
Chapter 39 Infiltration


  With the loud noise of glass breaking, fragments flew everywhere and a lot of them were left on the windowsill.

  Sean covered the windowsill with his coat and climbed in first. After Sean went in, Moore followed closely behind.

  This is a multi-person office with separate seats and computers. This is where the police officers chat and brag when they are free.

  There was no one in the office, and no zombies either. This was good news. At least we wouldn't be caught off guard.

  Sean whispered, "It's safe here, Moore, you go to the door and keep watch while I check."

  "Of course." Moore is not stupid and will not act like a jerk at such a critical moment.

  At least not under normal circumstances.

  Sean gave it a rough check, just to make sure there were no Tibetans or zombies.

  After confirming that there was no problem, Sean returned to the window and said, "You all come in first. This room is safe."

  As Sean said this, he stretched out his hands. Carl was still confused, and suddenly found himself picked up by Daryl and handed to Sean directly through the window.

  "Hey, I can get in here by myself."

  "I know you can, but do it faster this way." Sean put Carl down.

  Carl was speechless for a while. This really made him feel like a child. It was very embarrassing.

  The others quickly climbed in one by one. While Sean was in there, they cleaned the windowsill. There were no broken glass and the window was not high.

  "Search this room, there might be some pistols and ammunition on the seats of those police officers.

  Moore, Daryl, and I will go check out the situation first, and you guys take someone to guard the door and be careful."

  Daryl took out his pistol, but felt a little uncomfortable holding it in his hand, so he put the pistol back and pulled out the dagger and held it in his hand.

  Sean and Daryl walked to the door, "No one's coming?"

  Moore was leaning against the door frame leisurely. "If the living person you are talking about is probably gone now."

  Moore pointed to the aisle, where two bodies were lying on the ground, both killed by a dagger in the heart.

  "Great!" Sean gave a thumbs up. "Let's go. We have to find their main force first and then get rid of them all."

  "The bastard has no vigilance at all. He dares to target Uncle More and even lets his guard down. Does he really think I'm dead?" More curled his lips in disdain.

  "Take action."

  Sean and Moore were in front, each walking slowly forward along one side of the wall. Daryl was behind the two of them, crouching, holding up a dagger, and looking straight ahead.

  In the office.

  The tou tzi took the initiative to say, "I'll go to keep watch. After all, my shooting skills are better than yours, of course."

  Karl warned, "Be careful, it's troublesome."

  T-boy made an OK gesture, walked to the door, took off the hunting rifle on his back, held it in his hand, and looked at both sides of the corridor vigilantly.

  When he suddenly saw the two fresh corpses, T was still shocked, but he glanced at Carl in the room and still didn't say anything.

  Carl and Glenn began to search through the seats.

  In this country where guns are rampant, it is easy to find guns. You can find a few just by walking into any house.

  But finding a large number of guns is not as easy as imagined. Not every gun, but at least most of them have been recorded.

  "I found two pistols, several magazines, and quite a few scattered bullets."

  Carl placed all the guns and ammunition found in his area on a table.

  "I did find three. How come these policemen have so many guns and ammunition in their desks?" Glenn was puzzled.

  Karl said casually, "This country is like this, maybe you can pick up a gun in the trash can in the toilet, as for these guns.

  It could be a police officer's personal firearm, or it could be an unlicensed firearm that was confiscated, who knows."

  "I have always had a question that I'd like to ask."

  Glenn frowned and put everything he found together with Carl.

  "What's the problem? Tell me." Carl was sorting the bullets and didn't care.

  "Why do we have to come to the police station to look for guns? We can look for them in residents' homes, which is safer, although a little less efficient.

  If every family has a few, we only need to collect a few dozen houses, and we will have enough to use for a long time, or even never use them all up. "

  Carl was stunned for a moment, then he put the bullets on the table and smiled, "I have also thought about your question, but Glenn, have you ever thought about what kind of guns ordinary residents have in their homes?"

  "What do you mean?" Glenn was not from this country, so naturally he didn't understand much.

  "Ordinary people usually have pistols or shotguns at home, and it is almost impossible to find rifles and submachine guns, but pistols and rifles are not what we need.

  The upper limit of a pistol's life is 10,000 bullets. How long do you think we can use a pistol? The firepower of a pistol is too small and the distance is too short.

  What we need are rifles, you know? One rifle can outgun five or six pistols, and there are more than just rifles here."

  "Then what else?" Glenn looked like a curious baby.

  "You'll know when the time comes, right?" Carl smiled, but in fact he himself didn't know what was here.

  But what is certain is that there must be good stuff there, the firepower configuration of the police station in this country is extraordinary.

  "Karl, why are you always so mature? Talking to you feels like talking to Sean."

  Carl changed the subject, "Please help me sort these out, I can take them with me later, they may be useful.

  I want one! Two guns are the romance of men. "

  Glenn nodded and sorted the bullets with Carl.

  Not long after, a sudden loud shout was heard.


  It was T's voice. Carl looked up and saw that he was no longer at the door.

  Glenn reacted instantly and ran out quickly.

  Carl warned, "Be careful, it could be dangerous!"

  Carl picked up the Glock, turned on the safety, and hurried after Glenn.

  In the corridor, I saw the door of a room diagonally opposite was opened, and the sound came from that room.

  Glenn ran over quickly, and it was too late for Carl to stop him, so he had to follow Glenn.

  This is a tea room. A zombie is pressing Tzai under him, and Tzai is struggling hard.

  When Glenn saw this, he quickly took out a dagger and stabbed it through the zombie's head.

  "T-boy, are you okay? What happened?" Glenn pulled T-boy up.

  T-boy shook his head and said, "There were two bodies in the corridor just now. I didn't want Carl to see them, so I brought them into this room.

  But the corpse behind me suddenly turned into a zombie, and I was knocked down by it when I wasn't paying attention. They weren't bitten to death by zombies, I was completely unprepared, why did this happen?"

  Glenn shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either.

  Carl also came over at this time. When he heard what T said, he frowned slightly. There was indeed a corpse in the room.

  "Glenn, give that corpse another stab in the head."


  "in case."

  "Okay... okay." Glenn hesitated for a moment, then stabbed in with the knife.


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