
A Broken System.

After a few minutes of silence, Lucifer walked back to his bed and sat there, trying to calm his breathing. He felt exhausted, as if he had just run a marathon, but the adrenaline pumping through his veins kept him alert.

As the high of the intense emotions he had experienced began to wear off, the weight of his actions started to sink in. The reality of what he had done began to dawn on him as he took in the sight of the two men's lifeless bodies on the floor.

The sudden rush of adrenaline that had fueled his rage and violence had now left him feeling empty and cold. Yet he didn't feel any regret or shame about what he had done.

It was the same when he killed all the robbers during the charity event. Nothing mattered other than his own needs and wants.

And this time, it was no different either. They had tried to take advantage of his women, so they were nothing more than insects that needed to be crushed.

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