
The True Immortality

Chapter 21: The True Immortality

Harry was back in his room after the impromptu snogging session with Daphne. He was filling books in his bag for the morning classes. He slung the bag over his shoulder and hurriedly entered the common room. Daphne and Tracey were already waiting for him.


"Hurry up. We are already late." Tracey said, waving her hand at him impatiently. Just to annoy her, Harry walked in slow motion towards them. Daphne just snorted in amusement while Tracey's glare intensified.


"Harry." she said in warning. Harry ignored her as he took one step every five seconds. 'You would kiss Daphne but not me. That's so unfair. I am going to annoy the hell out of you.' he thought defiantly. His childishness and immaturity shining in its all glory.


"Harry." Daphne started exasperatedly.


"Yes, my dear Daph." Harry answered with a smile instantly. He tried to plaster the sweetest smile he could manage. 'Let Tracey become jealous. She needs to taste her own medicine, not that I am jealous of Daphne being able to kiss Tracey, of course. I am Definitely not jealous.' Harry mused to himself. He was absolutely in denial.


"We are going to be late. As a matter of fact, we are already late." Daphne nodded towards the entrance of the common room.


"Okay, darling." Harry shrugged and stopped his antics. Daphne raised her single eyebrow at his term of endearment. Usually he kept just to 'Daph' or 'dear', this was totally new. Tracey looked disbelievingly at him and Daphne. She didn't know what was happening but she at least realised that she didn't like it, not even a little bit. He grabbed Daphne's hand as the three walked out. Tracey was trying not to feel apprehensive as Harry ignored her, she stifled an urge to scream WHY was he ignoring her.


"Have you finished your homework?" Tracey asked them, trying to draw him in a conversation. She occasionally bumped her hand on his to remind him that she was also there, that he also needed to hold her hand. It was the unwritten rule between them, they were a trio, not a duo. But he still ignored her occasional touch.


"Yep. Did it last night." Daphne replied. 'I was talking to Harry, not you Daph' Tracey grumbled inwardly. Harry was silent, not reacting to her question. Tracey ignored her hurt feelings and looked at Daphne desperately, asking if Harry's current behaviour was due to their kiss. Daphne was conflicted, she didn't know if she should just play along with Harry in this joke of scaring Tracey or stop it before Tracey starts crying. And Daphne knew that Tracey might just do that. She was quite restless and frightened after their incident. Even now her eyes were frantic. Daphne decided it was better to take the weight off Tracey's shoulder.


"If Tracey cries, I am going to slap you." Daphne said frankly, shooting a warning look at Harry.


Harry himself was surprised to hear that. He was trying to irritate Tracey, not make her cry. He quickly turned his head towards Tracey.


She looked distraught, her fingers were clenched into a fist. Her lips pressed in a thin line. And now he realised that Daphne's comment about crying might just be true.


"Hey Tracey, good morning. Didn't see you there. When did you come?" he grinned and gave her a quick hug. Tracey meanwhile was stiff as a board, not understanding what was happening. She was in a daze as he grabbed her hand and resumed walking with Daphne on his other side. She instantly squeezed his hand. Finally!


"What the fuck?" she mumbled, if she was using that word then it was a serious issue.


"Oh nothing, Harry was just using your already stressed emotional state to tease you and prank you. Nothing wrong there." Daphne said, giving him a cold glare. Harry chuckled nervously, though he was thankful to Daphne for suggesting a way out even if she did it unintentionally. In truth he wasn't teasing her or playing a prank on her, he was just ignoring Tracey, showing his vindictive side. He was a little angry that Tracey decided to kiss Daphne and not him, he was angry at himself for feeling rejected. A little part of him, very very little part of him was trying to hurt her and had enjoyed the distraught look on her face. Harry berated himself for losing control, for lashing out on her, this side was just for enemies, not for friends and he buried that dark part further down.


"I was just teasing you, Tracey." Harry laughed genuinely, squeezing her hand. "Though I am really sorry. I didn't think it would have that effect on you."


