
Forged in Battle - final part

Gwayne hugged his friends and whispered something in their ears. Cerella after listening was stunned. Wulf and his wife watched the girl run to Ser Lymond after that, her face furious. Then another boy hugged him tightly.

— the boy made his choice. - he said.

Then he mounted his huge war steed and sped towards the entrance of the village. His wife gave Gwayne one last look. She let out a sweet laugh and darted after Wulf. fifty ironborn followed them and their eldest sons collected the children on the way and put them on horses. Gwayne entered the castle, climbed the stairs and walked down the hallway slowly, thinking it might be his last time. He entered his room and lay down, looking at the vaulted ceiling, after a while his cousin ran into the room and jumped on top of him, sitting on his stomach, then sliding to the side.

- Do not go! - She said. — If my grandfather wants to send you to your death, let's run away! She said, her voice wavering.

after a brief pause, she said.

-Let's run away! — She screamed. — Gwayne looked at her with surprise in his eyes.

- Where? - He said.

She sat intertwining her legs and struck a thoughtful pose, after a few minutes she responded.

— I don't know, we just need to go somewhere! — Let's just run away. - she said

— You hunt wild rabbits and I prepare them. — she said, patting his chest. — Daeron can come along, that's it! Daeron! - she said.

— I hunt. — He said laughing.

she laughed too but whimpered afterwards.

- Please! —she finished, with tears in her eyes.

- It's OK. — He said gently, to calm his cousin's temper.

She calmed down and laid her head on his shoulder, burying her face in his chest.

— You will, won't you? — She said sniffling. he didn't respond, so he said looking into her eyes.

— sleep, Cyre. — he hugged her and turned his eyes to the ceiling, thoughtful.

When the sun entered the room through the balcony door, she got up and noticed that he was not lying next to her.

— Gwayne! she shouted.

— I am here. — said a voice from outside.

She felt relieved, got up and stretched at the foot of the bed. Then she went outside. Gwayne was sitting in the sun on his bedroom balcony.

— You will, won't you? — she asked again.

when she realized that the answer she wanted would not come, she ran away with an angry and tearful face.

Gwayne fell asleep under the sun, feeling the sun burn her skin gently, the heat entering his body and leaving after each breath.

— My knight... He heard a female voice say in his right ear, then he woke up scared. There was no one by his side, he noticed.

He walked to the balcony wall and then took a deep breath. He stretched and went downstairs. was to prepare for what was to come, he wanted to be ready when the time came. Soon after, after a small breakfast, his grandfather went out to get his horse ready. Gwayne came out the door after a few minutes and watched as he ate a piece of freshly baked bread, with cheese, tomatoes and toasted bacon. He looked at the Heart tree, then went back inside, put on a light and beautiful dark blue boiled leather doublet, a cape to match, then put on his leather boots and went out. He looked again at the Heart tree and then shivered. he walked over to his grandfather to check his luggage.

— Just clothes. — he murmured.

Daeron appeared behind him and greeted him sadly. Gwayne placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and then turned around. — Protect my cousin while I'm not here. —he said, looking for something on his horse.

— Yes, I take care of her. — said Daeron, waiting for him to turn around. When he finally turned around, he had given him a warm hug and went to look at his luggage.

— Where is your sword, shield... — Daeron said without understanding.

— I want to know too, Daeron. — said Gwayne looking at his grandfather. — Which he said calmly. — that's not the way of the ironborn, they embraced our faith but still maintain some things from their culture... So to speak.

— You will learn, Gwayne. — finished Ser Lymond. — I know you will.

Cerella ran down the small stairs at the front of the castle, and threw herself into his arms, burying her head on his chest. He hugged her and placed a small kiss on her head.

— I promise to come back! — Gwayne said sweetly.

She looked at him with teary eyes. — with two legs and two arms? Cerella asked.

— Yes, I will return complete. - He said.

— You better keep that promise! —she said, in a loud voice. Then, he pulled Daeron into one last hug, this time longer.

— Come back alive. — He said in a tearful voice.

Gwayne mounted his horse, and looked at them and the village one last time, he loved Golden Forest.

He rode slowly away, turned his horse at the exit of the village and looked at them one last time. They were waving their hands, he waved back. He rode for a short time along the sea road, through the trees, and then into the woods on his way to the freezing lake. He found a huge campsite surrounding the lake. he saw several soldiers, spearmen and warriors. But most used the traditional shield and axe. In its shadows there was the standard, a seven-pointed star stuck over the waves. Gwayne rode to the main camp under curious eyes, a circular blue tent right on the edge of the lake. He approached and got off his horse, the children who previously played with wooden swords in the castle were now training with real axes. They stopped to look. Then a man approached and took his horse by the reins. Gwayne walked thinking he was the stable boy. Lady Brianna approached him. He blushed around her, finding her beautiful to look at since the first time he saw her.

— You took your time. — She said. — But as your beautiful eyes enchant me, I will forgive my new baby. — Brianna said in a voice as sweet as honey. He laughed awkwardly about it all. His eyes were really beautiful, sapphire blue.

— It's like having a new child. —she said, looking at Wulf.

— Our baby boy! — She said laughing.

— I'm almost twelve years old, a grown man. — he said firmly.

She looked at him impressed and walked away, sitting next to Wulf. So she said.

— That's what we'll see! — Then she laughed.

— Why did you give up your horse so easily? asked Wulf.

Gwayne didn't seem to understand what had happened.

— I gave it to the stable boy. He said uncertainly. Wulf laughed.

— Have you ever seen a stable boy wearing steel? said Wulf abruptly. — the man paid the iron price for the horse and now the horse belongs to him.

Gwayne got angry and chased after the horse.

