
new home

That same day, in the afternoon, Ron and his family received the news they had been longing for; They had been assigned a new house in Alexandria, Jessie, helped by Aiden and Reg, Deanna's husband, moved the family's belongings to the new house, meanwhile, Ron had fallen asleep after Denise's treatment, his body exhausted from the fight and wounds.

When the move was complete, his mother woke him up, her voice soft and concerned. "Ron, wake up, We have prepared the new house. Your things are already there."

With Aiden's help, Ron arrived at the new home, As he crossed the threshold, his eyes widened in amazement. The house was bigger than he had imagined.

The first floor was an open space, with a large living room and dining room. The white-painted walls reflected the light coming through the windows, and the wooden floor creaked under his feet.

The kitchen, spacious and bright, was equipped with modern appliances. Ron imagined his mother preparing comforting meals, the aroma of spices filling the air. Next to the kitchen, they found a small laundry room, and a small guest room.

There was also a garage with space for two cars, Ron and his family did not have a car so for the moment it would remain empty, at least until Ron could acquire one, next to the stairs that led to the second floor, Ron could see the entrance to a basement, Ron imagined a workshop or a tool room

On the second floor, a common room connected three rooms and a small study, Sam chose the room closest to the window.

Ron walked out into the front yard, where weeds were beginning to grow. "We'll fix that later," Jessie said, her voice filled with determination to which Ron just nodded silently.

 "What do you think?" Jessie asked, looking at her children fondly.

Ron and Sam remained silent as they admired the house.

"My mother felt quite guilty for not having taken action on the matter before things reached this state, so as an apology she assigned them this place" interrupted Aiden who had helped carry the family's things.

Ron nodded in understanding, apparently the fact that his father hit his mother was a fact known to the leaders of Alexandria, the fact that they allowed such an act was quite upsetting to Ron however he knew that being the only trained doctor From the town it was normal for his father to receive certain benefits. On the other hand, this made him wonder how many misdeeds were ignored in favor of the stability of the community.

'Perhaps the apparent peace of Alexandria was more fragile than he initially thought,' Adam muttered without anyone hearing him.

"Let's make it our home," Jessie said, leading him into a room. "Rest, Ron. You have earned it."

Ron fell onto the bed, feeling the softness of the sheets under his fingers. Tiredness enveloped him

"Thank you, Mom," he murmured as he closed his eyes before drifting off into a restful sleep.

The next day, Ron and his family began to settle into their new home, they finished unpacking their belongings, Deanna had made sure to recover the rest of them from their old house, this made the family feel more comfortable in their new around.

Jessie hung curtains on the windows and organized the kitchen. Sam, still confused by everything that had happened, explored every corner with curious eyes.

For Ron's part, with the help of Sam, they began to fix the garden, planting vegetable seeds, hoping that they would grow and help their family have fresh food.

Three days had passed since they moved in, and Ron felt stronger with each day. The physical wounds healed quickly allowing him to focus on his next goals.

Jessie, for her part, was busy. Deanna had made her her assistant, and now supported her in her duties as community leader. Ron saw her leave early in the morning and return in the afternoon with a tired face, even so, he realized that Jessie felt more fulfilled than ever now that she had stopped being just the doctor's wife and had become someone else.

Jessie's new occupations caused her to arrive home late several days a week, so Ron and Sam would often go pick her up when they saw that the sun was about to set. This meant that the little family ended up constantly having dinner in the kitchen. Monroe house.

 It was during these dinners that Deanna's husband Reg began to take an interest in Ron; since for him, the boy had shown great courage and maturity in defending his mother from his abusive father, however, he could not help but look at Ron with a mixture of admiration and sadness since for him the boy's behavior was a product of the hard life he had had to lead, which is why he continually found himself approaching Ron to offer him advice and guidance.

Ron didn't know how to react to Reg's looks and advice, because he was a transmigrated person. He felt like an incomplete puzzle, with pieces that didn't quite fit together, so the support Reg gave him made him feel guilty and exasperated at the same time.

Reg, for his part, watched Ron with a mixture of amazement and curiosity, in addition to his incredible maturity. The boy spent most of his time observing and learning how the community worked. Ron had asked his permission to read the books Reg had in his office, and although he was reluctant at first, he finally agreed. He thought Ron would give up soon, but the young man surprised him by being consistent in his studies.

Ron devoured the books in Reg's office, taking notes in a notebook while he studied. Upon reviewing his notes, Reg was impressed by the boy's ability to understand such advanced topics so he decided to take him under his wing, and so, every afternoon, after dinner, Reg would take a couple of hours to guide Ron in his studies.

Thus, without realizing it, he spent a month until rum, his wounds had completely healed, and his body had become stronger thanks to daily exercise routines. Every morning, he went for a run, dragging his younger brother, Sam, with him. He told him that he had to become strong to protect his mother, and although Jessie laughed at his nonsense, Ron knew there was a kernel of truth in his words.

Ron had also convinced Jessie to train. "We never know when we will have to flee from zombies or face some other disaster," she had told him. Jessie didn't know why Ron called the dead zombies, he even asked him at first and Ron just said that that's what they called the undead in the comics, which to Jessie seemed even more incredible.

She, too, didn't understand what Ron meant by "other disasters," but in the end she agreed to accompany them in their training.

Every morning, after an hour of cardio, Ron dove into his boxing training, teaching Sam the basics of the sport. By this time, Jessie had already left for her new job as Deanna's assistant. Ron would prepare food for him and his brother, and then take Sam to school.

Once he was home alone, Ron devoted most of his time to what he called his personal project. This project involved developing development plans for Alexandria. His mind was buzzing with ideas: strengthening the city's defenses, creating farming and livestock areas, establishing raw materials processing zones, and improving the community's medical and educational facilities. However, all this required specific knowledge. What crops were most suitable for the area? What type of livestock would be most efficient? How were they grown and raised? And he could not forget the methods of processing raw materials to obtain construction resources, medicines and, of course, ammunition.

Ron knew that the latter would be necessary at some point in the not too distant future. But for now, everything seemed more like a distant goal than a structured plan. In addition, he had obtained a map of the surrounding area and had marked areas of interest: police stations, military bases, hospitals, warehouses and possible meeting points for survivors.

Unknown to anyone, Ron was preparing to exploit these places once his body was ready. The seeds of change were planted, and Ron was determined to see them grow.
