
One last step to darkness


The aroma of Spicy roast filled the candle lit room where Lilith ate dinner with her two daughters. The sound of cutlery going against the plates was the only noise being made.

Hori and Hera knew better than to make noise at the table. It would easily irritate Lillith.

And so when a knock came on the door when Lillith had her wine glass against her lips, she paused with a frown and a raised eyebrow. It had to be one of the workers and she wondered which of them would dare to interrupt.

"Come on in." She called curtly as she replaced her wine glass on the table before her.

One of her security guards walked in quickly with his head bowed because he was scared of meeting her angry gaze.

"My apologies for disturbing you madame. But there was a special message from the Alpha's guards." He said quickly.

This brought Lillith to a halt. She stood up slowly.

"What message?" She asked.

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