
Great Renunciation

She packed everything needed into a backpack made of hardened reeds. Clothing, food, and some other belongings that might be helpful on their journey. Since she already decided to travel across the ocean, there is no point in turning back now.

Of course, her two prized glinting fans will always be strapped by the waist. For this trip, she will be wearing the armor and face paint, a precaution against potential danger along the way.

"Aren't you going to bring that doll along?" Mayumi asked while sharpening her own sword with a piece of rock.

Satchiko temporally stared at the Avatar Kyoshi doll, the one her mother made. It's incredible to think that this simple toy is almost as old as herself.

"It's fine, I don't want to bring it along just to lose it," she said. Although this object isn't made out of any precious materials, its value meant much more to Satchiko than others would realize.

After Mayumi finished painting both of their faces, they walked into the main room of the hut, where they are greeted by Akahana. In the older woman's hand is a piece of golden ornament.

"Mum, what is the meaning of this?" Satchiko noticed the newly forged golden headdress. It is identically designed to match the ones currently worn by both Mayumi and Akahana. Everyone on this island would recognize this proud symbol of their family's crest, which is used to display their proud lineage as descendants of a great war hero.

"I believe it is time that you be granted this honor," Akahana said in a solemn manner, presenting the golden ornament with both hands. "While I intend for you to receive this headdress in a few more years, your adequate skill as a competent warrior is more than enough to justify me bestowing this official ornament."

Satchiko glanced at her sister, who is wearing an identical golden headdress for years now. For every Kyoshi Warrior, wearing this head piece is a symbol to their trials and tribulations. It is an official recognition that validates a lifetime of training and honing their skills as devotees to Avatar Kyoshi.

She dreamt of this moment for her whole life, when she is finally allowed to wear the golden ornament and become a true Kyoshi Warrior. All those years of training and hardship leads to this.

"Go on sister, wear it!" Mayumi urged with a pleasing smile.

Just as Satchiko is about to remove her trainee headband, her hands froze. The own golden headdress is right in front of her. All that is needed now is to actually wear it and become a true Kyoshi Warrior. But something just doesn't feel right.

She looked at her mother, who always appear serious. It is not often that Satchiko would be the one to challenge Akahana's authority.

"Mum, did you asked the elders on what they think about this?"

Even the matron was surprised by this question.

"Daughter, what are you insinuating?" Akahana asked. "I already consulted with all the village leaders and the previous matron of our village. With their blessings, your right to be officially recognized as a true Kyoshi Warrior is now accepted by everyone."

Despite this reassurance, something held Satchiko back. This shouldn't be just about her own glory. Although everyone in the village approves her mother's wish, their affirmation is not enough to nullify Satchiko's own misgivings.

"Satchiko, what are you waiting for?" Mayumi urged again, slightly concerned. "You are already very skillful, so don't doubt yourself now."

Satchiko extended both arms to reach for the golden headdress. But just before she can touch the glinting metal, those hands retracted. Akahana did not bode well with this hesitation.

"Daughter, what is burdening you? I thought it is your ambition to be a Kyoshi Warrior." The matron said.

"It still is, but I don't think I am ready yet," Satchiko admitted, believing accepting the golden headdress now is not the best idea. "I may have the skills to back up my legitimacy, but a real defender of this island would not recklessly endanger her own life and the safety of the people."

Akahana is somewhat impressed by these surprisingly mature words. In all these years of being a parent, she always recognized Mayumi as a far more responsible figure when compared to Satchiko's rasher attitude. This is a notion that the whole village shares. The Elephant-Koi incident one month ago has certainly not been forgotten by the local inhabitants, some of which still fear the reprisal of the ocean Kamuy and chose not to go and catch fish. Many even wonders if the hunt for Elephant-Koi will even commence this year, considering Satchiko's transgression of prematurely killing a Koi fish might have triggered the ocean's wrath. Besides, the presence of a giant serpentine beast in the nearby waters is certainly more worrisome.

"I appreciate your belief in my training," Satchiko said to the matron. "But I think maybe I should accept the headdress after I came back."

Akahana respected her daughter's decision, perhaps even proud of this sudden motivation to curb that impulsive nature.

The three of them headed out of the wooden hut, meeting Hakaru, who is holding the messenger hawk. He is confused why Satchiko is still donning in a trainee headband, but ultimately accepted the courage to owe up to her mistake.

"Very well then, I will now release the messenger hawk and notify Ba Sing Se."

"Wait!" Satchiko stopped Hakaru from releasing the bird. Even the feathery creature itself is confused. "C-can I be the one to do it?" She wishes to personally confirm this decision.

As she clumsily held the hawk's feathers, Satchiko released it so that it can travel back to Ba Sing Se with a confirmation letter. They watched as it disappeared across the horizon. Now, there is truly no turning back. Any regrets later can only be blamed on herself.

"Let's go," she said. Satchiko hopes that her lack of enthusiasm isn't being noticed. Despite not being receptive to travelling across the ocean, at least Mayumi's accompany can bring solace on this journey.

The four of them walked to the pier normally used by the fishermen. This time, a moderate sized passenger ship is docking near the shore. The Fire Nation merchant who lost his wooden boat one month ago has sent a letter to one of his cousins, who sails between nation capitals for trade, which also includes Ba Sing Se.

Along the way, they are met with villagers who are here for the send-off. The two sisters will obviously not be around for a while. Since everyone knows each other so well, this does feel similar to fellow family members waving goodbyes.

As expected, there are still certain issues they have to resolve. First, Satchiko personally apologized to any fishermen she met, especially Ebisu. Feeling regretful to her own actions, she seeks to gain their forgiveness on what happened one month ago. While some fishers are still afraid to go out to sea, Ebisu's friendliness did help to somewhat negate this guilt. But the constant threat of angering the great eel is a reminder that her impulsiveness will have consequences. And it is only lucky that this time, her own people have demonstrated leniency.

"Don't worry kid!" Ebisu reassured in his usual boisterous attitude. "When you get back, work hard out at the ocean. After you learnt how to handle the salmons, then you can join everyone else in the yearly giant koi hunt!"

Kazuki, who is standing nearby, is also be apologized to. That girl retrieved the sacred sword that was used to cut the Elephant-Koi in order to appease the ocean Kamuy. If it wasn't for Satchiko's mistake, she wouldn't need to be involved.

"It's fine, we are friends remember?" Kazuki reassured.

It's lucky that the whole village feels like a big family. But Satchiko knew she will not enjoy this privilege outside the island.

After Mayumi spoke with Orihime, who is reassigned by the matron to be the head instructor for the younger trainees, Akahana also personally convened with the older sister. The content of their discussion is too quiet for Satchiko to hear, but likely involves the potential danger of this journey. Regardless, Mayumi's face is slightly troubled.

"Alright sister, let us depart, our journey awaits," Mayumi is the first one to walk onto the vessel's deck.

Just before she even step one foot on the ship, Satchiko walked back, giving both parents a good hug before finally boarding. Her heart sank by the thought that it will be a while before they can return.

