

Langren Baohu Zhe couldn't help but squint his eyes, "You have come too far in life with such foolishness in your thoughts. All you are is ignorant to the truth. You know you cannot defeat me, yet you cling to that falsehood only to lose your life."

Tyr furrowed his eyebrows, "You stupid wolf... no matter how old, it seems your animal brain still doesn't work nearly as well as it should. Even if I accept that I will die, you will try to kill me anyways. That doesn't change the outcome... but knowing I will kill you... I will force it to come into fruition."

"Humph!" Langren exclaimed, "I won't stop at one attack this time..."

Tyr remained silent, thinking to himself for a moment, 'This bastard... he is still a wolf at the end of the day. I forgot about that fact since he seems so human and speaks my language.'

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