
Classes/Club Time-C

First day of school.

I rose up in the morning and dragged my body to eat breakfast and took a bath. After I put on my well ironed clothes, I left the dorms.

When the class started the teacher began teaching us. Everyone was pretty serious look on their faces, it was understandable it was the first day of classes.

We had our classes and the teachers were teaching us in a normal way than we all thought. When a student named Ishizaki started snoring in he middle of the class, the teachers didn't even mind and we're very lenient.

Many of the students were surprised, in fact disappointed, by genuinely how warm and friendly the teachers are. When one bad apple are mixed in the bunch, the others starts to rot too.

During in between period breaks, I thought of something funny. I went up with a permanent marker on my hands and went to Ishizaki's seat. I began drawing on his face of a certain Octopus that can move fast as Mach 20. I have to make sure my hands are steady it wouldn't wake him up.

It didn't even take me a few seconds before his face turned into a comical gag of Koro-sensei's face. I also wrote a few words before stealthily escaping from the crime scene.

It was a perfect prank I pulled.


Lunchtime came when the last school bell rang for this morning.

When Ishizaki woke up, he was furious and are growling at everyone looking around for the culprit.

"Who!? Who did this to me!!!" He shouted at the classroom. It was an unseemingly conduct and the cameras are monitoring the classroom.

Ishizaki looked at every one of the students. Some of them couldn't resist but laugh earning more of Ishizaki's fury.

After I pulled the prank, it took a while for the other students to notice the drawing on Ishizaki's face.

I pulled out the permanent marker I used, Ishizaki noticed it and he glared at me furiously.

"So it was you, fucking bastard!" He went to me step by step clearly about to confront me and was about to grab my collars.

I wasn't a fan of someone getting their hands on me so I grabbed on his wrists, "What are you so worked out about? Are you accusing me responsible of that ugly drawing on your face?"

"Ghhh, shut up! If it wasn't you then who is it?"

"You can just everyone here if anybody see someone do this to you. Right?" I said to him, then continued and loudly said. "Did anyone see who could be pulling a nasty prank on this guy like this?!"

Everyone looked at one another, visibly ignorant. Not one pointed a finger to one person.

"Well as you can see, since no one saw the culprit then that's sad. Well if you were only not sleeping then there aren't anyone gonna draw on somebody's face. I would admit that the one who draw this is pretty good. Why don't you try having it on for the whole day? You look very cool in it. I would rate it 9/10. Congratulations! With this you can at least have one Octopus girlfriend confessing their live to you. But if you continue dozing off during class like this, you might not just have one but many more. Of course you might even look forward to anyone that might do it for you."

I removed my grip on Ishizaki's hands, after that he stopped harassing on me and went to the bathroom while spouting curses loudly for everyone to hear.

Well, that was boring. That'll teach him a lesson at least, and a warning to everyone in class.

Actually it was just a passive thought that came to me. What if I start thinking of punishing ways to 'punish' students like talking and using their smartphones? Oh gosh, I think I can't stop myself getting wild with this.

I didn't know I was grinning so hard my face turned into a face of a certain Octopus.


When I came back from the cafeteria, music played through the speakers.

"At 5 PM today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat, at–" A girl with a sweet voice continued with the announcement.

Club activities, I'm a member of the go home club so I don't really have any interests on them. But since I have nothing better to do this afternoon, I guess I'll take a look.

That was when I was sipping on my strawberry milk, a girl approached me. Based on her appearance she looked quite like a tomboy.

"Hey, I'm Ibuki Mio. Tell me yours." This girl just rudely demanded.

"Akabane Karma, just call me Karma is fine. Nice to meet you, Ibuki." I replied.

"I see, Karma. I'll remember you." Then she just left and went to her seat.

Huh? I don't understand what got her like that. Did I do something to her? Not like I'm gonna apologize.

Ibuki Mio, self proclaimed Horikita's rival. After consistent competition with Horikita in the sport festival and inhibited island special exam, she became a student who had great athletic ability that could rival Horikita. Though her problem is that she didn't really have any friends.

Later that afternoon I went to the club fair. It was interesting to say the least. They have all sorts of cutting edge technology on the sports clubs. And the cultural clubs have all kinds of tools and instruments. If Koro-sensei was still alive, I bet he would find this amazing technology great tools for teaching us.

The last who gave the speech was the current student council president, Horikita Manabu. He was Horikita Suzune's elder brother. He came to the club fair so he might recruit promising first years that wanted to join the student council.

And with that he announced that the club fair ended.

With nothing to do I decided to go back home.