As the metal ship departed, villagers waved their goodbyes. Only the two parents stood on the pier silently, watching their children travelling beyond the ocean's horizon.

Akahana's expression didn't change much. She simply stared at the moving vessel until it finally disappeared. As everyone else headed off to their own task of the day, Hakaru remained behind.

"They will be back," he said.

Akahana closed her eyes. "I know."

They both walked back to their own wooden hut without saying anything else. Upon entering the main room, Akahana cannot help but notice the golden headdress that was supposed to be for Satchiko.

The mother sighed. "Even I was surprised that she refused to wear it."

Both parents lamented on this. Raising Satchiko was much more difficult than Mayumi, considering the former's impulsive nature and endless drive to prove herself to others. An energetic youth who charges recklessly into battle against pirates for the sake of glory. But most prominent of all, she is someone who desperately wanted to wear her own golden headdress and become a true Kyoshi Warrior. Which is why it is out of character for Satchiko to just delay the realization of her own dream until finish learning Earthbending.

"Did I expect too much from her?" Akahana cannot help but question her own decisions. She picked the new golden headdress up, looking at the craftsmanship. Despite also sharing the same family crest, there is always some slight differences in the actual metal. "She is born with something I cannot nurture."

"Hana, no parents are perfect, I too have many shortcomings," Hakaru said, hinting to his personal failure on teaching Satchiko in the ways of literacy. "But I must emphasize, a competent guardian would never forbid their children from exploring their full potential, especially the bending arts."

Despite being a non-bender, he is aware of many historical examples of great Earthbenders who were initially denied their birthright. This is commonly reported in members of noble aristocrats, where parents may not be receptive to the idea of allowing their bending children to engage potentially dangerous activities. It is unfortunate that certain customs or beliefs may hinder benders from fully cultivating something they are gifted.

"You don't need to worry, I am sure they will take care of each other," he reassured again, hoping it is enough to ease Akahana's concerns.

The matron breathed deeply before emitting a long and tired breath.

Without much deliberation, Akahana marched over to a locked wooden closet, retrieving her own backpack. From heads to toe she is equipped in standard Kyoshi Warrior outfit. Akahana also held two rusty metal fans which is also a very important heirloom to their family. These weapons are special, once being used by the village's hero during the great war itself.

Both of them never told their children about this preparation, but the matron has decided to embark on a journey to resume the search for the next incarnate. This endeavor is deeply important to matron.

"Take care of things here while I am gone," Akahana said. "Don't forget to wear thicker clothing and avoid catching a cold."

There wasn't much additional exchange that is needed. They both understand each other to a great degree, so any more unnecessary pleasantries will not be helpful. The matron has always been a rather serious person, which is why showing raw emotions is certainly reserved for even rarer occasions.

Hakaru remained behind as Akahana unceremoniously walked out of their home. It didn't feel any different from the last time she went on the search, which was many years ago. While he may be inexperienced on the matter, finding an Avatar born in the Earth Kingdom is obviously akin to searching for a needle in a vast ocean. It is hard, but obviously not impossible.

He sat on the ground, brewing some tea in the kettle while retrieving an old Pai Sho board, putting it on the little table. This silence in their once lively wooden hut will be hard to bear.

"Seriously, what took you so long!" The Fire Nation merchant snapped, wanting to slap the face of the vessel's captain, his cousin. He would have accomplished this petty act if it wasn't for the considerable height difference.

The captain explained that the ship has to travel all the way from the Northern Water Tribe capital of Agna Qel'a, making a stop for the Fire Nation and the United Republic before making a detour to here. On the vast majority of maps, Kyoshi Island is not even depicted.

Regardless, the Fire Nation merchant does not accept this reasonable excuse. To compensate for the lack of height, he kicked the captain's knees. As the two men squabbled, Satchiko leaned against the handrails of the vessel, counting the birds that flew nearby. Just hours ago, she was fearing for her life as some waves crashed against the ship's hull. There was a belief that the Kamuy is seeking retribution. But hours of not spotting the giant Unagi gradually eased the concerns. Even Mayumi reassured that the ocean spirit might have forgiven them thanks to the sacred sword.

But there is also another worry that Satchiko must contend with. This ship has Firebenders on board. She is wary of those who possess such destructive power. Whenever some crew members would channel flames into the core of the ship, she would resist the urge to snap open the metal fans. Once again, the presence of Mayumi gradually diminished her paranoia. The older sister reminded her that the crew uses Firebenders to move their vessel, a concept Satchiko does not grasp.

Now, they are just frankly bored, uncertain about the near future. Her lack of interest is contradicted with Mayumi's rather excited mood of finally seeing more of the world itself.

"You sure do look happy," Satchiko finally smiled a little. The sight of her sister having fun at anything is enough to weather her own discomfort. "By the way, didn't you visit Chin Village when you were younger?"

"Yeah, and that was when I actually became fond of seeing more of what lies beyond our island," Mayumi said. "You see sister, those towns on the mainland are built with more stone than you can ever dream of. Some structures are so huge, that you wouldn't even believe they are created by people! I cannot wait for you to also see it."

Deep down, Satchiko is indeed a bit curious about the craftsmanship and masonry skills of the mainlanders. Some fishermen in their village who travelled to their oversea customers have spoken about giant structures, many impressed by the raw architectural might of coastal Earth Kingdom settlements with their stone houses and earthen walls. It is believed by her folk that even a mere coastal town would have more population than the entirety of Kyoshi Island. Of course, the prideful Ebisu would always be the only one to subjectively claim that the wooden lodges are somehow better and more comfortable.

The two of them turned to incoming footsteps. They noticed the teenager from the Fire Nation, the same one they saved one month ago. The two sides bowed in courtesy, with the young woman expressing her gratitude for the timely intervention against the abducting pirates.

"You are most welcome, we were simply performing our own duties as Kyoshi Warriors," Mayumi replied in a modest manner. "In return, my sister and I are also grateful that you are willing to allow us to also board this vessel."

"Yeah, thank you," Satchiko added.

"It's fine," the Fire Nation girl said. She appears be just a few years younger than Mayumi. But doesn't possess the confidence of a young adult. Judging by the clothing, it emits the appearance of a somewhat wealthy family, but definitely not affluent.

They conversed a bit more. According to her, this vessel travels between the major cities of Ba Sing Se, Fire Nation and the Northern Water Tribe. But due to wars between independent states across the continent, there are still dangers beyond mere pirates.

"I truly appreciate your help, I very do," The Fire Nation girl held her precious ring tightly, making sure it can never be stolen again. "This piece of jewelry is the last remaining object that connects me to my late mother. I would never forgive myself if it's fallen into the hands of thieves."

"Mind I ask, what are you doing all the way out here?" Mayumi inquired. "I suppose you and that trader over there are business partners."

