
Lonely as Snow

A building with a blue glass curtain wall stood tall at the entrance of the West Lake Science Park, exuding grandeur. This was the iconic West Lake Science Building.

Ayu Games' office occupied the 9th and 10th floors of this building, offering a prime location with floor-to-ceiling windows that provided a view of the distant misty waters and verdant hills of West Lake.

It was clear that when Song Kangnian founded this game company, he had high hopes for it.

When Murong Feng and Sun Xiaohong arrived at the company, the office was bustling with activity.

A game company is an environment where entertainment and creativity converge. In the spacious 800-square-meter office, walls and glass partitions were adorned with various game posters, featuring captivating magical scenes. Numerous potted plants were scattered around the office, improving air quality and creating a pleasant atmosphere. Most of the employees were young, and the entire company seemed vibrant and energetic.

Murong Feng was pleasantly surprised. He had expected the employees to be demoralized due to the company's sale and had prepared a motivational speech. However, it appeared that the company was operating as usual, indicating that the management team was capable and influential. So why were the company's results unsatisfactory?

Sun Xiaohong led Murong Feng to the general manager's office on the 10th floor, but it was empty. Murong Feng frowned and checked his watch; it was already 10:30 AM.

A pretty secretary who knew Sun Xiaohong approached them respectfully, "Miss Sun, General Manager Meng hasn't arrived yet. Please have a seat, and I'll call him to come over as soon as possible."

Sun Xiaohong looked apologetically at Murong Feng and smiled, "I left my phone at home this morning and didn't notify Meng Hao in advance. I didn't expect him to be this late. My apologies."

Murong Feng smiled, walked into the general manager's office, sat on the luxurious white leather sofa, and said, "No problem, Sunny. Let's wait and you can tell me more about the company's situation."

Sun Xiaohong began to introduce the key figures in the company.

Meng Hao, the current general manager, was headhunted from the renowned domestic game company NetDragon a year ago. He had studied in South Korea and had good relationships with many Korean game companies. Since joining Ayu, he had been negotiating several game distribution deals with Korean companies, preparing for a major expansion.

Another key figure was Wei Bao, the company's veteran and director of operations and development. Known as "Little Bao" among the staff, he had been with the company since its inception and was only 27 years old. He managed the company's overall operations and headed the game development department, showing impressive capabilities.

While they were talking, the office door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man with a cheerful face walked in quickly. "Sunny, I'm sorry. I was drinking with Director Park from NCsoft Korea last night and woke up late this morning. This must be Mr. Murong. I'm Meng Hao, nice to meet you!"

Murong Feng smiled and shook hands with him while carefully observing him.

Meng Hao looked like a typical professional manager—well-dressed, personable, with a pair of silver-rimmed glasses and a lively, friendly demeanor. However, through the lenses, Murong Feng felt he was shrewd and unpredictable.

Sun Xiaohong wanted to reprimand him but felt it was best to maintain Meng Hao's dignity in front of Murong Feng. She said directly, "General Manager Meng, Mr. Song has transferred all shares to Mr. Murong Feng. He will be the new owner of the company."

Meng Hao looked at Murong Feng in surprise, his smile growing even wider. "That's great! Mr. Murong... Chairman, should we hold a mid-level meeting to inform the management?"

Murong Feng smiled and nodded, "Good idea."


The meeting was held in the large conference room on the 10th floor.

Murong Feng didn't immediately sit at the head of the rectangular conference table. Instead, he leisurely examined the various trophies and certificates displayed on shelves along the walls.

2001 Best Online Game—China Game Industry Awards, 2001 Best Game—Computer Business Weekly, 2002 Best Game—ChinaJoy Golden Plume Award, 2002 Top Ten Game Operators—China Game Industry Annual Conference Golden Phoenix Award...

The numerous awards showcased Ayu Games' former glory.

Unfortunately, these honors were from many years ago, and Ayu Games was no longer a leading player in the gaming industry.

Once everyone had arrived, the secretary quietly closed the conference room door, and the room gradually fell silent.

Meng Hao approached and respectfully whispered, "Chairman, we can start now."

