
Chapter 165 - Secret art

As the door closed behind them, the guards outside began murmuring among themselves.

"Unbelievable," one whispered, nudging the guard beside him. "Sitting in the Princess's own carriage…"

"Years in service, and I've barely seen her at a distance," another muttered, still watching with a mixture of envy and awe.

One of the guards, shaking off his surprise, adjusted his hold on the unconscious captain draped over his shoulder, checking to ensure his grip was secure.

"All right, let's move. With the Princess here, we can't afford any delays."

The guards formed up around the carriage, resuming their positions.

Silently, with vigilant eyes scanning the path ahead, they began their journey toward the imperial capital once more.

As Zarak entered the carriage, he felt an odd shift, as though stepping into another world entirely.

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