
Chapter 022

Deciding to go with the simplest routine he could scrounge, Naruto flipped through several signs without fault before ending with a tiger seal. Holding his right hand out to his side, he cocked each finger back and took aim at his own gut. With a wide grin in place, he brought his hand around and slapped it against his naked stomach, directly over the center of the complex array.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

The result was instantaneous: a blinding flash of light, a gust of wind, followed shortly by the air bursting like a bubble directly in front of him, only a thousand times more powerful.

An earth-shattering explosion rocked Naruto's apartment shortly thereafter. Though it wasn't as big, flashy or smoky as the last cataclysm that ended with him cleaning up every last speck of dust, it definitely had the boy reeling. This reaction was so violent in fact that Naruto was thrown clean across his small bathroom and sent spinning through the air before crashing into the wall of his hallway a second later.

Lying in a crumpled, upside-down heap in the corridor, the boy groaned out in agony as he glared back towards his bathroom, where he could see pretty much the results of everything that had happened in that instant. His mirror had shattered, his porcelain sink was blown out of its fixed spot and spraying water everywhere, and all of the items he had inside of the cabinet above had spilled everywhere.

Naruto blinked through a blurry vision, "What… the… hell?"

"God damn it! What the fuck is happening up there, brat?!"


Did he just hear a voice?

Quickly rolling back into an upright position, Naruto sat himself on the hard wood of his floor and looked around his apartment. Looking left and right, he saw no person, shadow or any traces of another being's presence standing in his corridor. Nothing. No one. The place was devoid of all life with the exception of him.


So who or what the heck was that? It definitely didn't sound like anyone he'd ever heard before and it certainly wasn't an animal. So what phantom entity sent that curse his way?

Scratching his head, Naruto breathed out a sigh after a few more fruitless glances and just stood up.

"Hm… must have been my imagination." Placing his hands on his hips, he then glared distastefully at the crater he had unintentionally blown into his bathroom. "Ah crap… the landlady is going to kill me… again…"



Deep inside Naruto's metaphysical being in the chamber reserved only for the imprisoned, something incredibly terrible had taken place.

Or…to be frank, something rather hilarious had occurred.

Having been enjoying a nice, peaceful nap after a descent night's sleep on his jailer's behalf, the Nine-Tailed Fox was suddenly awoken from his slumber by what he could only describe, by every definition of the word, as a vortex. Since natural disasters were an abysmal concept to him, seeing as that he was chiefly responsible for creating most them and not having any done to it in kind, you can imagine it came as an apocalyptic shock to the Kyuubi when he suddenly found himself picked up by an ungodly powerful gust of wind and tossed around inside of its chamber, which had also began undulating violently.

Several seconds of hell later, the fox found itself sprawled up against the side of its prison, upside-down with its ass hanging in the air.

Tails splayed everywhere and a tick-mark on its head, the Kyuubi allowed a low growl to escape its lips as he reconvened with Naruto's point-of-view.

As it turned out, the blonde jackass of an academy student had gone and done something stupid… for the thousandth time in a row. What exactly he had done though was beyond the Kyuubi, but the one thing he was definitely certain about was that he was now royally pissed off.

"God damn it… I fucking HATE fuinjutsu!" the Kyuubi roared out, swearing an ungodly wrath upon the person who came up with the idea of sealing the tailed-beasts inside of people for a village's personal gain.

Damn him and damn the physics of the art!


Hokage Building…

It had been a really relaxing morning for Hiruzen Sarutobi so far. First a pleasant walk through the garden of his property, followed by breakfast in the village at one of the local diners, and then a walk about the neighborhood itself. Being the outgoing Kage that he was the old man felt he had to soak up as much of the village and its people as he could in the time that he had available to him.

He wasn't getting any younger after all. No one was.

After a relaxing stroll, he then retreated to the top of the Administrative Building of the academy, or better known as the building where the Hokage's office was situated. Up on the roof, the elder stood and looked over the whole of the village as the morning sun lifted high into the sky. He breathed deeply as his body became washed with a gentle breeze and sunlight, and was just getting into the zen of the moment when all of a sudden an electric shock ran through him.

It wasn't a literal feeling but more of a mental jolt which had his eyes snap toward one of the suburban areas of Konohagakure. Hiruzen calmly glared out towards the buildings he could see in the distance and scrutinized the region in question.

"That was an incredibly abnormal spike in chakra. What was that?"


Hearing his title called the old man turned around to see Aoba Yamashiro appear behind him. The man with spiky hair and sunglasses appeared to the Kage kneeling in greeting to his village leader. As respectful as his gesture was, his expression conveyed distress.

"What's wrong?"

"The Sensor Division picked up a massive influx of chakra inside of the village," Aoba stated, looking up towards the Third to see his expression remain unchanged. "It was a gargantuan increase and it's currently still registering above peak. Whatever it is, it's almost comparable to that of the Kyuubi's chakra signature."

"Where is the signal coming from? Have they triangulated its position?" Hiruzen asked, already having a clue as to what the answer was.

"Yes sir," Aoba nodded affirmatively, still in the midst of panic. "Lower residential district, East Side."

"I see…" Hiruzen looked ahead in the direction of the disturbance once more. He knew that area well, as he visited it quite often. The last time he went there was when he was delivering the boy's living expenses for the month, which wasn't that long ago. Perhaps it was time for another check-up. The elder nodded his head in understanding. "Tell all stations to stand down. I'll see to this matter personally."


"This is a local problem, Aoba. There's no need for the forces to get involved," Hiruzen replied, before suddenly vanishing in a swirl of leaves. His parting words echoed on the wind as he made haste in case there really was something to worry about. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

The Hokage's sudden departure left the messenger kneeling on the rooftop looking a little bit flabbergasted.







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