
Entrance Exam 2

The people seated around the auditorium went quiet as someone on the stage started speaking into the mic with a loud voice.

"Alright, listen up applicants! I'm one of the professors from U.A, here to supervise and see if any of y'all really deserve to pass! The entrance exam will start after I finish explaining so listen closely!!"

For some reason, he was yelling into the mic making it obnoxiously louder than it already is. A lot of the applicants, especially in the front row like Todoroki and Kyle, had to cover their ears, only enough to just hear him.

"The exam is simple. You lot will head to our very owned U.A. training grounds. It spans wide, as big as a small town, so you all should have plenty of space to do as you like."

"In there, there should be a total of three pro Tamers who each have a golden key attached on a necklace. You just need one key to open an exit gate."

"Once you pass through the exit gate, you've completed the entrance exam. Obviously once an exit gate has been opened, all of you can go through it if you like, it isn't just for one person. And that's all!" he said, before putting the mic down.

Loud chatter started coming out immediately all around the room. There were all type of expressions as they discussed about the exam. Some worried, others confident. Many mixed reactions were seen.

"Did you catch that?" Todoroki looked over and asked Kyle.

"Yeah, of course." he replied back casually.

Kyle immediately caught on once Present Mic's explanation sounded too simple. You'd think by what he said, you could technically just wait for someone to get a key, then pass through the gate without any effort done. But it sounds like, 'completing the exam' doesn't mean 'passing it'.

"…supervise and see…deserve to pass. His words." Kyle repeated what Present Mic said at the very beginning. "Three keys mean they're giving us three chances to pass. To see how much we can contribute for each key before it's taken."

"I was thinking the same." Todoroki replied.

Soon, the applicants were sent in a line as they walked for a few minutes inside the U.A building. After a while, they were met with a huge door made of metal as it opened by itself, revealing the outdoors.

You could see the sky, there were plants and all type of wooden and concrete buildings. It looked like an abandoned town. But it wasn't actually the outdoors since this area was apart of U.A. It was just an area to simulate what protrolling certain places would feel like.

After a while of waiting, every applicant made it into the training ground. This was when Present Mic picked up his mic again, seeing that everyone was ready.

"I wish you all luck! Show us you got what it takes to be a U.A. student okay?! Alright ready?? …START!!"

The moment he yelled 'Start', everyone started running into the town at every direction. Some could already be seen in groups, as they figured this exam takes account of teamwork heavily. They aren't completely wrong, but…

"The more people you work with, the less contributions you make overall." Todoroki was running beside Kyle. "I usually work alone but since it's Pro Tamers we're talking about… I think you and me are just enough to get a key. What do you think?"

Working in a group of just two people. It wouldn't be a bad idea if Todoroki didn't seem overly overpowered. He could potentially take most of the credit by just being that much better. Although, Kyle didn't mind taking risks.

"Sure. I can make that work." Kyle replied without any worry. Todoroki smiled in response, pleased by his answer.

Most wouldn't take that offer. But most people are also part of the average crowd. Being the 1% of people, means to become like Managers, Presidents, or CEOs who hire and manage more talented individuals than themselves.

Kyle had already decided. When he looked at Todoroki, he didn't see someone that could overshadow him. What he saw was a valuable chess piece that he could use to acquire a key.

Everyone's first plan of action was to find a Pro Tamer inside this town so they can get started. Kyle and Todoroki were the same as they could be seen running into the town along with other applicants around them.

However, a huge digimon the size of a house suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It had what seemed like a huge rake for a weapon as it slammed it onto the ground, causing the ground to shake with cracks forming.

"Holy shit an earthquake-!" One of the applicants screamed in fear.

"Ahahaha! It took y'all long enough rookies!" A woman was seen standing on top of the digimon. "You all are lucky we can't use our Ultimate! Now entertain me you scrubs!!"

Her digimon started rampaging, destroying all the buildings, causing mass destruction all around it as the woman just laughed in joy.

Most of the applicants nearby and their digimons were already harmed by her. Though some had managed to run away and hide, including Todoroki and Kyle. The two were currently hiding in one of the wooden huts, as they sat down beside a window, occasionally peeking out to check on the Pro Tamer.

"Looks like she's still moving and destroying everything around her. She might get to us in a few minutes." Kyle whispered to Todoroki. "What kind of Tamer is she anyway? You sure she's not a Virus?"