"Oh, I guess my journey can be considered a vacation of sort." The girl did sound slightly vague. "You see, I work at the Fire Nation Royal Palace. In a year later, I will be sent to work at another city. Things will get busy, so I intend to travel around the world before the opportunity is gone. So far, my current plan is to make a few stops on coastal Earth Kingdom towns. Finally, I would visit Ba Sing Se to buy calligraphy from a recently famous scholar."

Mayumi and Satchiko looked at each other, not sure what to make of it.

"What? Did I say something out of bound?"

"No, don't you worry," Mayumi quickly reassured. "We were just a bit surprised that you would treat your journey has a… vacation."

Satchiko quickly called out Mayumi's hypocrisy, a hilarious jab at the notion of 'seeing more of the world'.

"I understand, perhaps my speech is a bit too removed from the conflicts across the continent." The Fire Nation girl said in a more serious manner. "This is also why Ba Sing Se is so far one of the safest places on the mainland. They have been unaffected by regional conflicts. After visiting that city, I will move on to the Northern Water Tribe and maybe also make another stop at the Northern Air Temple. Who knows, I might buy a few souvenirs for my friend, Seonbi. He is always infatuated with great literacy works."

Their little conversation ended when they spotted a sailing boat coming towards them. Being Kyoshi Warriors, both Satchiko and Mayumi instantly pulled out their weapons, believing to be a pirate boarding party. Thankfully, it is just a random fisherman, sailing here to sell fish.

The captain did order the vessel to stop as the cook decided to purchase some supplies.

"Weird how he didn't stock up back in our island," Satchiko muttered.

But the two sisters didn't stay idle on the vessel's deck. They listened intently to the conversation between the captain and the fisherman, with the latter stating that recent conflicts between regional states are no longer confined to land.

Mayumi in particular paid attention to every little detail. Referencing the map of the world, a few Earth Kingdom states are formed on a chain of giant islands between the Southern Air Temple and the Eastern Air Temple. News of an upcoming naval battle are prevalent. The entire Eastern Sea will be a giant battleground between various belligerents, who will be sending their own fleet of ships in the conflict. Thus, the entire narrow strait that this vessel has to cross might no longer safe.

The captain returned to the deck, announcing to the crew and other passengers. Due to the threat of a looming battle in the Eastern Sea, the risk of traveling that route is too great. The destination of Ba Sing Se will only need to be reached by taking the opposite direction, which will involve passing the Mo Ce Sea.

"It will only take double the time we need to get there," the vessel captain stated.

Understandably, most of the passenger did not receive this news well. Many grumbled, complaining loudly. The merchant from the Fire Nation exploded in fury, accusing his cousin as a coward.

Mayumi gently nudged that man aside as she asked a more serious question. "Double the time? Are you sure there are no other alternative route to Ba Sing Se?"

The captain stressed that the ocean is the safest route. Using the rivers of the Earth Kingdom continent would also endanger the vessel, which is why only the most daring merchants would risk their lives in those narrow straits.

"I apologize for this inconvenience, but I do need to priorities the shipment. Besides, my vessel also needs to travel to the Northern Water Tribe after Ba Sing Se. Before that, I will dock on a nearby port for a few days. If the situation allows it, we will all continue on our original route."

Mayumi sighed, knowing this circumstance is out of her control. The problem with prolonging the voyage is that they will not be able to arrive at Ba Sing Se in time for Satchiko's first lesson, which may disqualify her place in the university. Being the older sister, she will not allow that to happen. But how?

"This is going to be quite the problem," Mayumi turned around after Satchiko didn't respond. She noticed her sister is staring across the ocean.

Satchiko held her hands tight on the handrails. Her eyes glued to a distant event, with large wooden ships sailing against one another. Some of which are engulfed in flames, while others are sinking below the surface of the water. Tiny little lights are violently exchanged between many vessels. Many sails burned. With the written symbol of their homeland being devoured by the flames.

It may not be immediately obvious on what is truly happening over there. But even a naive girl like Satchiko would understand that the people on those wooden boats may not be going home safely.

The fisherman from earlier was not making a bluff.

The ship paused on a dock. According to the map in Mayumi's hand, they are in a trading port that belongs to the state of Yi. Both of them hoped off the vessel to do a bit of exploring. Since the captain is still slightly undecided, the whole crew chose to wait in the harbor to see if there are any signs of the battle waning.

For the first time in forever, Satchiko is truly stepping out of the island. Her foot hesitantly jumped off the deck, landing on the dock area. She instantly felt that the ground is so much harder than the sand near her village. Mayumi explained that these are stone pavements crafted by skilled Earthbenders, making the floor more suitable for carts and cargo workers.

"Wow," Satchiko used her hand to tap the ground. It felt rock solid.

The young teen turned at all directions, surprised by even the simplest objects that she has never seen before. The buildings are different, made out of earth and using a completely different style of architecture. The same also applies to the people's clothing. Unlike the merchants that occasionally traded at their island, the common people on the street wear simpler garbs as they attend to their mundane jobs. Noticeably, she is impressed by the number of stone structures, something that is obviously accomplished with the assistance of Earthbending.

"Hey, look at them!" Satchiko pointed at a group of people pushing carts of ores onto giant grey ships. "Look at all that iron they have!"

There are countless carts of metal ores that are being loaded onto a giant ship. For folks on Kyoshi Island, metal is very precious, so seeing such vast quantity at once will certainly amaze Satchiko. Their blacksmiths can only work with impure material, requiring a lengthy process to eliminate only some of the impurities.

But Mayumi isn't fascinated. Her eyes narrowed upon seeing the strange insignia printed on the ship's hull. It is an irregular hendecagon with two circles in the middle, all supported on two legs.

"Let's go somewhere else, sister." Mayumi led Satchiko to explore more of this town.

They walked throughout many districts. Mayumi hope that her sibling can better understand how other people live. Despite initially not receptive to the idea, Satchiko's curiosity is fueled by constant new discoveries. Small details like clay rooftiles or different kinds of food sold in the market never ceases reignite the urge to see more of this world.

For someone who has never left the island before, Satchiko's reaction is surprisingly tame. She then noticed a few strange creatures near an inn.

"Look Mayumi, strange giant bird thingy!"

Unsure what those animals are, she tried to get close to them from behind.

Mayumi quickly intervened before an accident can happen, pulling Satchiko back. "Careful sister, these are ostrich-horses, do not approach them from behind."

Satchiko then saw how some richer folks are riding on the backs of those creatures. Mayumi then explained that folks outside Kyoshi Island often use large animals in their daily lives, some can function as mounts while others can be used to farm. There are also some that can travel across vast distances.

"I wonder what they taste like," Satchiko cannot help but ask. She has never eaten meat from giant animals aside from the Elephant-Koi.

"Don't think like that, ostrich-horses are valuable," Mayumi is not surprised by this question. Obviously, Satchiko seems to have a penchant for food. But then again, who doesn't?

Speaking of eating, even Mayumi cannot ignore their starving stomachs. They have been on the boat for hours now, and lunch isn't even served.

So, she has a little idea.

"Come on sister, let's visit the local market," Mayumi suggested. Satchiko eagerly accepted the idea.

