
Ch - 11 Spark?

"This might all seem nonsense to you, but it's the truth. If you want to confirm this theory, you have to tell us which orphanage you grew up in." Eobard, being a genius, was confident about his theory but still wanted definite evidence for his speculation. To confirm it, he needed Swayam's help to get all the information about his life.

"Well, I don't remember much from my childhood days in the orphanage. It wasn't a good place. Unlike what most people believe, that orphans gets to eat three times a day, it wasn't like that. The place I grew up in was an orphanage in name only; it was more like a training center foor goons. Every orphan who wasn't adopted after a certain number of times ended up on the streets, either begging for money, food, or clothes, or joining a street gang to collect protection money from stores in their area of influence. Despite these negatives, the orphanage had a positive side. Those who wanted to study and try for a better life could pursue any type of education they preferred."

Swayam reminisced as he continued, "In 2013, with no chance of being adopted, I became a guide for tourists, which helped me learn many languages. I became so proficient that, except my face and physique, no one could distinguish me from native speakers. By the age of 15, I realized that being multilingual wasn't enough, so I started to study. The dean of the orphanage noticed my progress and diligence and decided to sponsor me. By the age 22, I completed college with a degree. The college where I graduated offered me a job as an English teacher."

After talking for a while, Swayam's mouth became dry, so he looked at Cisco and asked for water. Although Cisco wasn't his servant, he did give him a glass of water, since he was also interested in learning more about Swayam's life.

What everyone failed to noticed was that when Cisco's hand accidentally came into contact with Swayam's, a multicolored spark was generated, which then entered Swayam's hand and vanished.

"After working for two years as an English teacher, I was thinking of changing jobs due to insufficient salary. While standing on the balcony of my rented room, the multicolored lightning struck me. Everything afterwards you already know." When Swayam finished talking, each individual had an impressed look on their face. Caitlin, who was most impacted by his story, walked near him, removed her surgical gloves, and touched Swayam's hand. This caused another multicolored spark, which didn't go unnoticed by Swayam this time. Although surprised, he didn't show it in his expression. The only emotion he displayed was gratitude toward Caitlin, Cisco, and Dr. Wells.
