
Hall Of Ascendancy

(Sorry for not updating the last few days, unexpected Family Vacation)

The soft glow of candlelight bathed the room, casting long shadows over the intricate carvings on the wooden furniture. The air was heavy with the scent of incense, lending a serene atmosphere to the otherwise tense environment. Lianhua Ming sat behind his ornate wooden desk, resting his cheek on his hand as he delved deep into thought. The silence was broken by the creaking of the door, drawing Ming's attention.

"You wanted to see me, young master?" asked Merchant Bo, a chubby middle-aged man whose face was etched with lines of worry, a permanent fixture from years of dealing with the pressures of their trade. He bowed deeply as he entered, his eyes filled with a mix of respect and anxiety.

Ming nodded and rose from his chair, his movements graceful and deliberate. He walked towards Bo and handed him a scroll, the parchment crackling softly in the otherwise silent room.

"There will be a delay in the distribution of the Lotus Pills," Ming began, his voice steady and authoritative. "I need you to personally write a letter to each of our influential customers, informing them of this. Except for the Emperor. I'll be writing that one myself."

"Delay?" Bo echoed, his eyes widening in surprise. He shifted his weight, clearly unsettled by the news. "But why, young master?"

"We had some communication issues," Ming replied, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice. "Tell them the pills will be sent in three weeks. The scroll contains the names of those who ordered the pills."

Bo hesitated, the urge to ask more questions evident on his face, but he chose to remain silent. "I will see to it immediately," he said, bowing once more before turning to leave.

As Bo reached the door, Ming's voice stopped him. "Bo, this task is crucial. Our reputation depends on how we handle this delay."

Bo turned back, nodding earnestly. "Of course, young master. I will handle it with the utmost care."

With that, Bo left the room, the door closing softly behind him. Ming let out a quiet sigh, the weight of responsibility pressing down on his shoulders. He knew that once the sect leader discovered the situation, he would be in serious trouble.

The room fell silent once more, the only sound the gentle crackle of the candle flames. Ming leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes briefly to gather his thoughts. He had to write an exceptionally apologetic letter to Emperor Lóng, explaining why the pills promised as part of the dowry for the marriage alliance with Nocturne were delayed

Just then, the door creaked open again. Lianhua Ming looked up to see Grand Elder Chen stepping into the room. Chen's presence was always a source of reassurance.

"Young master, I have news from Alchemist Teng," Chen said, his voice low and urgent.

"Speak," Ming commanded, leaning forward with keen interest.

"He just informed us that we have enough of the Mysterious Flower to make a batch of Lotus Pills for Emperor Lóng before he sends the princess to the Nocturne continent," Chen revealed, his expression relieved.

Ming's eyes lit up with hope. "Immediately tell Alchemist Teng to proceed. We cannot afford any more delays."

"Yes, young master," Chen replied, bowing before he exited the room.

The heart of Whispering Winds

Province, Scarlet Reach, was a sprawling metropolis of ancient architecture and bustling markets. The air was filled with the sound of merchants hawking their wares, creating a vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds.

Near the heart of the city, two men stood beside a food stall, savoring bowls of steaming hot dumplings. The older man, his face weathered by time, chewed thoughtfully before addressing the younger man beside him.

"What do you think about the increased amount of bandits in the area?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.

The younger man, his eyes sharp and full of vigor, swallowed his bite before responding. "I could bet my life that it's the Infernal Demonic Cult behind it. Their influence has been spreading like wildfire."

Before the older man could answer, the younger one motioned behind him, his eyes widening slightly. Four figures were entering the city, their presence impossible to ignore. They wore robes of red, gold, and black, each adorned with a matching mask and black hat. Their attire marked them as members of a sect, but it was their demeanor that commanded attention.

The tallest of the four stood out, clad in robes of only black and gold. This person's height was imposing, and their muscular build hinted at immense strength. They radiated a powerful aura that made the crowd instinctively step back, giving the group a wide berth.

"Who are they?" the old man from the food stand muttered, his eyes narrowing in curiosity.

"I have no idea, but it looks like they're from a sect, judging by their similar robes," the young man replied, his gaze fixed on the newcomers.

They weren't the only ones staring. As the group moved towards the large pavilion in the center of the city, whispers and murmurs followed them.

"I've never seen someone so tall before," one of the bystanders commented, his voice tinged with awe.

"Is that a man or a woman? Look at the long hair," another questioned, their eyes squinting in an attempt to discern more details.

"It has to be a man," a third voice interjected confidently. "Not only is he tall, but also very muscular. He emits a powerful aura."

The crowd nodded in agreement, their curiosity piqued.