They strolled into a section of the town where food is being sold. Unlike Kyoshi Island, locals here sell many agricultural goods. The most common commodity are large sacks of rice, which is the main staple. As Mayumi struggled to find stalls dedicated to street food, Satchiko gradually noticed that some of the customers do not appear to be doing well. A few individuals are dressed in nothing but tattered rags. Their overly slim figures and frail faces are hard to look away from.

Satchiko turned away, forcing her mind to look at Mayumi trying to strike a better bargain. They only brought a few copper coins, since their usual shell currency cannot be used here. But to them, even one piece of copper is quite valuable.

"Mayumi, I don't need to eat anything right now," Satchiko said. "We have our own provisions."

Mayumi heeded her sister's suggestion. They both understand that they cannot be careless on how the money is being used. Despite this, even the older sibling is dumbfounded by the absurd price of local food. Normal products such as meat and vegetables are more than expensive. The common folks can only afford small bags of rice. An air of desperation is now more obvious to the eyes as Satchiko is no longer distracted by the sensation of new discovery.

"We will head back to the ship," Mayumi proposed in a solemn manner.

They decided to take a different route. But it is this one simple decision that will shake Satchiko's entire view of the world.

Upon exiting the market through the other side, they are greeted with something unexpected.

The entire street is ridden with downtrodden people begging for alms. Satchiko froze, the sheer amount of suffering made her unable to even think properly. Now, it is truly impossible ignore the deeply impoverished, who are hiding in the background this whole time.

She finally saw those sights.

First there are the pitiful elderly. Even in their advanced age, they still cannot escape the fate of being poor. Without fellow family members, they resorted to using the streets as their last home. Those frail bodies can barely even walk. Arms thin as figs, struggled to hold the begging bowls.

Then there are the sickly, people with rotting flesh on their faces and dried peeling skin. Many passersby avoided them in fear of also being infected. Mayumi explained that the strange poxes on their bodies are the causation of regional epidemic.

Most horrifying of all are the decaying corpses that littered the exact same street. No one even bothered to give them a proper burial.

"Let's head back to the ship." Mayumi tried to pull a dazed Satchiko by the arm. But the latter cannot move her foot. "Sister?"

There was initially silence between them. Satchiko cannot avert her eyes. It felt bizarre, she is bewildered by the sight of so many people filling the street just begging for food, hoping to live another day. Despite Mayumi's wish for her sister to see more of the outside world, a confronting scene like this one certainly does not make a good first impression.

"Satchiko, I know what you saw isn't pleasant. They are likely refugees from nearby conflicts that have fled here. They are the lucky ones. Most wouldn't even survive in the wars that plagued this part of the world." Mayumi spoke the harsh truth in a solemn manner, placing a hand on Satchiko's shoulder. "Civil wars, bandits, famines are only few of the many things that forces people into such poverty. Our duty as fighters should not be concerned about the civil affairs of other people. Here we have no jurisdiction. Let us not infringe on the lives of others."

But it was no use, the younger sister seems to have a hard time coming to terms with the reality before her. All previous excitements towards the outside world are diminished, replaced with bewilderment and uncertainty.

Mayumi listened closely as Satchiko tries to say something. It started with hesitation. A Kyoshi Warrior is never meant to be dealing with anything besides fighting to protect their people.

"W-we can't," Satchiko uttered with difficulty. "W-we need to help them."


Satchiko retrieved some dried fish fillet from her backpack. Mayumi questioned this action, demanding to know what she intends to do.

"Sister, forgive my bluntness, but your act of kindness will not be able to help them all." Mayumi phrased her words very carefully. She does not intend to discourage generosity. It is simply unrealistic to just hand out food and expect things to change for the better. Here, there are hundreds of beggars and downtrodden people with empty stomachs. Even the lucky few who do receive free food is only temporarily saved from being starved to death. A pervasive problem like this one requires more than just random passersby with good intentions.

They are just two individuals. In order to bring long lasting changes that truly benefits the unfortunate, there needs to be a more drastic and coordinated response.

Mayumi sighed, deciding to give up her own provision too in this futile endeavor. Despite adapting a own more pragmatic attitude, she does not wish to chastise her sister for being generous.

In a matter of seconds, Satchiko finished handing out the handful of dried fish. It felt like pouring a small bucket of water in a burning forest. Although she received many words of gratitude, this still did not change the fact that hundreds are continuing to starve.

With the last piece of food in her hand, she decided to hand it to a poor mother who is holding onto a child.

"Thank you, Kuvira," the mother struggled to even speak.

Satchiko believes that is she probably being mistook as someone else entirely. It is very common for people to hallucinate while being severely malnourished. But this thought is immediately interrupted when she realized that the child in the mother's arm is not moving. No matter how hard the food is being shoved into the mouth, the lifeless juvenile refuses to open his eyes.

The mother then wailed in desperation, still refusing to eat the food for herself. She tried again to put the food into her child's mouth, all to no avail.

The young Kyoshi Warrior felt her own skin went pale, cold with the thought on what she just witnessed. Mayumi quickly placed a hand on her shoulder again, stabilizing any emotion that might spiral out of order. Even the most skillful Kyoshi Warriors are not naturally stoic, especially amongst the younger generation.

"It's out of your control," Mayumi said in a very solemn manner. "Even the most spiritual ascetics cannot do anything against this."

They stepped back a bit from the street of beggars, with Mayumi trying her best to counsel a somewhat traumatized teen.

"I don't understand, why can't they just build something for them to live in?" Satchiko asked innocently.

"Sister, things don't work the same everywhere. It's easy to just build a simple hut on a patch of grass, but being allowed to do so is a completely different matter."

Mayumi knew that explaining the subject of land ownership is too complicated for Satchiko, who doesn't even grasp the basics of literacy. She simply stated that there are far too many barriers for the more unfortunate folks. Aside from the lack of food, even their frail bodies are no longer strong enough to work in backbreaking labor.

"Don't they have a village chief here?" Satchiko looked around. She noticed that not far from the market is a mansion walled by metal fence. Strangely, the building is designed in a weird architecture style that appears out of place with the rest of the town. The material is white concrete, which displays a refined appearance that puts the surrounding building at shame. There is a giant glass dome in the center of the house, which absorbs most of her attention.

Satchiko, despite being a naive girl who doesn't know much about the world, already knows that the 'chief' is likely living in that place. She then spotted someone emerging from the building. The front gate opened, and a middle-aged man in silk garb marched down the stair. He emits an aura of refinement. Although he does appear slightly advanced in his age, his clothing is laced with some golden colors that signifies the elevated status.

As an ostrich-horse drive carriage arrived in front of him, guards formed two ranks to protect this very important figure. The man himself is closely accompanied by another attendant in grey colored suit, perhaps an advisor to the local ruler.

One beggar managed to slip through the guards. Despite being an amputee without legs, he still crawled near the affluent man's feet. With an empty wooden bowl, he bowed respectfully low and tries to seek some alms.