Tracey sighed in relief and squeezed his hand in response.


"No problem. Just don't do that again please." Tracey said softly. Harry nodded. They all walked a couple of steps in silence, comfortable with their hands intertwined with each other.


"You know, I heard an interesting tale from Daphne involving you both." Harry smirked mischievously. Tracey's pale cheeks turned pink as she realised what he was hinting to. She averted her eyes, not brave enough to stare in his eyes.


"It's okay, Tracey. I am not mad or anything. I am not your master or something that you need my permission for everything." Harry lied, his voice gentle, trying to ease her tension. Tracey's mood instantly brightened after hearing that. All the fear that was scaring her to death vanished with his statement.


"Thank you." Tracey responded gratefully. Harry smiled and they continued walking. They continued their walk in silence, lost in their own minds.


Tracey was wondering whether she should also start kissing Harry or should keep true to her words and wait until they are a little older. 'I don't think that would work. I will sound hypocritical explaining why it was right to kiss a girl right now but not a boy. And it is not like I don't want Harry, I am just scared that we are moving so fast. I am scared that if Harry asks me anything in that way, I will do it in the haze of lust and hormones. He has that effect on me, I don't think I can ever deny him anything. Whatever, I will try to be responsible.'


"Harry." she said, stopping both Harry and Daphne just before the entrance of the Transfiguration class, they could hear Professor McGonagall lecturing the class. Harry quirked his eyebrow up, asking what was the matter. She took a deep breath, assimilating her courage, ignoring her blush she then pressed a quick tender kiss on his lips. Tracey smiled in the kiss, realising that she wanted this all along, that it was the right decision. The strange but pleasant feeling in her gut, the tingling sensation in her body proved that. She couldn't help but compare this quick kiss with the passionate kiss she had with Daphne. While Daphne and her kiss was like an erupting volcano, filling their bodies with hot melting fire, the all encompassing heat cajoling them to melt in each other, her and Harry's kiss on the other hand felt like a gentle stream, in which she could swim all day without getting bored, without getting tired, there was a sense of wonder and an emotional value in this kiss which lacked with Daphne. Her kiss with Daphne was all about physical pleasure, she could do that with any other girl while her kiss with Harry was totally different, it wasn't just about physical compulsions but also the emotional relief, she couldn't ever imagine reenacting this same kiss with anybody else. It was just her and Harry's kiss and no one's else.


"Thank you." She whispered and quickly entered the class. Harry was frozen on the spot, dumbfounded. He wasn't expecting that. Daphne laughed as she slung her arm around his neck.


"Gather your wits, Tracey is already hearing the cruel music from McGonagall, we need a good excuse for being late." Daphne grinned and pulled them into the class. Daphne quickly removed her hand from around his neck as Professor McGonagall glared at them. Harry put on his sheepish smile, ready to make a good excuse, saving himself and his best friends from detention.


"So what happened was…




The tension was palpable in the room of requirement. Harry was squeezed between Tracey and Daphne while Iris and Astoria were sitting in front of them, on the other side of the table. Harry had put his elbows on the table with his chin pressed on top of the joined fist of his fingers, staring at Astoria. All five of them were quiet since they entered this room to finally talk about the problem.


"How was your day, luv?" Harry asked finally, tired of the oppressive silence. Astoria narrowed her eyes as he tried to start a conversation.


"Fine." she spat.


"Come on Astoria, tell me what is wrong so we can solve it already." Harry sighed, wanting to finish the ugly work and go back to the blissful normal. Daphne and Tracey shook their heads at his stupidity while Iris rubbed her forehead. 'Stupid' the all three girls thought simultaneously. Harry realised he asked the wrong question when Astoria's glare increased.




Her voice got louder with every next word and by the end she was panting from all the shouting. Harry looked at Iris to see if she had told her about their unusual relationship, Iris was herself quite surprised. It appeared as if Astoria had found out about it on her own. Harry looked back at Astoria whose anger was slowly dissipating after her rant.


