
Chapter 665: Bro, Want to Spend Some Q-Coins?

After watching the shoebill stork at the Waterfowl Lake, Yumiko asked, "Where should we go next?"

Liu Wei introduced, "Ahead is the Flamingo Lake! If we turn down that path, we'll reach Lion Plaza. Oh, speaking of which, their Lion Pavilion is quite interesting. It's designed to replicate Pride Rock from 'The Lion King.' Sometimes, you can even see lions lounging on top of Pride Rock."

Yumiko was amazed, "Wow! Every exhibit here sounds fantastic!"

Just hearing the descriptions made one eager to explore.

The Panda Pavilion with its harmonious Yin-Yang Taiji design, the Ring-tailed Lemur Island with its African style and towering baobab trees.

It felt like a rich mine, where every dig revealed a gem, bringing immense joy.

Liu Wei suggested, "We could go see the lions and take a stroll through the Predator's Corridor! By then, it should be around noon, and we can grab some lunch."

"Sounds good!"

However, when they reached the intersection, they noticed a penguin-shaped signpost!

Yumiko couldn't move her feet, "Wow, there are penguins! Let's go see the penguins."

She loved penguins. Compared to predators, she preferred cute animals.

Liu Wei scratched his head, surprised, "I haven't been here for a semester, and so many new things have popped up!"

He thought about Xinghe University, which had also added several new teaching and dormitory buildings over the summer, with new departments moving in, showing significant changes.

Maybe he hadn't noticed these changes because he didn't visit the zoo often?

In reality, Xinghe University's buildings had been under construction for a while and were almost finished by the end of the last semester. The zoo's exhibits, however, were built from scratch over the summer, with a speed that couldn't be compared.

The system's construction team was always efficient.

As they approached the Penguin Pavilion, they heard a strange sound.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah~~~~~"

"Ah, ah, ah~~"

The sound was loud and drawn out, with a lingering echo.

If you closed your eyes, you might think you were at a bustling country fair with a bunch of donkeys braying loudly!

Liu Wei was puzzled, what was going on?

The Penguin Pavilion was built on a sloping hillside!

It was like a bamboo tube cut at an angle, with the upper view parallel to the penguins, allowing you to see them on land.

Walking down the slope, there was a glass wall where you could see the penguins swimming underwater.

At the edge of the pool, there were flat stones of varying heights with some ice blocks, and mist spraying from the back, creating a faint rainbow in the sunlight.

The black and white penguins were either swimming in the water or standing on the platform, loudly making strange braying sounds.

They looked like villagers at a committee meeting, chatting noisily.

Two penguins faced each other, one stretching its neck and shouting incessantly, seemingly scolding.

It looked like it was saying, "Hey, your sheep ate my vegetables. What do you have to say?"

The other penguin retracted its head, looking guilty and ashamed!

Behind them, a penguin walked on a wet, dark stone, wobbling from side to side.

It tried to jump down to the next step but ended up rolling down clumsily.

It landed between the arguing penguins, startling them.

The fallen penguin awkwardly got up with its wings, wobbling away.

"I'm just a passing penguin! Don't mind me, continue your argument!"

It peered over the edge, looking around.

After this incident, the scolding penguin lost interest and waddled away to join other penguins.

Another penguin leaned against an ice block, grooming its feathers under the mist, looking very comfortable and relaxed.

The visitors watched the penguins, full of interest.

"Wow, so cute!"

"Bro, want to spend some Q-Coins?"

"Tencent shareholder meeting!"

Liu Wei was shocked, "It's really the penguins making that noise! So strange."

Yumiko was delighted, "Kawaii! Look at that little one, wobbling as it walks!"

A visitor asked the keeper curiously, "Why aren't these penguins in an air-conditioned room? Aren't they afraid of the heat?"

Liu Wei heard this question and was equally curious!

Yeah, aren't penguins supposed to live in icy environments?

The penguins' braying had distracted him from the oddity of their environment.

The keeper, wearing a headset, smiled and explained, "Why aren't the penguins in an air-conditioned room?

Many people think penguins only live in the icy Antarctic.

But penguins have a wide distribution. Of the 17 existing species, only 5 actually live in the Antarctic. The rest can be found in South America, southern Africa, southern Australia, and the coasts of New Zealand!

The penguins we have here are African penguins, the only penguins living in Africa!

They can tolerate relatively high temperatures, up to 28 or 30 degrees Celsius. In fact, they are more afraid of the cold and need to be kept warm in winter."


Liu Wei was hearing this for the first time and was a bit stunned.

Why did he have such an impression? Probably because the zoos he visited before always had icy environments for the penguins.

White-painted concrete rocks, blue-white concrete floors mimicking ice blocks.

But even in Antarctica, the ground isn't all ice; there are beaches and pebbles.

Creating such an environment not only makes penguins uncomfortable but also misleads visitors, forming incorrect impressions.

The keeper continued, "Why are they called African penguins? Look at their beaks, which are black with a gray or white ring, hence the name. The ringed penguin refers to the black ring around their chest, extending to the lower abdomen, with some small spots on the belly. These are the characteristics of African penguins.

Penguins' black and white coloring is a clever camouflage!

In the water, predators looking up see white, while those looking down see black."

Liu Wei curiously asked, "Why do they sound like donkeys?"

"Ah, ah, ah~~~~"

As he spoke, another penguin, having rested enough, lifted its neck and brayed loudly.

It called out while contracting its chest and abdomen, the sound powerful and high-pitched, as if announcing something.

The nearby visitors laughed heartily!

The keeper laughed, "Describing it as a donkey's bray is very accurate. African penguins are also nicknamed 'jackass penguins'!"