"Please governor Liu, I haven't eaten anything in weeks, just a few copper coins would help!"

The guards stood still, choosing not to intervene. One of the beggar's hands accidentally touched the garb of the governor, which the latter reacted immediately.

Without speaking, the governor stomped one foot onto the legless man's face, kicking him back. The guards nearby flinched at this unnecessary act. Even the two sisters watched with grimace.

Satchiko did not expect the local ruler to behave in this manner. An impoverished farmer who just so happens to walk by tried to give some context. He explained that the legless man over there used to be a soldier in the state's military. After miraculously surviving a battle many years ago, the only profession that feeds the man's mouth is no longer viable. Obviously no army would accept someone who can't even walk.

"How did he lose his legs?" Satchiko asked.

"Oh, he told me it was caused by those blades that people attach to chariot wheels."

Satchiko remained silent. She doesn't even understand the concept of a 'chariot'. But there is no further explanation needed to describe the excruciating pain that could dismember both legs.

"He is the last of his family." The farmer further elaborated. "Lost the children and wife when the enemies sacked his village. Such is the fate of those that live in the border regions. Thank the heavens that we have at least established a peace treaty for the time being."

The governor continues to berate the beggar's audacity. Luckily, the attendant with grey clothing nearby calmed his temper.

"All I wanted is some food! Is that too much to ask for?" The beggar tried to remain diplomatic. "I fought to defend Yi. Can't you spare at least some crumbs?"

"How dare you make petty demands on me!" The governor again berated indignantly. In a fit of rage, he used a walking cane to strike the beggar's head, causing bleeding. He appears more offended by the notion of being labeled as ungenerous.

From a distance, Satchiko cannot remain idle as she watches a defenseless man being attacked. Before she can open her two metal fans, Mayumi immediately stopped the attempt.

"I am going to have a word with that man!"

"No, you will not!" Mayumi staunchly overruled that decision. "This isn't Kyoshi Island, so we shall not exercise our skills without jurisdiction. Do not forget, you are not some travelling ascetic who can just impulsively intervene local affairs. Listen to me closely sister, do not get into trouble!"

The poor farmer nearby laughed bitterly.

"Trust me kid, you folks definitely don't want to get involved with Governor Liu," he advised Satchiko. "Just one week ago, my cousin lost his head by requesting for lower taxes. We farmers don't always do well in dry arid lands. Oh, just for the record, he did ask very nicely."

Satchiko looked at him with an expression of horror and confusion. "What are taxes?"

"Oh, it's hard to explain if you don't know," the farmer blurted. "At this point, I doubt even the Avatar would want to intervene."

The caning continued. Satchiko watched helplessly as Governor Liu continues to cane the former soldier. She gripped her hands, seething at this injustice.

After a whole minute of endless assault, the governor grew tired, throat breathing fast after the intense act. The beggar lies lifelessly on the floor with some blood splattered on the dirt. Onlookers are not sure if he is even alive anymore.

"This scoundrel!" The governor stomped one more time. He then turned his attention to the guards, heavily chastising them for failing to intercept one legless man. The guardsman can only endure this publicly without protest.

Finally, the advisor in grey clothing spoke up, calming his master.

"Now, now, my dear beloved Governor Liu Yan, don't be so angry, this lazy man on the ground just doesn't the intricacies of running the state." He pointed at the beggar, reasoning with the governor that only those with superior insight should be allowed to govern. "Your lordship has cultivated profitable trades with the United Republic, bringing prosperity and wealth to your mighty domain. The ungrateful few are petty and little minded. As a man of culture and great caliber, it is not fitting for someone of your talent to quarrel with unappreciative subjects. Great sovereign leaders all aspire to emulate the exemplary values of the Sages. You sir, are worthy of being a sage."

Governor Liu Yan, in all his fit of anger, nonetheless relented. He straightened his posture and pointed the cane at the lifeless beggar on the ground, aiming to project some possible aura of mightiness spurred on by the advisor's flowery words.

"I, the sovereign governor of Yi, shall overlook your transgression!" He stated in a very formal tone, trying to sound youthful while addressing the beggar lying on his back. "Now, get up and prostrate before my advisor, Gwai. If you had any shred of decency, then you shall demonstrate the upmost piety towards me."

As expected, the beggar didn't react. It did not take long for Liu Yan to interpret this silence as total disrespect. He resumed, angrily beating the unmoving body with his wooden cane.

"How dare you! How are you! How dare you!"

Many in the market area also turned their heads to look at the commotion. Noticing this unwanted attention, the grey suited advisor tried again to calm down the energetic governor, whose faces are reddened with madness.

"My dear governor, any great ruler of a state should be dressed in a manner that befits their position. As your humble servant, I advise we organize an ample trip to the local tailor and acquire a new set of clothing. Someone important to the state of Yi like yourself must be donned in a better style of silk to reflect your domain's growing wealth."

"Good idea!" Liu Yan eagerly agreed. "After that disgusting scoundrel touched my garb, I already wanted a new one."

As both men tried to enter the carriage, Liu Yan stopped as he noticed something red at the tip of his wooden cane. It was blood. Begrudgingly, he wiped it clean with one of his soldier's uniforms. Before finally stepping inside, a young voice called out.

"That is enough!"

Satchiko walked closer to them, trying to spur their attention.

"Just what kind of village chief are you? First you didn't give him food, then you attacked him. How in the world is someone like you in charge of this place!"

Mayumi and the old farmer are shocked by this reckless act, with the former desperately trying to rectify the situation. But it was too late, Governor Liu Yan noticed this provocation and is immediately incensed.

"How dare you refer to your superior as a lowly village chief!" The governor bellowed. "Don't you know who I am?"

"No, I don't!" Satchiko retorted. "But I do know that I have done more for those poor folks over there than you ever did!"

It was an utter insult to his governorship. All the onlookers are horrified, not by the insult, but they are concerned at what will happen to the teenager who has the audacity that reaches the heavens.

Mayumi quickly intervened, bowing to the governor's retinue while stating that Satchiko isn't speaking with a rational mind. Even the elderly farmer also played along, improvising to support this flimsy claim.

"Silence!" Liu Yan yelled. "Your insolence has gone too far! A simple-minded girl like you has no right to critique my governorship! If you dare question my generosity, then look no further than the refugees you used to slander my reputation. Under my rule, I allowed them to seek refuge within this town. None of my troops harmed them nor drove them away. The fact that I am even allowing their presence to pollute this idyllic scenery is already more than enough to prove my legitimacy as state leader. All seeker of alms living in my domain can live freely, just like the birds that roam the skies!"

More onlooker gathered to observe a war of words between the governor and a teenager. Some are amused by how this shouting match is devoid of any eloquence.

As the governor's red veins thickened in rage, his advisor tried to soothe this exasperation.

"My governor, they are just youths who have yet to mature." The minister appeased. "When they became full-fledged citizens of your great state, they would naturally be regretting their past impulses towards you. All citizens of Yi admire your brilliant governance just like how the greatest Earth Sages made their mark in history."