Murong Feng nodded, calmly walked to the high-backed leather chair at the head of the table, adjusted his seating comfortably, leaned back, and gestured for Meng Hao to start the meeting. Meanwhile, he observed the company's core team members.

The gaming industry is a young field, and most of the mid-level executives present were in their twenties or thirties. Although they were surprised to see the new chairman, they all sat up straight and prepared for the meeting, demonstrating their competence.

After Meng Hao introduced the company's change in ownership, mentioning that Murong Feng would be the new chairman, the mid-level executives couldn't hide their surprise. However, most were pleased, with the men feeling hopeful and the women admiring the handsome young chairman.

"Now, let's welcome Chairman Murong to speak!" Meng Hao's words were met with spontaneous applause from everyone.

Murong Feng waved his hand, smiling, "Now that we're all part of the same team, let's skip the formalities. Let's start with introductions so we can get to know each other."

Everyone introduced themselves. After Meng Hao, the long-haired young man in the first seat on the right was indeed Wei Bao, the operations and development director that Sun Xiaohong had mentioned. Other key figures included the PR director, channel promotions director, various game project directors, planning director, art director, HR director, and administrative director, all of whom seemed capable and sharp. The company was undoubtedly rich in talent.

Murong Feng made eye contact and smiled at each person as they spoke, which had a reassuring effect. By the time everyone had introduced themselves, they felt much more at ease with him.

The conference room quieted down, and everyone waited for Murong Feng to speak.

Murong Feng remained silent for a moment, then spoke calmly, "Just now, I looked through the awards, the honors Ayu has achieved. Faced with Ayu's current situation, I can't help but feel sad."

Murong Feng looked around, seeing that most people avoided eye contact, except for Wei Bao, who looked at him with a thoughtful gaze. Meng Hao, on the other hand, appeared uneasy, as the chairman's criticism of the company's performance was a direct reflection on him as general manager.

Everyone looked ashamed.

Murong Feng continued, "Although the company's performance is not ideal, I must commend you all. You are good managers!" The crowd was surprised and looked up at him.

Murong Feng pointed casually outside and smiled, "When I walked in, I noticed the employees were all enthusiastic and energetic. I believe this is a result of your effective management." Seeing their faces relax into smiles, Murong Feng noted several people looking at Wei Bao.

He smiled, then became serious again, "Alright, since I and Fengxing Wireless have taken over the company, becoming the sole shareholders, we see Ayu's potential and future. I hope to work with you all to grow Ayu Games into a leading company once again. We will continue to invest and support the company."

Though his words were calm, the content excited everyone.

Murong Feng continued, "Now, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the company's development. Let's brainstorm. Please share your ideas." He encouraged everyone, finally looking at Wei Bao.

But Meng Hao spoke first, "Chairman, regarding the company's next steps, we concluded earlier that acquiring high-quality foreign games for domestic distribution is essential. This model has been crucial for many domestic game companies. For example, Shanda's [Legend] and The9's [World of Warcraft] were huge successes. Recently, I've been negotiating with Korean companies to introduce several games, and we've made significant progress."

Murong Feng nodded, "Makes sense... Any other thoughts?"

Wei Bao, having been observing Murong Feng and seeming to understand something, spoke up, "Chairman, General Manager Meng, I have a slightly different view."

He spoke confidently, "I agree that the distribution model is important, but we must also look to the future! Those who own their intellectual property control the market's core competitiveness. NetEase's [Fantasy Westward Journey], Sohu's [Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils], Perfect World's [Zhu Xian], Giant's [Zheng Tu]... Even the successful distribution examples Meng cited show the risks of the model. Shanda's [Legend] disputes and NetEase's takeover of [World of Warcraft] highlight these issues."

Murong Feng smiled, nodding occasionally, encouraging Wei Bao, who continued, "Foreign game companies demand more and more from the Chinese market, with rising fees and harsher conditions. The distribution model is costly and risky! I believe we should strengthen our own development. Over the years, we've accumulated significant experience in operations and game development. With financial support, I am confident we can create original online games that rival those from Korea within a year!"

His passionate speech was met with enthusiastic applause from the young executives.