"She's pretty famous actually. Mt. Lady, a Pro Tamer apart of The Lurkers - a team of three Pro Tamers. Her partner is known to be one of the physically strongest out there. Looks like she's just using it's Champion form though."

"A Champion huh… Isn't that like three levels above In-Training? Rookie, Ace, then Champion right?" Kyle asked him, slightly troubled.

"Yeah.. I know you don't have much experience fighting digimons but I'll tell you right now. We have zero chance at 'beating' her in a fight. Even if a 100 of us ganged up on her."

He didn't need Todoroki to tell him that. Just looking from afar, he could see the difference in strength from her and them. She was in a whole different league.

"…Then we're gonna need more info. Tell me about her digimon, then tell me about yours." said Kyle, as he looked over at his two digimons.

"Of course. Her partner is Cho-Hakkaimon. Level: Champion. It's big in size and strong but isn't very fast. However, it has a rake as a weapon with some type of rockets attached to it. So it's attacks can be pretty fast. In addition to that, it's body is strong defensively, hard to damage, and if you get close, it has a special skill where it can lit itself on fire, burning everyone except the Tamer and itself."

"Hm.. So we're more fucked than I thought." Kyle muttered under his breath. Todoroki then looked over at his digimons.

"You're probably wondering, so I'll just say this briefly. The reason I have two digimons is because of my blood." Todoroki then brought them forward. "You should just use your Digi-App to scan them. It can explain decently."

'His blood?' He wondered, confused. Kyle took out his phone and went to scan the two digimons. The process took a few seconds to load but actually worked.


Scanning in process.







Digimon scan complete.


Digimon: Ludomon

Level: Rookie

Rarity: Unique

Ludumon is part of the White Shield Family. A Digimon family that solely works alongside those that has the blood of the first White Shield Tamer passed down to them. Fully equipped in armor from top to bottom, it specializes in the art of protection…..read more.


Digimon: Zubamon

Level: Rookie

Rarity: Unique

Zubamon is part of the Red Sword Family. A Digimon family that solely works alongside those that has the blood of the first Red Sword Tamer passed down to them. Made for battle, it seeks to be the sharpest it can be at every edge it has on it's body…..read more.


"Wait this means…" Kyle looked up at Todoroki, surprised.

"Just like humans, even digimons have their own family with traditions. My father inherited a digimon from the Red Sword family just like his father before him. They made him a Tamer the second he was born, creating a digimon egg beside him, which then becomes a new member of the Red Swords." Todoroki started explaining, with clear anger in his eyes.

"So your family basically grew up with digimons." Kyle thought out loud, to which Todoroki nodded in response.

"…One day he had the idea of an arranged marriage with my mother, who had a similar situation with the White Shield Family. The sharpest sword with the sturdiest shield…"

"But he quickly found out their child would need to score 100% in order to even handle two digimons. The passing score for one digimon is 50% so of course two digimons would need double. A 10/10 in every stat. My older brother and sister weren't even close."

"So how rare is that even? Getting a 10/10, especially in every stat." Kyle asked, quickly taking in all this info.

"Getting a 10/10 in just a single stat is one in millions. A 10/10 in every stat? Close to impossible." Todoroki said calmly, but with a frown forming on his face.

Kyle was taken back by this as he tried to process everything he just learned. He didn't know the world of digimon was this complicated. Looks like he was missing out. And now thinking about the 10/10 he got for his body stat, he felt somewhat lucky even though he only scored 50% overall.

"You said you have two older siblings? Was he not aware how rare a 10/10 in every stat is and just kept trying?" Kyle had a thought.

"Oh. No he was fully aware. You could say he was a…hopeful man. I mean, he was right and I was born after all." Kyle noticed how he seemed to be having a hard time talking about all this, clearly trying to keep his cool.

"Sounds to me like he was crazy. That's like 'putting your house down as collateral' level of gambling addiction." Kyle reminisced how his uncle was a gambling addict. This made Todoroki have a small laugh.

"Do you want to scan mine now?" Kyle asked, pointing at Claw.

"Oh, that's alright. I know some people who have that same digimon." he replied back nonchalantly.

"Ah.." Claw's rarity was Common after all. He probably should have figured that.

Well, now that Kyle got pretty much all that he wanted to know, it was time to move. He looked through the window at Mt. Lady, and smiled sadistically, already having a plan cooked up during all this.