"Looks like they're heading for the Hall of Ascendancy," the older man remarked, his tone thoughtful.

The Hall of Ascendancy was a grand structure, its entrance flanked by stone statues of ancient warriors.

As the four figures approached the hall, the tall figure in black and gold paused, glancing around with keen, discerning eyes.

I stood before the grand edifice of the Hall of Ascendancy, marveling at its intricate architecture. The building's imposing presence spoke of power and authority, yet it was merely a branch of the main institution. "Not bad," I muttered, my eyes tracing the ornate carvings that adorned the entrance.

"If this is just a branch, imagine the main building," I mused aloud, awestruck by the thought.

"It doesn't even compare to our sect buildings," Yutian Wei remarked beside me, his tone dripping with disdain. He crossed his arms, unimpressed by the grandeur before us.

I chuckled softly. 'Yeah, but they built this with their bare hands using traditional methods, unlike our sect, which relied on the system,' I thought.

"Well, let's go inside," Wei Zhang urged, motioning towards the entrance.

"Not bad," I repeated as we stepped into the hall.

The interior was just as impressive as the exterior. High ceilings adorned with intricate carvings soared above us, and chandeliers cast a warm glow over the beautiful stone floors, though it was practically empty besides a few people cleaning the area.

A well-dressed woman approached us, her smile polite and welcoming. "May I help you?" she asked.

"Yes, we're here to be certified," Wei Zhang replied.

"Then follow me," she said, leading us towards a set of double doors.

We entered a spacious room dominated by a large crystal at its center. Weapons and historical paintings lined the walls, lending the room an aura of solemnity and reverence.

'What does that crystal do?' I asked the system, hoping it would finally respond to me.

'It measures one's cultivation,' the system responded, its tone matter-of-fact.

"That's what I thought," I muttered under my breath.

The woman turned to me, her gaze appraising. "I imagine you're the sect leader?"

I nodded.

"Please enter your spiritual energy into the crystal. It will determine your cultivation level and see if you qualify for the first requirement," she instructed.

'System, restrict my spiritual energy to a late-stage soul transformation,' I commanded internally.

'Sure,' the system responded clearly annoyed.

I placed my hand on the crystal, feeling its cool surface against my palm. Immediately, the crystal flared to life, darkening to a deep black but only filling three-quarters of its total capacity.

"Late-stage soul transformation? That's remarkable for someone so young. Usually, practitioners at this level and stage are around ninety years old," she remarked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"How do you know I'm young? For all you know, I could be ninety," I teased, a smirk playing on my lips.

She chuckled softly. "You just emit youthful energy."

She then turned to Wei Zhang, Xu Jie, and Yutian Wei, who were inspecting the weapons and paintings with interest. "Now it's your turn," she said.

Wei Zhang stepped forward first, placing his hand on the crystal. It glowed silver, also filling three-quarters.

"Late Nascent soul," the woman noted, impressed.

Xu Jie followed, his hand trembling slightly as he touched the crystal. It glowed a vivid green. "Peak Spirit Gathering," she announced, nodding approvingly.

Finally, Yutian Wei approached the crystal. It turned a deep blue almost instantly. "Early Core Foundation," she declared, a hint of admiration in her voice.

With all the formalities completed, the woman gestured for us to follow her to another part of the hall. We walked through corridors filled with relics and artifacts, each one telling a story of the province's rich history.

"Here we will complete the final step of your certification," she said as we entered a room with a large table covered in scrolls and documents. She took a seat behind the table and began writing swiftly.

"I will need your name and the sect's name," she said politely.

"My name is Alexandra Skywarden, and our sect is called the Oceanic Sect," I replied confidently.

"Could you please write that down for me?" she asked with a slight awkwardness.

I took the quill and ink offered, quickly jotting down the information she needed.

"You'll need to sign here," she indicated a spot on a document, "and here."

I signed where indicated, a sense of accomplishment washing over me.

"And now for the fee," she began, but I was already handing over ten gold coins, which she accepted with a grateful nod.

"Congratulations! The Hall of Ascendancy officially recognizes your sect as a low-tier entity until the final review by the main Hall," she said warmly, presenting me with a beautifully crafted jade plaque bearing my name. "This plaque signifies your official status and must be displayed prominently at your sect's headquarters."

"Thank you," I said sincerely, accepting the plaque with reverence.

"Now, we just need the location of your sect so we can proceed with the inspection," she said, handing me a piece of parchment.

I quickly wrote down the details and handed it back to her, noting her surprising lack of interest in reading it.

As we left the hall, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. That was easier than I thought it would be.

We stepped back into the bustling streets of Scarlet Reach. "Let's go. We have a lot of work to do," I said with a smirk and determination.