"Are you angry because I killed someone? Or are you angry because I didn't tell you about it while others knew?" Harry questioned curiously.


"I trust you enough not to harm innocents, whoever you killed deserved it and after hearing all about it from Iris my theory was correct. I am angry because I was kept from the truth, because I was treated as separate from this group. I want to know why?" she asked angrily. Harry smiled in relief. Astoria wasn't repelled by his killings. That was a huge relief.


"The answer is because I didn't know how you would react. I didn't want to scare you away by the truth. But now after realising that you can handle the harsh reality, I will not withhold any truth. I promise luv that I will answer any questions you have. I will not hide anything from you. I am truly sorry." Harry said softly. Astoria remained silent for a few seconds but then nodded stiffly.


"I have some homework. I need to go." Astoria said, standing up and going out of the room without another backward glance. Harry groaned, putting his face on the table.


"What is with that attitude?" Harry mumbled.


"Don't worry. She needs some time to cool off." Daphne reassured him, rubbing his back.


"I also need to do homework and I think I need to be with Astoria right now. See you later." Iris smiled apologetically at Harry and walked out of the room.


"See you later, little one." Harry said.


"We also have some assignments to finish. Let's do it now." Tracey suggested, already taking out parchments and books.


"Do we need to do it right now?" Daphne grumbled but pulled out books from her bag, already knowing the answer.


When they were finished with their work, they participated in their usual duels which Harry won unsurprisingly as he was getting used to Tracey's new spell. They three plopped down on the sofa after washing their sweaty face and body and drinking some cold water.


"I am going to beat you next time." Daphne complained, bumping his shoulder with hers. Harry laughed softly as he put his hand around her.


"If you say so, Daph." he smirked, clearly not believing her. Tracey hit his shoulder lightly.


"Behave children. Don't start a fight." Tracey teased them. Daphne chuckled at that but Harry just stared at her, dreamily, his eyes fixed on her lips. Tracey grinned and tried to ignore the blood rushing to her face. She touched his chest with her palm, bringing him back to the real world.


"You know you can just kiss me, right? You don't have to stare at me as if I am the last bottle of water in a hot and dry desert." Tracey smirked, leaning towards him.


"I can?" he asked, clearly unaware of his privileges.


"Mm-hmm." she agreed, already onto his lips. Harry grabbed the back of her head as he pressed his lips against hers, first slowly and lovingly but then with demand and passion. Tracey ignored the dramatic 'eww' by Daphne as she lost herself in this pleasant feeling. She loved it, she felt stupid for ever running away from it. She berated herself for being a moron, she had lost so much time doubting herself instead of just kissing Harry. She could have kissed him so many times by now if she hadn't been a scared fool.


They parted when they couldn't ignore the lack of air anymore. She again understood why she had been scared of this feeling as she watched his intense green eyes bore into hers. If he asked her to strip, she would do it, if he asked her to be on her knees and elbows, she would do it in jiffy. At that moment she would do anything to please him and keep those mesmerizing emerald eyes on her. A clearing of the throat brought their attention back to the third member in the room. Daphne was watching them in amusement, her eyes gleaming happily.


"I am feeling ignored." she said, eying Harry.


Harry laughed as he turned towards her and started kissing her. Tracey smiled at her best friends as they tried to eat each other's lips out. Tracey would be honest with herself and accept that there was a tiny bit of jealousy and resentment at watching Harry kiss Daphne but she would get used to it. She would try to remember the heavenly feeling while kissing Harry to combat those toxic feelings.


She was thankful to Daphne for kissing her, if it wasn't for that kiss, who knew how much time it would take her to gather enough courage to kiss him. A sudden thought entered her mind. Was this all Daphne's plan from the beginning? Did Daphne kiss her knowing what it will bring? Tracey couldn't put it past her, afterall Daphne was as slytherin as you could get in this house.


Tracey shook her head, trying to clear her mind. It didn't matter if it was Daphne's plan or not, she was glad of the outcome. They spent their next fifteen minutes kissing each other.




