
Ember Rose

[ Name: Nely ]

[ Age: 16 ]

[ Title: Ember Rose ]

[ Neba: Green - 10% ]

[ Zeten: Red - 8% ]

[ Abilities: Creation - Fireball ]

[ Special Ability: Berserk ]

[ Kills - 1450 ]

[ World experience: 23000 / 50000 ]

[ Fragments: 1500 / 1000 ]

[ Trial mission: gather 1000 fragments and help "Serenity's Shadow" complete the Trial Of Trust ]

[ 1000 fragment's reward : Divine Sword: Ember's Blood ]

[ Congrulations you've completed mission of fragments: ]

Reward - Ember's Blood

[ Ability description: Ember's Blood is a sword with the unique power to absorb blood. This blood can be used to instantly heal your wounds, regenerate lost body parts, or strengthen the sword itself. It can consume an endless amount of blood ]

[ Weakness: if the sword is not fed regularly, it will begin to consume its owner's blood instead, turning its hunger against its wielder. ]

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