
Chapter 128: He Is Responsible For Their Deaths?

Jiang Zhengzhou took a seat in front of his daughter.

He did not utter anything, and the room eventually turned silent.

"I am not sure if we can come out victorious, after all, she is planning to take this to court," Jiang Zhengzhou spoke up. He could not remain silent.

"I have a question to ask, dad," Jiang Lanfen spoke up. She did not care about herself anymore.

She knew she would end up in jail nonetheless. Not only that, but she had this question gnawing at her heart for a while now. She just thought about it deeply now that she was alone in jail.

"And what is that?" Jiang Zhengzhou was curious about what she wanted to ask. He did not know if it was more important than her case presently.

"Why were you so eager to take over Xin' s properties?" She questioned.

This question caught him unbalanced as he parted his lips, unable to utter a word.

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