Harry was again in perpetual darkness. He was suspended in the ever swirling mist of blackness, the darkness slowly coalesced into a pale woman. A small sphere of white light enveloped them. She snapped her fingers and two chairs materialised between them. She sat on one chair and signalled him to do the same. Harry reluctantly took a seat on the chair opposite to hers and waited for her to start this conversation.


"You are a disappointment, Harry Potter." she said. Harry arched his eyebrows at the comment. That was not a good way to start a conversation.


"Okay?" he said, not knowing what else to say.


"I thought that after meeting me and seeing that dream you would have started to investigate it but you have totally ignored it. You are too busy staring at girls."


"Uhm, sorry. I was kinda busy. There is too much drama in my life right now to think about my existential questions." Harry said with a sheepish smile. Lady death's facial expressions didn't change but Harry could feel that she was exasperated with him.


"I don't care that you can't promise yourself to one girl and are creating drama where it isn't needed but there are greater things in the world than your stupid Love life." she said in that same emotionless tone. Was it normal that he could feel her annoyance even when she wasn't expressing it?


"Like what?" he asked petulantly just to irritate her.


"You know what? I will tell you right away. I had thought that I will just give you some vague dreams and you will find out everything else on your own. That it will give you a sense of accomplishment to find the secrets of the world. But seeing that you are so easily distracted, it seems I have to literally explain everything to you. I have to spoon feed you everything." Her annoyance increased with every next word. So, she explained everything to him.


Harry's Deus wasn't his. It was literally a power of God. It was the power of Lady Magic herself. According to Lady Death, magic was going to go extinct in the next four hundred years. So, with no one alive with magic, Lady Magic herself will disappear, her existence won't be needed in this world anymore. So, she took a risky bet and gave half of her essence to him as she believed it would help in his goal to become immortal and keep him safe. It was her who kept compelling him to become immortal. If Harry became immortal, Lady Magic's existence would be secured forever. Even if only one of her subjects was alive then she would prevent herself from dying/fading. She wouldn't have to fear disappearing as long as Harry himself was alive.


"Who was she in the dream?" he asked, recalling those two beautiful women in his dream.


"The one with the black hair." she answered. "The other woman was Lady Life. They both stole some things from me and gave it to the three wizards to keep them away from death. Lady Magic wanted to give the wizards the most powerful weapons, so the magical race could prevail. And for that, they are imprisoned in the chamber."


"What did they steal? And why are you trying to help them when they offended you?" he asked incredulously.


"They stole my most powerful artifacts. An unbeatable wand, an invisibility cloak which could hide them from anyone and anything and a magical stone which could call upon the spirits of the dead." she answered. Harry gasped as the realisation hit him.


"The Deathly Hallows." he murmured.


"Yes. The Deathly Hallows which are mine and were given away without my consent. Here is the reason why I am helping them. I want them back and I can't just go and grab them, it is against the rules. Here is where you come. You already have the cloak and you will find the other two and give them to me." She explained her plan.


"Why would I do that? If I have the three hallows then I can become the master of death, I will become immortal. I will become your master. Why would I give it away? Do you even need them?" he asked as he thought it was the stupidest thing he ever heard.


"As for if I need them? No, but they are my things. It doesn't matter if I use them or not. They are meant to be with me. As for the incentive to help me? Because it won't help your friends. Yes, you will become my master. Yes, you will become immortal. But your friends and sister won't. They will die of old age, you will be left alone in the end. Are you sure you want that? Do you want to live alone for eternity? Now, I have a better offer for you. Give me the hallows and I will make you immortal and seven others of your choice. Give me the hallows and you will live forever with your chosen seven." she grinned, knowing his reaction. Harry meanwhile was dumbstruck, bamboozled by the offer. He could make Daphne and Tracey immortal. He could make his little Iris immortal. He could make Astoria immortal. His family will be immortal. Then the rational side of him kicked in and he stared at Lady Death suspiciously.