Only Meng Hao looked uncomfortable. He wanted to argue but couldn't find the words. He had always used his authority as general manager to suppress these ideas, but now he was at a loss.

Following this, many mid-level managers shared their ideas enthusiastically. They understood the benefits of in-house development and were passionate about the industry.

Murong Feng immediately expressed his support for developing original games, exciting and motivating everyone.

After the meeting, Murong Feng promoted Wei Bao to vice-general manager and operations and development director, giving him full responsibility for the company's development.

Despite Meng Hao's differing views on products, he had valuable industry resources and connections. Murong Feng decided to keep him.

Murong Feng had a private conversation with Meng Hao, expressing his trust in his abilities and asking him to support Wei Bao's development work. He also hoped Meng Hao could use his industry connections to recruit talented developers. Meng Hao, feeling both relieved and grateful, pledged his loyalty.

Having smoothly taken over Ayu Games and earned the loyalty and respect of most of the management, Murong Feng's performance impressed Sun Xiaohong and Tang Qing.

Tang Qing, who had accompanied Murong Feng throughout, knew him well. Hearing Sun Xiaohong's account of Murong Feng's first meeting, her image of Murong Feng as being indifferent was overturned. 

She recalled how Murong Feng was when they first met, with his indifferent demeanor and calm poise. She realized she hadn't fully understood him. He wasn't incapable; perhaps he just hadn't been interested in certain things before.

Thinking of Murong Feng's lazy yet charming smile, Tang Qing felt a flutter in her heart.

She took out her phone, about to call Murong Feng to ask why he had disappeared after leaving Ayu Games. She planned to hold a celebration dinner for him.

Just then, her phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, she smiled brightly and answered, "Murong, where are you? I'll come get you. Tonight, we can..."

Murong Feng's apologetic voice interrupted, "Sorry, Janney, tonight's not good. I'm driving to Wuxi. Ye Zi called me; she has an urgent matter, so I'm heading over. Will you be in Hangzhou for a few more days? Or when we return to Beijing, I'll treat you to dinner and apologize. Please let Miss Sun know too. I should have celebrated with you both."

Tang Qing's mood plummeted, she hastily agreed along and ended the call. Her hand slipped, and her exquisite Vertu Ascent titanium leather phone fell to the carpet. 


Night fell, and the lights on West Lake Avenue sparkled brightly. Tang Qing sat alone on the terrace of the executive lounge at the Sofitel West Lake Hotel, holding a cocktail with a name she didn't know but chosen for its vibrant colors, gazing at the tranquil night scenes of the Wes Lake.

The water gently lapped, and faint lights dotted the lake, likely from the boats cruising at night. She wondered if they were on the "Bright Day," "Rainy Wonder," or "Floating Plum" boats. Friends enjoying a night cruise, drinking and chatting sounded delightful. Perhaps she should have planned Murong Feng's celebration on one of those boats. Tang Qing smiled wryly at her own thoughts and took a sip of her drink. By now, he should have reached Wuxi. How ridiculous that she was still here, feeling unsettled.

Her phone rang again. Without looking, she answered, "Hello, who is this?"

"Miss Tang? Hello, this is Wang Wentian."

"Oh, Chairman Wang, hello!" It was the chairman of Westlake Holdings, one of the largest private enterprises in Hangzhou and a partner in the recent Mercedes-Benz event.

"The event these past few days has been very successful, thanks to the cooperation of Mercedes-Benz. Do you have time for dinner? I'd like to express my gratitude," Wang Wentian said politely.

"Chairman Wang, you're too kind. Unfortunately, I might return to Beijing tomorrow. Next time I'm in Hangzhou, I'll be sure to visit you. Tonight? No, Chairman Wang, I'm not quite feeling well tonight. Yes, I'll take care of myself. Thank you, Chairman Wang. Goodbye."

Tang Qing hung up, sighed, and gazed into the distance. The vast waters of Westlake, the mountains as dark as ink.

A graceful and stunning woman, elegantly holding a cocktail, sitting on a terrace bar stool, gazing into the distance. Such a beautiful scene, yet a deep sense of loneliness seemed to envelop her.