— you should go after him. — Brianna said. - he learns. — replied Wulf.

Gwayne returned an hour later with a black eye and a bloody mouth, but he had his horse. Wulf looked at him in surprise.

—That's how it's done, kid. — Then he laughed. — You showed boldness by defeating a grown man, you paid the iron price for the horse.

Gwayne thought. "If boldness means beating until a man gets tired." But I was really bold. — he thought. he came up behind the man who was sitting on a fallen tree, and attacked him with a thick piece of oak on the head. The man fell to the ground. Gwayne thought he won, but he got up and then he got beat up. I think he only stopped hitting me so he wouldn't get into trouble with Wulf.

— Come in boy, my wife will take care of your wounds. He lifted the curtain of the tent with his arm and entered, the girls' eyes widened and the two youngest boys were amazed, they wished they had Gwayne's courage to attack an ironborn and come back alive. One of the twins handed him a glass of mead. — Thiri told us what you did. — she said with a smile on her face. — my name is Astrid, that's Freya. — she said, pointing to the other twin. — and that's Kwenthrith. — she said pointing to the girl with black hair and emerald green eyes. The girl with the sea-scented hands, Gwayne thought. She was staring at him from afar with a beautiful but mysterious smile. The other two older ones looked at him with disdain. they didn't believe Gwayne would last long like this.

Briana was sitting in a huge ornate wooden armchair, she motioned with her hands for him to come. He walked past the tables full of empty mugs and plates. there will be a banquet, he thought.

— Look at you, are you trying to die? — She asked with a curious face.

— I was trying to recover what belonged to me, my lady. - He said.

— It wasn't yours anymore, little boy. — She said, placing her hand on his chin.

— The Man took it from you, so it belonged to him. — She smiled gently.

—But I'm glad you tried to take it back, you showed courage. She said wiping the blood from his mouth with a finger.

— I didn't try, my lady. — He said, with a half smile on his face. — I did it, the horse is outside. She showed fascination with her eyes.

- Boy! — She said quickly.

- Come with me.

She took him by the hand and dragged him to the back of the tent. Gwayne walked behind her, but could only look at the huge hips in front of him. He then came back to consciousness, and saw a huge bathtub, silver, gold and ornamented with precious stones. he thought.

— Take off your clothes, little boy! — She said in an authoritative voice, like a queen commanding her servant.

He removed the doublet first without questioning the order, but with a little shame, while she examined him to see if he had any internal injuries, squeezing his chest and then took his time sliding his hand over his abdomen. He hid his lower half in embarrassment.

- You do not need that. — She said quickly. — I'm used to giving my children baths, from birth until they're eight years old.

— I'm almost twelve. - He said. — I suspected, Ser Lymond said you were nine, he is too old a man to remember everything.

— You're the size of my big children, the youngest of the two is fifteen, Sven. — She said impressed. — and you're almost his size. Then, she slapped his hands, to see what he was hiding. She laughed.

— So, that's what you were hiding under there... — she said. — I'll take that as a compliment, her face got a little red. He took off his pants and quickly got into the bathtub.

— so let's get started, little boy. — she said sweetly. She began to wash his back with her hands, gently sliding them down and down to get more water from the bathtub. Then she sat down next to him and gave a warm smile. Gwayne was looking over the edge of the tub to see if any of the girls were watching him. She asked him to lie down with his back against the wall of the bathtub, so she could wash his front. He did so, sinking his arms into the hot water of the bathtub trying to hide his member. She let out a small smile, at his clumsy attempts to hide. She continued washing and scrubbing his chest heavily, then descending into the waters to slowly massage his abdomen. — Gwayne liked that. He tried to hide where he was looking, but her eyes always returned to the same place, the drops and moisture from the hot bath fell on her skin, wetting her white linen dress. Leaving it almost transparent. He looked away whenever she looked up at him, but she had noticed him a long time ago. She let out little smiles at each of his attempts to pretend not to be looking. He could see drops dancing on the large areolas and her nipples pushing against her dress. She moved her hand lower and touched his already hardened member and was surprised.

— We need to clean everywhere. — She said, releasing hot air through her mouth and warming his face.

It tasted like honey, with hints of lemongrass and mint. Gwayne thought.

—Like a mother bear cleaning her cub. - she said. She looked him in the eyes and grabbed his hardening member and rubbed it. — A good friend you have, my boy.

He felt a lump in his throat and his face turned red. — thanks. — he said.

She kept saying — rub and rub. With a sweet voice.

— You have to learn to take care of yourself, little boy. — she said, squeezing the base of his member and touching the tip with her other hand. then she raised her hand to the surface, taking one of her fingers to her mouth, sucking it slowly. Gwayne blushed.

— Keep that in mind, little boy! — She said seductively.

— Now you know how to do it, you must learn to take care of yourself. — She helped him get up, and her member was at the level of his belly button. she smiled and made a satisfied face.

She took a thick bearskin towel and dried him from end to end, slowly drying his member last, pressing it against her belly, trying to make it smaller. And she laughed when she saw that she couldn't do it

— Well, finish this later. — She said in a sensual voice in his ear.

— of course... — he said. - thank you, I think. He dressed himself in an outfit that she had given him, a bluish gray linen outfit, it was of worse quality than his, but he didn't care. He was happy to be dressed like one of them. She took him to where her chair was and said.

— Meet Gwayne the Bold.

Everyone raised their mugs in honor of him. — To the Warrior! — they shouted.

The twins and the black-haired girl came to take him to the table with them. And that's how Gwayne grew up. Among the Ironborn, he ate like them, trained like them, killed like them, and fucked like them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LeonHardtcreators' thoughts