Of course, this flattery succeeded in bolstering Liu Yan's confidence. But it would definitely work better without other interruptions.

Despite Mayumi's request to stay quiet, Satchiko pointed at the beggars and diseased corpses on the ground. She may not understand much on how the world works, but the knowledge that wearing silk is a luxury was never hard to understand. No matter how fine a person may dress, food is still what ultimately sustains the people.

"How in the world can you wear silk while people in this place can't even eat?" To Satchiko, a world without food is hell. Even one stomach unquenched cannot justify luxuries. "I am surprised that you have so much yet done so little."

"Which household do you belong to?" The governor demanded, scrawling with gritting teeth. "I demand to know which plot of land your parents inhabit!"

Satchiko is initially confused by the question. Mayumi is the one who clarified that they are not tied to his domain. The concept of land ownership is completely foreign for those who never take a foot outside of Kyoshi Island. It would be far easier for the governor to punish those that depends on the land to grow food.

"No matter!" Liu Yan bellowed. His patience is at a boiling point. "I shall no longer endure this insult upon my family's honor!" He pointed at Satchiko specifically in an accusatory manner. "Who do you think you are! The Avatar? You are just a nobody who don't even know how the world works!"

"I don't! But I don't need to be smart in figuring out how to feed hundreds of hungry mouths!" Satchiko spatted back. She understands her speech is ridden with youthful arrogance. But with so much wealth and resources, such power can indeed bring a more permanent effect to the beggars on the street. Even the value of that governor's opulent silk garb is likely more than enough to buy a mountain of provisions.

Since Satchiko never adapted the eloquence of her father, then she will just have to solve the problem with the skills taught by her mother. As Mayumi tries to resolve this diplomatically with no avail, the younger sister's proposal garnered the attention of everyone present.

She pointed at the governor. "If you disagree with what I said, why don't you fight me!"

The crowd gasped. Mayumi froze with shock, even she doesn't know how to deescalate this situation.

"Sister, that is going too far!" Mayumi warned.

"No, it isn't!" Satchiko argued back. "If he thinks he is so great, then he can prove it!"

The old farmer sighed at this youthful impulsiveness. But it was equally surprising that the governor agreed to this asinine game, much to his advisor's horror.

"What are you worry about, Gwai?" Liu Yan said. "She is just a puny little girl! Do you seriously believe that I would lose to the likes of her? All it takes is a little push and she will fall to the ground."

"My lordship, I don't think it's about winning a fight," advisor Gwai pleaded. "It may not be fitting for your public image to hit a little girl."

This notion is completely lost on the arrogant Liu Yan, who is drunk on demonstrating his strength to the subjects.

"You dare underestimate me?" Satchiko scathed at the man wearing grey clothing. She cracked her knuckles, not even planning to use the metal fans. "I suggest you prepare the bandages. Your boss will need them."

Mayumi tried again to end this without violence, even the governor's guard captain expressed interest to stop this fight.

"S-sir," the lawmen addressed as respectfully as possible. "If they have troubled you, please, let your servant resolve this, no need to resort to quarrel with a child."

"Another word from you and I will have your tongue pulled out," Liu Yan replied without hesitation.

The governor's response to his trusted advisor and the captain of the guard is night and day. The latter bowed, lowering his head as his endeavor ended in obvious failure. The entire town square is filled with onlookers. Stall keepers temporary halted their trade. Poor farmers and beggars alike watched with anticipation.

It was all very informal. Without warning, the governor charged at them, trying to punch Satchiko. As for the young Kyoshi Warrior, she wrangled free from her sister after Mayumi tried to physically stop this ordeal.

As Liu Yan continues to run forward, his speed slowed slightly due to some exhaustion. In his fine silken garb, the man punched his fist forward at the target's face. Just as he was about to celebrate a victory, a palm caught that attack, locking it in place.

"Huh, I was actually expecting the punch to be a bit more forceful." Even Satchiko was surprised. It seems that she didn't even need to exercise the bare minimum of her martial skills.

Despite all the governor's earlier confidence, he is now stunned, so is everyone else but for entirely different reasons.

"Now, I think it's my turn," Satchiko grinned. This opportunity is too rare, and she will put it to good use at once.

With one gentle shove, she easily toppled the governor, causing him to fall into a pile of ostrich-horse dung. The smell is unbearable. Liu Yan's silken garb is now completely tarnished. But to add injury on insult, one of the ostrich-horse is startled, kicking the governor with one of its feet.

Much to the advisor's relief, the outcome wasn't fatal. Governor Liu Yan is not physically harmed. However, his honor is utterly shattered. If punching a young woman in public will ruin will his image, then the opposite would be even more tarnishing. Members of the onlooking crowd gradually increased their snickering, amused and entertained. Knowing this, the governor hurled a barrage of insults towards Satchiko.

"Insolence! Scoundrel! Outrageous!" The governor fought to breathe more air before unleashing some more profane language. "Go back to the whorehouse that your parents sold you to. You young harlot!"

"What?" Satchiko scratched her head. Despite being a competent fighter, her naivety about the world knows no bound. She isn't even smart enough to be affected by the governor's indecorous insult.

But this did not go unheard by someone who do understand those words. Mayumi shot a sharp gaze at the governor, a pair of murderous eyes concentrated on him. Unlike Satchiko, she chose to attack something that matters more to Liu Yan.

"With all due respect, how did you acquire your position?"

Despite the advisor's suggestion to not entertain this question, the governor's mouth did not stop talking about his proud noble lineage, inheriting the domain of Yi from his father. But all of this played right into Mayumi's hand, whose sharp tongue is more potent than brute force.

"Even the most legitimate kings can be deposed, not even their royal lineages can save them," Mayumi words instantly spurred the governor and his retinue. "The will of heaven is a fickle thing. Just like the many dynasties that came before us, minor nobles are subjected to the same treatment should they rule without virtue." She then eyed the advisor next to Liu Yan, knowing that he must be someone born in the United Republic. The grey color and foreign looking suit are a dead giveaway. "As for you, I suggest you stop comparing the governor to the Earth Sages of the past. It is insulting to those that came before us."

Both of them did not receive this critique fondly. The advisor suddenly ordered the lawmen without the governor's orders.

"Guards, those two have harmed the governor, apprehend them!"

Multiple lawmen surrounded the duo. The old farmer behind the two sisters is also enveloped, being caught in the middle of this mess.

Before Satchiko can open her metal fans, Mayumi cautioned her. The soldiers have no weapons, which is an indication that they must be benders. Despite facing only ten of them, these must be the governor's more elite soldiers.

Both of them drew out their weapons as the guards assumed a traditional Earthbending stance.

The governor climbed up from the ground. With the use of his personal sentries, he demands proper reprisal against the two who tarnished his reputation. But Mayumi has one more trick to use.

"Governor, I can't believe that you are going to raise the taxes again!" Mayumi shouted out loud. Satchiko is confused at the statement, since when did they discussed about this topic?

