
Ch - 5 Swayam? Sam?

After a brief pause, seeing that the unknown individual has digested the information provided to him, Harrison Wells continued, "As for why you are here, you were caught in the explosion of the particle accelerator. S.T.A.R. Labs were working on it for the betterment of humanity, but it malfunctioned and caused an explosion."

Hearing this and noting that none of them mentioned his name, confirmed to Swayam that they didn't know about him, which could possibly mean that he didn't exist in this universe. This realization ran through Swayam's mind in an instant. He quickly looked around his surroundings, than focused on Harrison Wells and answered, "My name is Swayam, Sam for short. I know for certain that I was struck by multicolored lightning on my balcony on the fourth floor. Shouldn't I be receiving treatment for that? How did I get involved in your so-called particle accelerator?"

"That explains why you had burned and tattered clothes and lightning scars on your body when we first admitted you here. But lightning struck only one individual, which is Barry Allen, and there wasn't any report about another person being struck by lightning. If what you said is true, then how did you end up in S.T.A.R labs?" Cisco asked excitedly, his curiosity piqued by Swayam's answer, prompting even more questions.

Seeing that Cisco was overwhelming the patient, Eobard grabbed his arm and said, "Easy there, Cisco. We don't want to overwhelm our patient. And you, Mr. Swayam, can you elaborate on where exactly you were and what you were doing?"

'Here is the question. Let's see if I can make them believe me or not,' Swayam thought. With a pondering look, he began, "You can call me Sam. As I said earlier, I was on my balcony, sitting on a chair and enjoying a beautiful day when suddenly the clouds above the city started to darken. A spherical cloud formed above the place where I live. To my shock, it started to condense, and than a multicolored lightning struck me out of nowhere. It felt like my body was being torn apart piece by piece. Then as suddenly as it started, it stopped. When I came to my senses, I was in the middle of a massive crowd screaming and running everywhere. As I became curious about what was happening, some kind of wave hit me, causing me to loose consciousness. When I finally woke up, I found myself in this room. Just as I started to panic, I saw that person..." He pointed to Barry Allen. "...shaking, which alerted the sirens. Then you three came running. And that's everything that happened to me."
