
Chapter 5

"Have you eaten lunch?" Felix asked as he let his friend enter his room.

"Not really. You could cook."

Felix smiled. Ada was the only girl he knew that didn't know how to cook. It didn't offend him, but he wondered how she'd survive when she starts staying alone. If she ever does.

"I have some bread, milk and cornflakes, if you want," he said, too lazy to cook anything.

Luckily, she was very agreeable as she walked to the kitchen herself.

"So how's life?" Ada asked when she got her food ready, sitting on Felix's bed and facing him.

Felix shrugged. "As boring as usual… wait, there was a 'fight' in class."

Ada's eyes lit up. "A fight? I never knew that people in the English department were fighters. What was the fight about?"

Felix chuckled before answering her question. "It wasn't necessarily a fight. But an argument about gay people, which started when they saw me listening to Lil Nas X."



He lay on his bed, facing the ceiling as he listened to the sounds of Ada eating. Oddly enough, it was soothing.

"So they were being homophobic?"

He nodded. "Until my professor came. Professor Mandi."

"Professor Mandi?" She asked, curiosity peaking in her voice.

"She's transferred from some other posh school to teach here," he explained. "Anyway, she was trying to tell them about respecting us as humans, blah blah. I don't know what she was expecting, really. Just because she schooled where there was acceptance doesn't mean it'll happen here."

Ada groaned. "Unfortunately, you're right. If only everyone wasn't so terrible, you would've come out."

Felix smiled sadly. That's never going to happen as long as he lives in this country. And continent. But from what he knew from the news, there were problems everywhere whenever it concerned people like him. It sure would be nice to be out and proud. And safe.

"I hate talking about sad things," Ada said.

"What should we talk about then? How about that Onyema guy?"

The cute guy she was usually with. If he were 'just a friend,' Felix would know, because he was 'just a friend,' too.

He sat upright to see his friend blushing. "Have you asked him out? Or has he?"

"Well, I know he likes me."


"But I don't know why he won't ask me out."

"He's shy, duh."

It was the first thing he'd noticed about the guy from the first day they met. The guy could barely hold eye contact with anyone, and acted like he'd melt into a puddle whenever Ada touched him or talked to him. And he thought he had it bad.

There's always someone way worse than you.

"What about you and Psalm?" Ada asked, changing the subject.

"I don't think there's anything to talk about concerning the both of us, Ada."

She wiggled her eyebrows at him. "He bought you food one time, talks to you even when everyone's trying to get his attention, he even says he'll buy you a ticket just so you'd come watch him perform tonight… I don't think that's the actions of a straight guy o."

Felix tried to laugh it off. "There are plenty of guys who portray such actions for their friends. And they're not part of the rainbow community, don't be ridiculous."

There were also bisexual guys.

"He's not really beating my gay allegations anytime soon."

"I'm sure he has a girlfriend or someone," Felix said, not feeling comfortable with the thought.

"I'll just ask him."


They both stared at each other, wondering why he shouted.

"Or… you could ask him. I remember giving him your number."

"Without asking me," Felix said, suddenly remembering.

Ada pouted. "You didn't complain or anything," she grumbled.

"Because I knew you'd– "

"Back to topic!" She exclaimed as she finished her food. "Ask Psalm if he has someone. I'm sure you're curious too."

She was right. He was curious as hell, but he wouldn't admit that to anyone.

"We have a performance to prepare for," he said, trying to steer her from bothering him about Psalm.

"I brought your ticket," Ada said. She probably didn't want to argue with him. For now, he knew. "Psalm told me to give it to you. He had one in hand."


Ada grinned. "Thank him."

And he would.


This was his first concert.

He'd wanted to come early, but Ada said to come at a later time because they wouldn't start by exactly 8 PM.

He really shouldn't have listened to his friend. The place was packed. The line was long and he was exhausted. And annoyed. And hungry. So he complained to her by sending a text message.

"Who's Felix Odo?" Someone shouted. "Raise your hand."

Felix raised his hand up, feeling confused and worried. Did he do something wrong?

"Come front," the person said, and Felix obeyed.

"Why are they calling him?"

"Maybe he knows someone inside."

"If they tell him to enter, I'll be pissed."

"I swear, e no go funny o."

Yeah, people were not happy.

He stopped in front of a huge guy who looked like a wrestler, scary muscles and a scary face too.

"Hello," Felix said, nervous. He didn't know what to say and he was feeling a bit regretful that he walked up to the scary man.

