
The Bamboo Silk House (Part Two)

"They aren't afraid of me," Wu Ling said, nodding slightly to other sect disciples they passed on their way to the back of the sect. "They're afraid of my mother," he explained. "The token marks me as her direct disciple so they're afraid of offending her by offending me."

"Is a sect elder so scary here?" Yao Meifeng asked. "I've heard that some elders in sects reign like tyrants but I always thought your mother was a kind and gentle woman. That was her outside your home wasn't it?" Yao Meifeng said, thinking of the apparition that had appeared to deal with the men who were hunting her. 

"She, she dealt harshly with those men," Yao Meifeng added. "But she was protecting all of us. That's not a reason to be afraid of someone."

"It was a little frightening," Su Yao admitted, recalling the scene outside Wu Ling's home. "But also reassuring to know that she could watch over us. I think that's how an Elder should be."

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