It seems that the younger sister wasn't the only one who did not understand the ruse. With a reactionary attitude, Liu Yan walked right into the trap.

"As subjects of this great state, they all must fulfil their duties!" Liu Yan bellowed.

The faces of the crowd are changing rapidly, interpreting the governor's reaction as confirmation to an increase of taxes.

"Guards! I want you to arrest those two! Make an example out of—" Liu Yan's face was pelted by a piece of rock just before he can complete the sentence. Mayumi checked on Satchiko, but soon realized it wasn't her sister's Earthbending. It seems that someone from the crowd have acted on their own accord. As the guards surveyed everyone who is present, another rock pelted the governor's personal carriage, startling the ostrich-horses. The coachman struggled to control the beasts, allowing them to stampede into the circling Earthbending guards. This provided an ample opening.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Mayumi shouted.

Both of them dashed out of the way. As Satchiko escaped further, Mayumi intentionally positioned herself between the guards and market area. This is a very underhanded tactic. She looked back, already knowing that the governor's bodyguards will use Earthbending at range. A flying boulder is launched at this direction. Mayumi easily dodged the projectile, allowing it to smash into multiple stalls, almost hitting the farmers in the area.

If Mayumi have the luxury, she will definitely apologize. But channeling the number of the poor locals as a distraction can aid in their escape. What she did not expect is that the poorly conceived plan worked beyond expectation.

Triggered by the collateral damage and angered by the false news, the younger farmers suddenly rioted. Unlike the beggars lining the main street, hungry peasants with nothing but farming tools can still offer a very stiff resistance. As backbones of many rebellions in the past, their quantity compensates for the lack of any training.

Without much warning, a swarm of them suddenly descended on the governor himself. Even with Earthbending, the elite guards of Liu Yan failed to repel the sheer number of the mob. The advisor hastily pushed the governor into the carriage that is finally pacified. They narrowly escaped the disgruntle farmers, who demands the governor to retract an increase in taxes that was never true in the first place.

"I will be back!" The governor roared loudly. "Just you scoundrels wait!" Through the window of the fleeing carriage, he hurled a barrage of insults.

With no one else to focus their anger on, the enraged peasants stormed the governor's mansion building, ransacking its interior. But this is just a worthless measure. A proper response will soon arrive to pacify this riot.

Years of stealth training and being agile on foot have proven their uses. Satchiko and Mayumi escaped to the town's outskirts. Outside those stone walls, they heard commotion of more guards being summoned. Soldiers armed in spears and swords managed to suppress the riot. All that was lost were the governor's mansion.

While hiding among the wilderness, Mayumi surveyed the surrounding area. It seems the environment around the port town are all farmlands. They can't head back to the ship just yet, especially with all the guards roaming the settlement.

"Look at what your impulsiveness have done!" Mayumi cannot help but snap. "If you had just kept quiet, we wouldn't have warranted such reprisal! You just have to pick fights, don't you?"

Satchiko sat silently on the ground, acknowledging her sister's more reasonable view.

"But Mayumi, all I want is to help people," she said quietly.

Of course, those were not pirates they just faced. Outside of Kyoshi Island, they no longer have the jurisdiction.

"I understand that you just want to help others in their plight, but every action has its consequences, good or bad." Mayumi presented a holistic view on the matter that does not involve a romanticized view on being a hero. As the more seasoned one between the two, she understands that not every problem can be resolved by simply fighting someone. Although Satchiko easily beaten the prideful governor, the problem for those alms beggars is not resolved.

Satchiko isn't sure how to respond.

Mayumi sighed. "No matter, we still need to head back to the port. But seeing that the whole area is swarming with guards, we will lay low, at least for tonight."

Their ship will be docked for a few days, enough time for this mess to die down somewhat. Regardless, they still have to resolve the problem of food and rest.

They treaded along a path, exploring the vast farmlands of rice. Despite the dry and arid environment, even the sparsely populated plant stalks amazed the naive Satchiko. So much agriculture is only possible with great landmass, which Kyoshi Island lacks. Her people only mitigated this problem with merchants and small vegetable gardens. Yet, this is certainly her first time looking at a field dedicated to rice cultivation.

In a faraway distance are also giant mines, massive quarry where the valuable ores are extracted in great quantity. But that is not their destination. Under Mayumi's suggestion, they approached a lone wooden shack at the base of a nearby mountain. It seems to be a farm. Judging by the rather mundane style of the building, Satchiko believes no one would live here.

"Big sis, I think it's abandoned," Satchiko assumed. "Even the huts back home are better!"

Mayumi gently knocked on the door. Much to the younger sister's surprise, someone answered.

The two of them bowed as the entrance opened, with Mayumi pushing Satchiko's spine downward. The sun is setting very quick across those mountains, if they want shelter to avoid being freeze to death, demonstrating humility is important.

Being the more responsible one, Mayumi spoke first.

"We deeply apologize for this intrusion," she said respectfully. "My sister and I are travelers. The situation within the walls have forced us to seek accommodations elsewhere. Would it be suitable if we temporary use this place to rest just for the night?"

Despite being warriors, they still need to recuperate. There is no guarantee that the owner of this building would accommodate their unexpected intrusion. Although hungry, both of them would be more than grateful if only shelter is provided.

"You two again?!"

Mayumi and Satchiko raised their heads back up, realizing that the person inside the shack is the same old farmer they met near the market. Both sides are shocked by the coincidence.

"Ah, I see, so you two are going to Ba Sing Se."

The old man scooped up plain rice porridges from the boiling pot, putting them into three clay bowls. As Satchiko tried it, she did not enjoy the lack of flavor. It's tasteless. No meat. No vegetables. Most important of all, no fish.

"Big sis, this tastes so bland. It is just rice boiled in hot water and-"

Mayumi glared intensely, making Satchiko realizing how ungrateful she sounds.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" Satchiko quickly apologized to the old farmer. He is very generous to provide sheltering despite having almost nothing himself. Thankfully, the elder is not someone who is easily angered.

"It's ok, times have been tough lately, the drought has made things more difficult for us folks. But compared to the majority, we are lucky enough to at least be able to have something to fill our stomachs." He then handed a bowl to a little boy, who ate it without complaint. Both sisters assumed that the kid must be the farmer's grandson.

"Once again, we sincerely apologize for the unnecessary burden we placed upon your family," Mayumi stated with courtesy. "We were never meant to be stranded here."

There is no more rice in the pot. Satchiko, realizing that the old man himself didn't have his own share, decided to show gratitude by eating her bowl of rice porridge without grumbling. Clearly the farmer is prioritizing the unexpected guests rather than his own hunger. Which is why she will respect his generosity.

Yet, her mouth just couldn't resist asking more.

"How come you are not having any rice? There is so much of it growing just outside." Facing with Mayumi's unimpressed gaze, Satchiko knew she might be treading on a delicate territory. It is not their place to meddle in local affairs, but the farmer with white beard answered in very simple terms.

