
Chapter 735: The Adorable Penguin Parade

Penguin Pavilion.

When the two arrived, they saw visitors lining up and standing behind yellow lines on the roadside, leaving the middle of the road clear and discussing something among themselves.

Tang Xiaoxin guessed, "Could it be a penguin parade?"

Qian Keke excitedly said, "Wow, we came at just the right time!"

As they were speaking, there was a commotion at the corner ahead, and someone shouted, "They're coming!"

Keepers in work uniforms formed a line, walking backward to lead the way, followed by a group of African penguins.

With their wings raised behind them and taking small steps, they waddled over with a comical gait, turning their heads left and right, curiously looking at the visitors, like kindergarten children on a field trip.

Different animals reacted differently to seeing visitors again after the reopening.

Shy animals like red pandas appeared somewhat cautious, while giant pandas remained extremely calm.

Penguins, on the other hand, displayed a fresh and curious attitude.

Seeing the penguins waddle adorably, the children couldn't help but cheer excitedly!

The adults were also amused by the penguins' cute appearance, snapping photos.

"These little ones are so cute!"

"Hahaha, this is so fun!"

Qian Keke curiously asked, "How are these penguins trained? Marching in a line is so amazing."

Tang Xiaoxin, having heard the keepers explain this during a previous visit to the zoo, explained, "Actually, it doesn't require training; it just utilizes the animals' instincts.

Animals have an instinct to maintain a safe distance from other species. As long as they stay within this safe distance, they won't move randomly. If someone enters their safe distance, they will move to maintain enough distance.

Look at the penguin parade. The keepers are positioned in front and behind them, maintaining a certain distance. The keepers can move to guide the penguins along a predetermined route.

If they get too close to the penguins, the penguins might run away."

It's like a magician's performance; it seems magical if you don't know the principle, but once the technique is revealed, it feels ordinary.

Qian Keke nodded, "So that's how it is!"

This principle applies not only to the penguin parade but also when keepers clean enclosures or drive animals back to their pens after closing time.

However, this method is only suitable for less dangerous animals like sika deer, roe deer, and red-crowned cranes. For lions and tigers, food is used as a lure.

When driving animals, two people follow behind, or one person uses a broom, raising it and moving left and right to mimic two people surrounding the animal.

It's important to maintain distance and move slowly; otherwise, the animals might panic and injure themselves by running into walls or attack the keepers in desperation.

Knowing how to maintain the right distance and understanding the animals' mindset is quite a test of the keepers' skill and familiarity with the animals.

The penguins waddled forward!

The keeper at the back bent slightly and gently waved at the head of the last plump penguin to urge it forward.

However, the plump penguin seemed unhappy with the nudge!

It flapped its wings back, pushing the keeper's hand away, as if to say, "Who asked you to hurry me? Don't bother me!"

It waddled forward a couple of steps.


"It has a temper!"

Nearby visitors were amused by the plump penguin's little actions.

Another penguin suddenly left the parade and walked straight towards the visitors on the roadside.

It lowered its head, staring intently at a boy's canvas shoes.

The boy was momentarily stunned, then chuckled and took a photo.

Although it was unclear what attracted the penguin, the experience was quite interesting.

Tang Xiaoxin, looking at the black and white canvas shoes, suddenly realized, "Could it be that the penguin mistook the shoes for a companion?"

The penguin curiously pecked at the shoes, as if greeting them.

"Hey, I've never seen you before. Where are you from? Let's add each other on QQ?"

This guess seemed quite reasonable!

Qian Keke joked, "Every time a pair of black and white shoes is made, a pair of penguins is harmed!"

The keeper came over and gently pushed the penguin.

The penguin turned its head, saw the parade moving away, and quickly ran to catch up.

The penguin parade circled the Penguin Pavilion once before returning, and the visitors dispersed, satisfied.

Tang Xiaoxin and her friends watched the penguins for a while before heading to the Sea Lion Pavilion.

The Sea Lion Pavilion was divided into beach, shallow water, and deep water areas.

In the deep water area, a rocky island stood in the middle, with transparent glass at the edges, allowing visitors to see the sea lions swimming underwater.

Several sea lions were lazily sunbathing on the beach!

Their cylindrical bodies lay relaxed, chins resting on the sand, fins spread out on either side, tails curled up at their sides, looking extremely comfortable and lazy.

They closed their eyes, enjoying the sunbath.

The sunlight made their fur shine, indicating they were well-fed.

Nearby educational display boards explained the differences between sea lions, seals, fur seals, and walruses!

These animals have similar names and appearances, making it hard for the average person to distinguish them.

Walruses are the easiest to identify!

They have long tusks, stout and fat bodies, with deep wrinkles.

Sea lions are named for their lion-like roar and some species having manes around their necks.

Although sea lions and seals look similar at first glance, there are several differences.

First, sea lions have external ear flaps, while seals only have ear holes.

In terms of walking, sea lions can bend their hind flippers forward to support their bodies, allowing them to walk or even run quickly.

The Namibian Ocean Conservation Team rescues sea lions by cutting fishing lines entangled around them. They first observe the target from a distance, then quickly approach and run to catch them before the sea lions escape into the sea.

Seals, on the other hand, can't do this and can only inch forward slowly on land like caterpillars, looking clumsy.

When swimming, sea lions move by flapping their front flippers, with their hind flippers mostly stationary. Seals swim by moving their hind flippers, with their front flippers moving less, making it look like they're wriggling in the water.

Fur seals and sea lions belong to the same family, with the difference being the density of their fur.

After reading the display boards, Tang Xiaoxin observed the sunbathing sea lions and noticed they indeed had little ears on the sides of their heads.

Just then, a keeper entered the activity area, carrying a red bucket full of feed, and walked from the shore to the small island in the deep water area, stepping on the rocks.