"Oga Psalm said I should find you and bring you inside," he said with a booming voice.


"Follow me," he ordered before entering and leaving Felix to follow him.

Why did Psalm ask of him? Was it because he bought him a ticket?

They went backstage and he started looking for his friend with his eyes when the big guy stopped moving. Then he moved out of the way, revealing Psalm who was looking at him with bright eyes.

"You made it," Psalm said, smiling.

"Uh… y- yes. Good evening," he said, blinded by his smile for a moment.

"I'm sorry you were inconvenienced by the crowd," he said.

"Yeah… "

How did he know that though?

"You texted me," Psalm said. "Did you forget?"

Felix's eyes widened. He texted him?!

He took out his phone from his pocket to look through his messages app.

"Seen it yet?"

Felix nodded, feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry, the message wasn't actually for you."

"Really?" He didn't sound offended.

"Yes. I wanted to send it to Ada, to just complain. I wasn't being serious."

He was still smiling. "You said you were hungry though, right?"

"Well… "

"I wanted to give you snacks. It probably won't quench your hunger, but it's better than nothing. It's unhealthy too, but that's all I could get at the last minute," he said. "I want you to enjoy yourself at the show."

Felix realized that they were the center of attention of everyone and started feeling self-conscious. He didn't know what to say or how to act. No one would be able to tell one was gay just from looking, right?

"Thanks," he simply said, wondering how Psalm wasn't feeling uncomfortable. Maybe he was just used to it from a young age? He wasn't an average-looking guy anyway.

"Your seat is in the front. So you won't be uncomfortable or anything."

Okay, he was touched. Psalm was just being sweet for no reason. There was no time he'd met with this guy that he wouldn't try to make his life better in some way.

"Thank you so much," he said with sincerity as the big guy handed him a bag that contained snacks.

Psalm gave him a smile. "Sure. Enjoy the show." Then his face turned cold as he addressed the other man. "Show him his seat."

Felix blinked. What the fuck?

He silently followed the bodyguard to his seat. He wasn't so sure what the ticket in his pocket was even for. He didn't even use it. The bodyguard didn't move away from him though, he stood near the stage and auditorium.

His eyes were dead on him.

The performance started by 9. Just like he expected, it was beautiful. So colorful, much more entertaining than when he came for the rehearsal. Damn. So much talent, so much confidence, so much everything. To be honest, while he admired the performers, Felix couldn't help but feel a certain way about himself. He wanted to be confident too. And not just about his sexuality.

Everyone was talking about Psalm though, right after the performance. It was hard not to notice, really.

"Psalm is so hot."

"I think I'll definitely buy another ticket of his, just to see him perform."

"Does he have a girlfriend? I want to be his girlfriend!"

"This guy's voice is crazy."

"What an artist!"

"I think he's on IG. I need to follow him, his future seems bright."

Felix felt good that people were talking about him. For some reason, he really wanted Psalm to be successful. He'd seen the expensive cars that were parked outside before he entered and that was when he knew that Psalm wasn't just an ordinary personality, and it wasn't just because of his background. People seemed to like him a lot.

Though he didn't seem to feel the same sometimes.

His brows furrowed as he was thinking. He never noticed how Psalm barely smiled to a lot of people, and when he did, it didn't seem genuine. He kept remembering instances where Psalm made him curious because of his facial expressions.

"What are you thinking so deeply about?"

He hugged his excited friend. "Nothing. Just about how impressed I was with everything."

Ada beamed. "Right? I helped with the stage designs and some arrangements."

"I'm happy for you, Ada." She seemed to be really proud of herself. "Maybe next time it'd be your turn."

It was her dream after all.

"I hope so."

"Don't I deserve a hug too?" Psalm asked, materializing out of nowhere. "Or did I not do well?"

Ada was out of his arms before he knew it. Then, to his horror, she pushed him right into the taller man's arms.

"Happy now?" Ada asked.

Psalm smirked. "Ecstatic."

Felix got out of his arms as quickly as he could, face as red as a tomato and his heart going crazy. Despite his sweat, he smelled good. If not for the attention they were getting, he might have stayed in his arms for a minute.

"I… "

"I could drop you off, if you'd like," Psalm said, making no comment on his reaction.

"That'd be wonderful," Ada said before he could answer. "I'd be happy if the star of tonight's performance takes care of my friend."

So without Felix's opinion being asked, it was decided that he'd be driven home, courtesy of Psalm Gerard.

Next chapter