
Ch-42 < End of bloody fight >

As Kevin and Elysia squared off against the Herrscher of Blood, a sudden notification echoed in Kevin's mind.

Objective: Defeat the Herrscher of Blood.


* 60,000 System Points

* Authority of Blood

* Endless Regeneration

* 2% Kevin Template

Kevin's eyes narrowed as he processed the information. *Endless regeneration,* he thought. *So that's her secret—it's what makes her nearly invincible.*

The Herrscher of Blood wasted no time, gathering an orb of blood in her right hand. It pulsed with immense energy, dark and volatile, causing the very air around them to hum with tension.

"That's dangerous!" Kevin shouted, realizing the severity of the attack.

In the blink of an eye, the blood orb exploded, sending a barrage of blood projectiles toward them.

Elysia swiftly raised her shield, but the force of the blood beam shattered it instantly. Kevin's body surged with an intense white light as he activated his defensive abilities, freezing the blood projectiles in mid-air.

Despite his efforts, some of the blood beams pierced through, striking him with enough force to distort space around them. Kevin gritted his teeth as two of the projectiles tore through his body, leaving gaping wounds from which blood flowed freely.

"That thing stings," Kevin muttered, feeling the sharp pain radiating from the wounds. He quickly froze the blood to prevent further loss, initiating a rapid healing process. The wounds closed up.

From a distance, Elysia's voice echoed with concern. "Kevin, are you alright?"

He nodded briefly, focusing on the fight ahead. *This isn't going to be easy,* he thought, his mind racing through strategies. But there was no time to dwell on it as the battle raged on.

The battlefield erupted in a dazzling display of power as Kevin and the Herrscher of Blood clashed.

Ice lances and blood beams collided in mid-air, creating a scene that was both beautiful and deadly. The sheer intensity of their attacks caused the ground to tremble, and the air shimmered with energy.

With his Void Authority, Kevin teleported all the blood projectiles behind the Herrscher of Blood, catching her off guard. The projectiles pierced her flesh, cutting through her limbs and drawing a pained scream from her.

"So, you do feel pain," Kevin remarked, his voice cold. But his confidence was short-lived.

The Herrscher's eyes glowed like scarlet rubies, and her blood dress seemed to come alive, writhing with an unsettling animation.

*She's not done yet,* Kevin thought, realizing that this fight was far from over.

In a flash, the Herrscher of Blood vanished, reappearing behind him with terrifying speed. Her red claws gleamed as they slashed toward his back, intent on tearing him apart.

But before she could strike, a crystal structure erupted from the ground, impaling her body and halting her attack. Kevin glanced back to see Elysia, her hand outstretched, her face set in determined focus.

*… Great timing,* Kevin thought, admiration flickering in his heart. But there was no time for sentiment.

He conjured a lightning blade in his hand and lunged at the Herrscher, stabbing her repeatedly and sending volts of electricity coursing through her body.

Kevin activate power absorption to weaken her.

The Herrscher screamed, her body convulsing from the shocks. Kevin leaped back just as blood projectiles erupted from the ground, barely missing him. He saw the Herrscher conjure a blood scythe, her eyes burning with fury.

Kevin brought out his Divine Key, Retribution, to counter her.

The two weapons clashed in the air, the force of their collision sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

The Herrscher of Blood fought with a ferocity born of desperation, but Kevin was clearly the superior fighter. With a series of precise strikes, he cut through her limbs, freezing them in place to prevent regeneration.

The Herrscher's body was now a ruin, her strength waning. Kevin grabbed her by the neck, his grip unyielding. He conjured ice lances inside her body, freezing her from the inside out, before flipping her to the ground with a powerful kick.

As she lay on the ground, struggling to rise, Kevin transformed his Divine Key into a spear. He infused it with a tremendous amount of energy, channeling all his power into the final attack. The spear glowed with an intense white light, its energy crackling like lightning.

With a mighty throw, Kevin hurled the spear toward the Herrscher. It moved with the speed of a laser beam, piercing her body with unstoppable force.

The impact triggered a massive explosion, the energy from the Divine Key unleashing its full destructive potential.

The explosion tore through the town, lightning and shockwaves spreading in all directions. Even Elysia, protected by her barrier, was knocked back by the sheer force of the blast.

Kevin rarely removed the limiter on his Divine Key, knowing the damage it could cause to the surroundings.

But in this moment, it was necessary. When the dust settled, there was nothing left of the Herrscher of Blood—no trace of her existence remained.

Kevin heard a notification

Reward -

*60k system points

*endless regeneration

* Authority of blood.

Kevin stigma glowed red and absorb the new Authority.

With endless regeneration, His previous wounds starts healing at naked eye but consumed too much energy.

Kevin stood amidst the ruins, his body aching from the exertion. He breathed heavily, feeling the weight of the battle lift from his shoulders. *It's finally over,* he thought, his mind finally allowing a moment of relief.

Elysia approached him, her expression a mix of concern and admiration. "You really did it, Kevin," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of awe.

Kevin nodded, his gaze fixed on the spot where the Herrscher had been. "It wasn't easy," he admitted. "But it had to be done."

Elysia smiled, though her eyes reflected the gravity of the situation. "We lost a lot today… but you saved countless lives."

Kevin didn't respond immediately, his thoughts drifting to the countless lives lost, the devastation that had been wrought.

As they stood in the aftermath of the battle, the sky above them began to clear, the oppressive aura of the Herrscher's presence finally dissipating.

Kevin looked at Elysia, a silent understanding passing between them.

Finally the calamity has passed away. Kevin thought and stumbling on ground but elysia caught her.

Maybe you should rest. Elysia said with Kevin in her arms.

Yes. Kevin then found a soft confort place and closed his eyes.
