future and even in the past - you're never getting away from me again. Does this mean you believe me now?"

"I can't lie to my girlfriend and say yes. The way I figure it we will either end up in the past and be a couple, with me being a wizard thrown in, or I get to spend tomorrow evening with a naked beautiful but very cold woman. Getting warm together when it doesn't work could be a lot of fun. I can't see a downside to this so I'm in."

Hermione wanted to snog his brains out for that but needed to tell him about the very real possibility of a downside. "When I start the ritual, a snatch squad will be dispatched. If they get through to us before the ritual completes... I will kill myself before I let them take me, it really is the better option."

Wrapping her in his arms, Harry tried to sum up their position. "I get that it's dangerous, I also get this is the route you want us to take. Don't ask me to explain it but I have an incredible amount of trust in you, confidence too. You won't lead me wrong..."

He never got to say anymore as Hermione pushed Harry back on the bed and kissed him with everything she had. Their hands were roving and she was nibbling his ear before whispering. "Stay with me tonight."

"What? You mean?"


"I don't have anything..."

"Harry, tomorrow night we will either be traveling back in time or dead. It's good you were thinking responsibly but we don't need to worry about protection tonight."

"Hermione, I've never done this before..."

She kissed away his embarrassment. "Neither have I. We always worked things out together before, this will just be the same." It was then her turn to be embarrassed as she asked a question that had fuelled her more erotic fantasies since Hermione was old enough to have them. "Can you still talk to snakes?"


It was much later when a very satisfied Hermione was snuggling into her now sleeping Harry that she was able to think about what had happened earlier.

One glance across that pub to see him sitting there already made her trip worthwhile. Even if he later told her she was a nutter and to go and get lost, she would at least have gotten to say goodbye - and perhaps be able to move on with the rest of her life. Just simply touching his hand reignited all the old feelings she'd tried to convince herself was just a crush on a friend. There could be no denying it any longer, she was hopelessly in love with Harry.

That he didn't really believe her story was always going to be the case. Harry being honest about it yet willing to give her the benefit of the doubt just melted her heart. When he held her in his arms, Hermione felt safe for the first time since leaving France. Harry and her spending the night together in the same hotel room was again always part of her plan. Both of them ending up naked in the bed wasn't, or at least she didn't think so. Then again, she could easily have specified a room with twin beds but didn't. Perhaps it was more in hope than anything else, all she knew was every hope she ever had was surpassed tonight.

She gently moved his hair to see his scar, a scar that was certainly lighter. Dumbledore had given her all the information he had on horcruxes, including his suspicions about Harry. His best guess was that Harry having his magic bound would slowly starve any horcrux behind that scar, it having significantly faded appeared to confirm that guess.

Hermione was anything but stupid. She could see Dumbledore was trying to lead her down a certain path, a path he expected her to then take Harry along. Even from tonight, Hermione could tell whatever the ministry had done to him hadn't changed who Harry was. Yes he'd grown and matured but Hermione loved the man her Harry had become just as much as she loved the young wizard he once was. Thinking of him as her Harry saw Hermione place a featherlight kiss on his lips.

"Mmmm. I was having a wonderful dream until you woke me. Now I know I wasn't dreaming and my beautiful guardian angel is actually here in my arms. Whatever happens tomorrow, I'm with you all the way."

"Than you, Harry. Tomorrow you need to practice writing symbols on me, we need to do that for the ritual..."

"It's always the quiet ones." As Harry drew Hermione to him again, she wasn't quiet for long.


Harry had been dressed for an evening out at the pub, not for a winter's night traipse through Wiltshire. Hermione insisted he bought a thick jumper and heavy jacket, something he was now very grateful for. The flat countryside offered little in the way of protection from those icy December winds that had both of them snuggling into their protective clothing to preserve whatever warmth they could. Being naked together under that duvet in the hotel had been wonderful, this would be brutal.

Stepping between two stones of the monolithic monument, both noticed a table set where a column offered at least some protection from the biting wind.

"Let me guess, your friend, Dobby."

"Our friend, Harry, and we'll struggle to ever find a better one."

Having already talked Harry through the procedure step by step, neither hesitated now. Hermione cut the palm of her hand with the silver ritual knife, allowing her blood to spill into the waiting bowl. Harry was soon following her example, they needed this mixture because Harry's blood contained no magic.

This was Hermione's greatest fear, that she wouldn't be powerful enough to take them both back. That's why they were on this site on one of the most magical nights of the year, Hermione needed all the help she could get. She was still in school at the Summer Solstice, so that was out. Halloween was another magically powerful night, though historically not a good time for Harry. Voldemort's ministry dramatically amping up their search for Harry forced her hand, it had to be tonight.

As she painted specific ancient runes onto rune stones with their blood mixture, they would disappear off the table and Hermione was confident Dobby would place them precisely where they needed to be. That task done, it was time to disrobe.





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