"What is the catch? I don't think this was possible. I don't even know you had the power to make others immortal. There must be something you want for this generous offer."


Lady Death nodded solemnly.


"You will have to sacrifice something very important to you. Don't worry, you don't have to kill anyone. You will have to give your most prized and important thing to me. This is it for tonight, Harry Potter. Collect my hallows and gain immortality. The true immortality. I will come to you in the real world when you have the three hallows. Good luck, Harry Potter."


Harry woke up with a start in his bed beside Iris. He took a few seconds to calm down. 'Damn Death for always leaving me with a question. What is the most important thing to me that she wants?' he pondered for a few minutes but sleep was making his mind hazy. He decided he will think about it in the morning. He cuddled behind Iris, giving a gentle squeeze to her torso.


"We will stay together forever dear Iris." he murmured with a smile, kissing the nape of her neck before closing his eyes.




"Are you sure you don't want to come, Iris? You can use the invisibility cloak and no one will know."


"Yes, Harry. I am sure. Astoria and I are going to practice on the pitch anyway. Just go and enjoy your Hogsmeade weekend." Iris said patiently. She had heard him ask the same question dozens of times already.


"Okay. I am going. Daphne and Tracey are waiting for me. I will bring you something." he smiled. He gave her a quick kiss and then left. Iris smiled as he left the room of requirement. 'He just worries too much sometimes. But it feels good to have someone who worries about you. It is a privilege.'


Harry had opted to wear a black shirt and blue pants. He had worn his usual green jacket on top of his shirt. He walked to the great hall where the third year and third year up students were gathered. Filch and Professor McGonagall were taking the permission form and letting them out where the theastral carriages were ready to take them to the village.


"Harry! You look good." Jasmine said as she walked to him along with Hermione and Ron. Harry flashed her a smile. She was also looking pretty in her casual t-shirt and jeans. Her blue dyed hair was done in a single plait. Her crystal blue eyes gleamed in excitement.


"You also look great Jasmine." he said, his gaze roaming from her head to toe. He felt Ron's glare in his periphery. 'It seems Jas has a secret admirer.'


He turned to look at Hermione who had an eager smile on her face, ready to finally see a wizarding village. Her curly brown hair fanned around her face.


"Hermione, beautiful as ever." he smiled mischievously, taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles audibly. She blushed a little but then chuckled softly.


"Thanks. Though I think you say that to every girl." she grinned. Harry shook his head.


"Not every girl. Only every beautiful girl." he winked, earning a laugh from the two girls. "You also look nice Ronald." he said, trying not to sound sarcastic.


"Thanks." he mumbled, not looking at him.


"See you guys in the village. It seems if I don't go there." he pointed towards where Daphne and Tracey were impatiently waiting for him. "my friends will come here to drag me away."


"See ya." the girls waved. He gave them a small smile and walked towards his best friends.


Harry, Daphne and Tracey entered a carriage as they waited for it to start walking towards the village.


"So what are we going to do today?" Harry asked, lounging on his seat. Daphne and Tracey were sitting on the opposite seat, discussing what they were going to visit.


"First, we will take a stroll around the village, getting familiar with the surroundings and then will enter any shop which attracts our attention." Daphne shrugged in an uncaring way.


"Hmm. That sounds like a plan. Can you suggest anything I might buy as a gift for Astoria? It might mollify her. She hadn't talked to me since yesterday." Harry said seriously.


"You worry too much, Harry. Let me tell you a secret. Astoria has already forgiven you. She will be smiling and hugging you when we get back to the castle." she said with a smile.


"How do you know that?" he asked, feeling sceptical.


"Firstly, I am her sister so I basically know everything about her and secondly, she has this stupid rule that she will take a whole day after someone apologized to her to finally forgive them. Believe me, I know from experience." she answered with a frown.


"And why is that?" Tracey asked, curiously.