He made a long and tired sigh. "The drought has been going on for years, no signs of it ending yet. Even though some of us can still grow it, our monthly dues to the governor still must be paid."

Satchiko is perplexed when he explained that most of the goods produced on the land must be handed over to the governor. The concept of taxation confused her to a great degree. She knew farming takes more time, since growing something from the ground obviously require more waiting than plucking some salmon from the ocean.

"The governors owns these lands," the farmer said, but he only confused Satchiko even more.

"Don't worry sir, my sister still has much to learn."

With Mayumi's encouragement, the farmer further explained that all the farmlands are under the governor's name. Local farmers cultivated the land and is expected to give up most of their produce.

All of this made no sense to Satchiko.

"B-but why don't you just leave?" The young warrior asked the old farmer.

"Leave? To where? My family has been living on this land for generations. It is what sustains us. The graves of my forefathers are also buried nearby. How can I just leave behind everything when the situation is at least somewhat bearable?"

Satchiko understands his reasoning. She and her people would also not easily give up Kyoshi Island, and the ocean kept them fed. It also does not help that there are many surrounding conflicts, and there is no guarantee that there will be a better place than the home you already have. There are many risks in traveling afar.

"Then why not fight him? Take down the governor and pick someone new?" Satchiko's second question made the farmer laugh in a bitter manner.

"Fight?" He said, almost incredulous at the idea. "You said it so easy. My son is already gone. These old bones can no longer fight. But I can still farm for a few more years. Who will take care of my grandson if I die early? If he is dead, who will present incense offerings to my grave?"

This suffering, this reluctance, are not driven by cowardice. There is too much to lose. The farmer's plight is at least somewhat tenable, being able to barely eat and not die of starvation is perhaps more than enough for this elder.

"But, the Avatar…"

Satchiko did not manage to finish that sentence. Even a naive person like herself understands that the latest Avatar hasn't been found yet. Surely, only someone of such legendary status can resolve this farmer's plight.

"People like me never wanted much. Enough food to not starve, a roof to not freeze, and not getting killed. While the richer folks behind those walls may look down on me and the others nearby, that is fine." His tone became slightly more sentimental. Yet the countless wrinkles on the man's face did not stop him from finishing this little speech. But this one is directed specifically at the youthful Satchiko. "Kid, not everything on this world can be easily solved at a whim. Unlike the folktales and stories, we are living in the real world. And what if the Avatar returns? I still have barely enough food for the whole family. My son already died on the battlefield. While I may be old, there is still some strength within me to bring food to my grandson. I am content to be rewarded with just a stone tablet on my resting place."

Such a bleak view on life made Satchiko silent, yet she cannot detect a hint of sadness on the farmer's face. Why? Perhaps the difference in circumstances made it harder for her to understand all of this. She watched the little grandson nearby, happily playing with a makeshift toy made from wooden sticks. It's not even something that is carved, yet he seems to be entertained by it.

With a dispirited face, Satchiko once again drank her bowl of rice porridge, reflecting on the conversation.

"Thank you for the food," she uttered very quietly. Every speck of rice now feels even more precious. For years, she always expects what she eats to be more delicious than the last meal. But not this time. Despite the bland rice porridge, there is a sense of gratefulness in the lack of flavor.

But even that did not last long.

Mayumi is suddenly alerted. She stood up, walking towards the door and look through the cracks.

"Someone is coming!" She remains composed, but the tone of her voice demands urgency.

The farmer did not wait around to find out who. He pointed at the stack of hay at the end of the room. Without much complaint, both sisters quickly hide within it.

After the old man put away one of the three clay bowl, he answered the door after it was knocked on. Upon opening, a group of guards armed in polearms questioned the farmer. Based on the conversation, it seems that the governor is seeking to capture two criminals donned in opera face paint.

Satchiko gasped upon hearing that, even Mayumi is concerned. Although they do not doubt the farmer's generosity, even the most noble people might succumb to greed if they are stricken in poverty.

The guards detailed the handsome reward to anyone that can provide information, an incentive that can help any poor farming family. If giving up two strangers can bring more food to the table, why wouldn't the farmer capitalize this golden opportunity?

"It's fine," the farmer replied in a tired voice. "They are not here."

Seeing that the room only has another little child, the guards left without checking. Mayumi bowed to the farmer after emerging from the pile of hay, thanking him for not revealing their presence.

"Why didn't you sell us out?" Satchiko is dumbfounded. While it might be a rude question, she is genuinely confused why he didn't utilize this opportunity and reap the rewards from the governor.

"I doubt the likes of Liu Yan would be so generous," he muttered. "Too bad my idiot son didn't understand that."

It's strange how those that have so few can still give out so much.

Satchiko bowed herself. "Thank for the dinner."

The sun once again rose above the mountains. As both sisters are about to depart, Satchiko presented the little boy with a gift she stayed up late to create, which is a flimsy wooden carving that vaguely resembles an Earth Kingdom general holding a giant glaive. It was the suggestion of Mayumi, who thought that boys might enjoy a figurine like this one rather than a doll. Since the older sister often scoured their father's book collections, she understood that some of the most renown Earth Kingdom commanders are immortalized while holding one particular polearm, the imposing glaive.

The grandson held it with elation, thanking them for this gift. The farmer also expressed his gratitude.

"You have no idea how happy this makes him," he said with a warm smile. "A few days ago, a bunch of weird folks arrived at the town. They stayed for a while, said something about letting all children holding some toys but not allowing them to keep it. My boy here cried for hours after that. I never understand the whole point of their operation."

Mayumi instantly realized the implications. "Sir, mind I ask, where did they go? Are they still here?"

"Oh, they stayed in the town for just a few days and left for the nearest one inland," the farmer replied. "Why do you want to know about them so much?"

Mayumi candidly replied, believing that this information may assist their journey to Ba Sing Se.

"I suppose they rode on top of a giant beast that flies, am I correct?" Mayumi asked again.

Satchiko almost felt her sister have gone senile, uttering nonsense one after the other. How exactly can a group of strangers help them get to Ba Sing Se? While it is unlikely that their ship will be able to travel there due to nearby naval conflicts, she does not comprehend why Mayumi is fixated on the 'giant beast that flies'.

"Oh yes!" The old farmer confirmed. "That giant creature they rode is quite huge. It does look somewhat similar to a Bull-Pig my neighbor owns."

"Very well then, thank you for all your help."

For one final time, Mayumi and Satchiko bowed. Since the farmer refuses to be paid in money, Satchiko also inquired other ways to repay this generosity.

"If you very want to repay me, just offer incense sticks to my grave."

With this conclusion, the two sisters finally departed. It would only be much later that the farmer would notice that the wooden figurine's armor seems to resemble someone that is currently alive.

End of Chapter Notes:

-The actual historical Liu Yan did not inherit governorship for the real-life Yi province. The main reasoning involves distancing himself from an increasingly dangerous royal court at the capital. Choosing to be governor of Yi is also influenced by his advisor.

Next chapter