"Once I asked her that and she answered that there is no meaning to forgiveness if it doesn't make others try their best not to make the same mistake again. So, she makes the others work for her forgiveness so they will know how hard it is for her to forgive them. And for that they will not make the same mistake again." Daphne explained.


"That's actually quite wise." Harry said. Tracey nodded in agreement. Daphne smiled proudly on the behalf of her sister.


"Still, I need to give her something. What do you suggest?" he asked.


"She loves chocolate. Buy some chocolates for her. And just to keep it exclusive, I will not buy her chocolate." she said in a bored tone, already having enough of it.


The three spent their time happily in the village. They had Butterbeer in the three broomsticks. They spent a good amount of time picking chocolates for Iris and Astoria in Honeydukes. They also toured the Zonko's shop but didn't buy anything. They weren't into pranks that much.


Finally they stood in front of the shrieking shack. It was an old abandoned building with nothing immediately in the vicinity. 'This place can be the torture house for Pettigrew. I can't just keep carrying him around in my pocket.'


"I am going in. Wait for me here." he said to the girls. They both gave him an odd look but nodded nonetheless. After ten minutes Harry returned with a smug grin on his face.


"What was that about?" Daphne asked, raising her eyebrows.


"Nothing. Just found a place to imprison Pettigrew." Harry shrugged nonchalantly and they turned on their heels, walking back towards the crowded shops. The name 'Pettigrew' made the girls drop that line of conversation. The trio entered the three broomsticks again and took a seat in the back.


"Butterbeer again?" Harry asked Daphne and Tracey, who were sitting opposite to him.


"No, I will take some fruit juice. Orange perhaps." Tracey answered.


"I will also take orange juice." Daphne replied. He nodded as he stood up to go to the counter. He was just coming back with three glasses of orange juices when someone collided with him from behind. On reflex he used his Deus to keep the glasses airborne.


"Oh, I am so sorry. I just twisted my leg and bumped into you." someone said hastily. Harry turned around to see Susan Bones standing there. She suddenly blushed at seeing him.


"Har..ry!" she said, her voice more higher pitched than normal. Harry couldn't help but find it cute how she was flustered at seeing him. "I am sorry. Do you need me to buy your drinks?"


"Thank you Susan but fortunately my drinks were saved. See you later." he flashed a smile and took his seat in front of Daphne and Tracey who were glaring at Susan.


"Done flirting?" Daphne huffed in annoyance. Harry chuckled as he gave them their drinks.


"I wasn't flirting. I can guarantee that you would know when I am flirting." he grinned mischievously, prodding her shin with his leg. Daphne's cheeks tinted red as she felt his leg climb higher under the table. She kicked his leg away.


"Oww." he mumbled, playfully glaring at her.


"What happened?" Tracey asked, totally unaware of what was happening under the table.


"Nothing. As I was saying, I wasn't flirting with Susan. She just has a crush on me like so many girls. I think it was kind of cute." Harry shrugged, sipping from his glass.


"Still, my blood boils when I see those bitches looking at you dreamily. It just makes me want to squeeze their necks." Daphne muttered angrily, her fingers unconsciously curling in and out, her eyes sweeping around, finding girls who were looking at Harry. Harry snorted in amusement while Tracey chuckled at that.


"Don't worry Daph, no one's going to take me away from you." he grinned at her jokingly, again touching her shin with his leg. She again kicked his leg away. 'Oww'.


"Agh! If you do that again, I will kick you so hard that you won't be able to walk back to the carriages." Daphne spat grumpily. Tracey looked from one to another.


"Am I missing something?" she asked. Totally clueless.


"Nothing." they both answered instantly. Tracey raised her eyebrows at them but nodded which roughly translated to 'I don't believe you but I don't want to get involved in this madness.'


They sipped their orange juice silently after that.


"Hey. I have a question for you two?" Harry asked in a very serious tone, all the previous playfulness disappearing.


The girls straightened at his serious tone. They stared at him, giving him their full attention.


"What is it?" Daphne asked.


"What do you think of immortality?"

Next chapter